Monday, May 15, 2017

On 5/6/17, Marit Stiles, Canada's NDP <> wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> I'm Marit Stiles, President of Canada's New Democrats. It's great to e-meet
> you.
> We're a team that believes we can build a better Canada - one that is
> prosperous, sustainable, and where no one is left behind. We share your
> vision of a fairer, more equal country and believe that it's within reach.
> To get there, we all need to work together in communities across the country
> -- and that's where you come in. Here are three things you can do right now
> to get started:
> 1. Stay connected on social.
> Facebook and Twitter are great ways to stay in touch and spread the word
> about the work we're doing together.
> Like us on Facebook:
> Follow us on Twitter:
> 2. Invite your friends.
> From our earliest days, we've built this movement from the ground up, one
> conversation at a time. Every new person strengthens our team - so, recruit
> three friends to join you today.
> 3. Take the "Big Issue" poll.
> Our movement is fueled by grassroots supporters like you. Tell us what's
> important to your community -- and find out who else is fighting for that
> issue with you.
> Thanks for standing with us - more to come.
> Marit
> Marit Stiles, President
> Marit's been part of the NDP family for over 25 years and she's clocked
> countless hours of grassroots organizing, making her a great fit for
> President of Canada's NDP. Her parents left the U.S. as conscientious
> objectors to the Vietnam War and moved to Logy Bay, Newfoundland where Marit
> was born and raised. She now lives in Toronto with her partner Jordan, two
> teenaged daughters, two dogs, and a fish who never dies.
> --------------------
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> Twitter:
> You are subscribed as:
> Update profile:
> Cliquez ici si vous préférez recevoir les courriels en français:
> Unsubscribe:
> New Democratic Party of Canada, 300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J9
> 1-866-525-2555
> cope:225/jg


Last week, we asked the Liberals to reconsider their plan to give private corporate investors a major role in funding and building the bridges, roads, and transit systems that keep our communities running smoothly.
Here’s why: corporations have one goal – $$. When we put our tax dollars into building new infrastructure, we expect the government to put the needs of Canadian communities first. But with private investors and multi-national corporations calling the shots, how can we be sure Canadians will get the best deal?
Handing over more control to corporations is a reckless move – that’s why we’re putting pressure on the Liberals to do the right thing and put everyday Canadians before their friends on Bay Street.
Rich investors stand to make a lot of money from this privatization scheme, and that cash will come right from your pocket.
User fees, including highway and bridge tolls and increasing airport fees, will make corporate CEOs wealthy – and make our commutes a lot more expensive. It’s pretty clear that Canadians are getting the short end of the stick here.                          Struggling families and workers across Canada already pay their fair share and shouldn’t be asked to fill billionaires’ pockets just to use the roads and bridges in their communities.
Let’s make it clear that we don’t want private interests to control our public infrastructure – add your name today, Joseph:

Dave Hare
Director of Operations
Canada’s New Democrats                                                           New Democratic Party of Canada                                                               300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J9                                           1-866-525-2555                                                                  cope:225/jg

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