Monday, May 29, 2017

Millions may die because of us!!!

 Global warming is created by selfish greed!

 When a drought is created in Africa as a consequence of global warming, millions of innocent people face the risk of starvation and death! However, around the world those people responsible for global warming enjoy the benefits of a comfortable existence and seldom think about who survives or who dies as long as they personally enjoy life and are not forced to face water shortages and starvation or sickness. What happens, however, if the comfortable are forced to face facts and are no longer able to enjoy the benefits of greed and largess? Will they finally change their patterns of behavior?

 Unless motivated to change their economic concepts, comfortable people will maintain a level of global pollution detrimental to almost everyone on the planet except themselves! A level of pollution which creates and maintains personal profits for a small minority of people. The One Percent at the expense of the Ninety Nine percent and bad habits are difficult to change when they are rewarded with money and power! This is not to say I advocate egalitarianism or communism but I do advocate much needed economic changes!
 Our present economic patterns are destructive to the Biodiversity of Earth! I advocate much needed changes to our economic priorities, We have to create incentives for global companies to protect Earth's natural environment. Industrial pollution is no longer tolerable and it is damaging  and changing our weather patterns around the planet. We are left with no choice but to stop destroying the natural processes that support life on this small Blue planet Earth. We can, however, create a world economy that benefits all life on Earth.

 Who are the people responsible for global warming? Look in the mirror. Do you drive a gas burning car? Do you use plastic products?
 What can you do to stop global warming?
 1. Stop driving internal combustion engines.
 2. Stop using plastic products. Create non polluting products that benefit life on Earth. One good idea is to bring your own washable cup or a Thermos Bottle to your favorite coffee house. Pay for the Coffee and sit down to drink it but later bring your cup home. This will help to stop the paper waste created in fast food restaurants.
 3. Stop eating meat and replace meat with nuts and fruits and vegetables.
 4. Plant millions of leafy Trees everywhere to absorb C.O.2 and also plant vegetable gardens.
 5. Stop making babies! The planet is over populated with too many people! Teach birth control methods.
 6. Stop listening to religious people who dictate what you should or should not do with your body and your life. Religious leaders simply enjoy the power tripping and some can be dangerous! Study science based provable facts and that should keep you busy for the rest of your life. The same goes for almost all government politicians. Listen to them only if they speak facts.
 7.  Join any political party advocating the protection of Nature and force them to keep their promise.
 8.  Stop listening to brain washing Television commercials. They will attempt to sell you anything for money.
 9.  Study science and math and join the smartest people on the planet. I recommend
10. Drive all electric vehicles or ride a Bicycle or run and/or walk. The best Electric is
11. Listen to computer conversations and take note of College and University articles advocating new ideas and inventions that do not create pollution!
12. Work for the common good and remain honest at all cost. Sooner or later you will come face to face with the corrupting influences of profit and greed. Accept the money and distribute all but your own basic living wage to non-profit organizations.
13.  Be happy and smile. Fun and laughter lead to love and sex but remember number 5 and play safe! If you are desperate to have children make One and adopt Two.
   Bye for now!
   Joseph Raglione.
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The Greenpeace ship Beluga II has set sail on a scientific voyage around Scotland - sampling the sea for plastic pollution and documenting the threat on beautiful and biodiverse habitats and wildlife.

So far the team has seen basking sharks, seals, guillemots, puffins and thousands of gannets! But they’ve also seen a huge amount of plastic pollution - on beaches, in nests and even in the beaks of seabirds.

Plastic bottles are one of the main contributors to plastic pollution and wildlife harm in our oceans - and drinks giant Coca-Cola is the biggest producer of plastic bottles in the world, producing over 100 billion plastic bottles every year.

But Coke isn’t taking responsibility for the huge amount of single-use plastic it’s producing - and billions of it’s bottles are ending up as garbage, on our beaches and in landfill.

We want to show Coke the true extent of its plastic pollution - but we need your help.

Next time you spot a used Coca-Cola bottle that's been discarded somewhere it shouldn't be (i.e. anywhere that isn't the recycling bin!) share it with Coke!

All you need to do is take a picture of the bottle (or bottle cap) and follow the instructions below:

On Instagram - Post your picture and tag @Cocacola - to increase the chance of Coke seeing your post, add hashtags #EndOceanPlastics, #ShareACoke, #CokeSummer, #TasteTheFeeling

On Facebook - Post your picture and tag @CocaCola - you can also visit Coke's Facebook page and post your bottle picture as a comment on one of their recent posts!

On Twitter - Post your picture on Twitter and tag @CocaCola and @CocaColaEP - you can also use #EndOceanPlastics (and #ShareACoke to make a Coke bottle emoji appear!)

Whether it's in your local park, on a beach, in a river or even just on the sidewalk, many of us will have spotted discarded Coke bottles.

And although some of these may be a long way from the sea, that's not to say they won't end up there - whether as runoff from urban areas, via rivers and waterways or broken down into tiny microplastics.

Coca-Cola has a special responsibility to take action because of its huge plastic footprint - and this means coming up with alternatives to throwaway plastic bottles.

The more of us who share our photos with Coke, the more pressure they'll be under to take action. Together we can show the company the evidence of its plastic pollution that it can't ignore.

Thanks for all you do,

Senior Oceans Strategist, Greenpeace Canada
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a donation. Thank you!
If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be sad, but you can unsubscribe here.
Greenpeace Canada, 33 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
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