Monday, July 24, 2017


Philosophically speaking...

I AM THEREFORE I THINK....Joseph Raglione...philosopher..

 I am a complex assembly of sub atomic particles cohesively attracted to each other to form specific purpose molecules and cells and organs which work together to form a living environmentally activated and thinking human being.

 My body is composed of electrically activated chemicals sensitive to heat and sound and light as well as to: pressure and smell and taste. I am a Bio-Battery wrapped in a flexible shell of skin and I produce on average 98.6 F. degrees of heat. My brain is activated by both interior and exterior stimuli which travel along pathways of highly sensitive nerve cells. My brain also reproduces in miniature, copies of what it sees and feels and archives that stimuli within it's molecular memory bank. Later, it will match incoming stimuli with it's interior memories and decide what physical action or emotion is an appropriate response for the new stimuli. Choosing what is best is not strictly isolated to human beings. Many animals and birds and insects have the capacity of choosing what is best for them.

  My brain connects people and.places and things in a continual association of ideas archived and linked with the emotions of : like, love, fear or hate.
  My brain remembers by comparing and activating interior synapse copies of exterior stimuli with the accompanying emotion.

  I invite world scientists to add or subtract and verify all the information mentioned above in order to create a universally accepted and clear picture of how I think! :) Signed: Joseph Raglione...philosopher.

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