Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Meet Jagmeet Singh.

Canadians keep hearing that the economy is doing great, but they’re not seeing the benefits. That’s why yesterday’s budget was so disappointing.
The Liberals talk a good game – but when it comes time to act, they don’t have the courage to make the bold changes that would make a difference in people’s lives.
Joseph, millions of Canadians are facing the choice between paying the bills and filling their prescriptions again this year – but rather than make a real investment in pharmacare, the Liberals are doing yet another study.
And it’s not just pharmacare. This budget doesn’t come close to addressing the housing crisis. It doesn’t allocate the money that’s needed to end all boil water advisories in First Nations communities. It delays almost all of the funding that was promised for climate change until after the next election. And once again, the Liberals have refused to close tax loopholes and get their wealthy friends to pay their fair share.
This government keeps moving the goal posts. But we’ve waited long enough.
Joseph, in two years time, I’m hoping to present Canadians with a different kind of budget. One that will make life better for the millions of Canadians that are struggling.
Our budget will tackle inequality. We’ll close tax loopholes and use the billions we save to make immediate investments in pharmacare, childcare, and housing. We’ll work towards reconciliation and build meaningful nation-to-nation relationships. We’ll finally address post-secondary education and end student debt for young Canadians trying to build their future. We’ll treat climate change with the urgency it deserves, and we won’t wait to act.
Millions of Canadians are still working hard, but they can’t get ahead. But we don’t have to get used to the growing gap between the super rich and the rest of us, Joseph.
This isn’t as good as it gets.
Our team is standing up for a fairer, more just Canada every day. I’m proud of the work we’ve done. But there’s so much more to do if we’re going to build a Canada where everyone can get ahead.
That’s why our team is hard at work, from coast to coast to coast. And we won’t stop until we have a bold, progressive, New Democratic budget – that puts people first.
With love and courage,
Jagmeet Singh
Canada’s NDP
Dear Jagmeet Singh

Find the school teacher Stephen Fritz in New York and listen to him.
He teaches and inspires six year old children to grow Hydroponic vegetables inside the school class rooms and everywhere else in New York! He certainly inspired me and I am 70 years old and also a kid at heart. 
 Such schools are spreading quietly across North America and hopefully they will in the near future undermine the belief that money and budgets and political power are all important. The economy is an artificially created human social construct and presently it is dangerous and destructive to all that is natural and beautiful. It can only be useful if it saves and protects and enhances Nature.
 Hydroponic oriented schools and buildings here and around the world are presently saving and protecting and enhancing Nature. They are spreading fast!  Learn and use the information to win your election. P.S. Imagine growing flowers and vegetables within the Arctic circle.

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