Wednesday, May 10, 2017


 Millions of people hate irritating car commercials on television and to prove it simply ask your friends and neighbors what they think of TV advertising.
 If the response is negative towards advertising,,, that is the reason why advertising companies continue to bombard and irritate the general public, you included.
 Advertising companies have learned from the best psychologists our Universities provide, that if a person is irritated by a commercial it means that:
1.  The person is watching television and
2,  The commercial is creating the desired effect and
3.  In all probability that person will forget the irritation and remember the product.  Those are the reasons you will continue to be irritated by a constant vomit style stream of irritating commercials on commercial television. Here is what you can do about it.
1. Shut off the television and go work in your garden or call a friend.
2. Play music from your music collection if you have a music collection.
3. Start a music collection.
4. Mute the sound and put your own words into the mouths of the actors. Great fun! Make a game out of it with your friends!
5. Pick out the key words from advertising commercials. For example the word NEW is often repeated. Replace the word with: garbage or scrap or junk etc etc. The same goes for every other word the advertising companies dream up to sell you a useless and worthless and vomit creating dangerous product! See how much fun that is! Get your friends involved or tease the hell out of them when watching television.
6. Read a book or re-read one of your old books you forgot long ago. Surprise yourself with old memories!
7. Go for a walk.
8. Clean your apartment or house.
9. Go to the bathroom.
10. Raid the refrigerator.
11. Stop the brain washing!
 The most important reason of all is number 11.
 Stop them from brain washing you because internal combustion engines are creating a global warming which is devastating many parts of our planet. Unless you cut off their source of income and force them to change, they won't stop brain washing you! They and their tax collecting partners in government are making too much money to voluntarily stop the process. Thanks for reading!

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