Saturday, May 6, 2017

The president of the New Democratic Party of Canada.

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Marit Stiles, Canada's NDP

Sat, May 6, 2017 at 12:04 PM
To: Joseph Raglione <>
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Hi Joseph,
I’m Marit Stiles, President of Canada’s New Democrats. It’s great to e-meet you.
We’re a team that believes we can build a better Canada – one that is prosperous, sustainable, and where no one is left behind. We share your vision of a fairer, more equal country and believe that it’s within reach.
To get there, we all need to work together in communities across the country — and that's where you come in. 
1. Accept this invitation.
2. Invite your friends.
From our earliest days, we’ve built this movement from the ground up, one conversation at a time. Every new person strengthens our team – so, recruit three friends to join you today.
3. Take the “Big Issue” poll.
Our movement is fueled by grassroots supporters like you. Tell us what’s important to your community — and find out who else is fighting for that issue with you.
Thanks for standing with us – more to come.

Marit Stiles, President

Marit’s been part of the NDP family for over 25 years and she’s clocked countless hours of grassroots organizing, making her a great fit for President of Canada’s NDP. Her parents left the U.S. as conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War and moved to Logy Bay, Newfoundland where Marit was born and raised. She now lives in Toronto with her partner Jordan, two teenaged daughters, two dogs, and a fish who never dies.

New Democratic Party of Canada
300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J9

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Joseph Raglione

Sat, May 6, 2017 at 4:29 PM
To: "Marit Stiles, Canada's NDP" <>
Dear Marit Stiles:

  I am sad to read you spent countless hours of grassroots organizing.
Does your lawn look any better?

 Years ago I worked for the NDP in Laval West and helped our local NDP
candidate win his election. He ran under the umbrella of
"environmental protection" and not once did he ask me for my advice on
protecting the environment. I was and still am deeply involved with
environment protection. In fact the only person to communicate with me
on a regular basis was Barack Obama and surprisingly, he did use many
of my ideas. I asked the new president to meet with Jack Layton and
learn from Jack the NDP system to implement medicare within the United

 My days as an unpaid "volunteer" are over. You can buy my ideas and
concepts and reports for a reasonable fee. My friends include the head
of Greenpeace in the United States and if I sound angry it is because
the advice and words of science and scientists have been drowned out
by the sounds of commercial advertising on the media. Money dominates
and until that changes and you live next to a river I suggest you buy
a small boat.

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
Tel: 514-709-6810

On 5/6/17, Marit Stiles, Canada's NDP <> wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> I'm Marit Stiles, President of Canada's New Democrats. It's great to e-meet
> you.
> We're a team that believes we can build a better Canada - one that is
> prosperous, sustainable, and where no one is left behind. We share your
> vision of a fairer, more equal country and believe that it's within reach.
> To get there, we all need to work together in communities across the country
> -- and that's where you come in. Here are three things you can do right now
> to get started:
> 1. Stay connected on social.
> Facebook and Twitter are great ways to stay in touch and spread the word
> about the work we're doing together.
> Like us on Facebook:
> Follow us on Twitter:
> 2. Invite your friends.
> From our earliest days, we've built this movement from the ground up, one
> conversation at a time. Every new person strengthens our team - so, recruit
> three friends to join you today.
> 3. Take the "Big Issue" poll.
> Our movement is fueled by grassroots supporters like you. Tell us what's
> important to your community -- and find out who else is fighting for that
> issue with you.
> Thanks for standing with us - more to come.
> Marit
> Marit Stiles, President
> Marit's been part of the NDP family for over 25 years and she's clocked
> countless hours of grassroots organizing, making her a great fit for
> President of Canada's NDP. Her parents left the U.S. as conscientious
> objectors to the Vietnam War and moved to Logy Bay, Newfoundland where Marit
> was born and raised. She now lives in Toronto with her partner Jordan, two
> teenaged daughters, two dogs, and a fish who never dies.
> --------------------
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> Twitter:
> You are subscribed as:
> Update profile:
> Cliquez ici si vous préférez recevoir les courriels en français:
> Unsubscribe:
> New Democratic Party of Canada, 300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J9
> 1-866-525-2555
> cope:225/jg

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