Saturday, July 25, 2015


World domination by corporations! Say it isn't so!

From: Kaytee Ray-Riek, <>
Subject: Uh oh (TPP)
Date: Sat 7/25/15 6:04 PM
The meeting to finalize the TPP trade deal has been announced for July 28-31 in Hawaii. We're launching an all-out final push to stop this massive corporate giveaway.

Dear Joseph,
In just 8 days, negotiators and corporate lobbyists will flock to Hawaii to try to finalize the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.
Their plan is to complete the deal by July 31 --but we're launching a last-minute push to stop this deal from being finalized.
Our plan: Make so much noise about the corporate giveaways, environmental rollbacks, and attacks on consumers that the negotiators have no choice but to delay the final deal.
This could be our last shot to stop a final TPP agreement. Will you help stop it?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a massive multi-country agreement being negotiated entirely in secret. It would give corporations the power to decide our laws on everything -- from access to affordable medicines to what foods we eat.
It would undermine financial reform and destabilize job markets across the globe. It would open up our local and national governments to lawsuits from corporations if we pass laws that infringe on profits.
You know it's a bad deal when you look at the Who's-Who of megacorporations that have come out in favor of this deal: Exxon, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, Nike, Cargill, Walmart... The list goes on, and on, and on.
With the final TPP trade negotiation possibly beginning in just days, we're pulling out all the stops. Like most non profits we need money to help stop this bad deal!
Chip in CA$1 to help stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Our strategy at the TPP meetings is to be everywhere the negotiators look with protests against this awful deal.
And if we can raise $150,000 for an all-out final push, here's what we have planned:
  • We'll help organizers plan a big demonstration, getting protestors on the beach and in the water in front of the negotiators' hotels.
  • We'll place full page color ads in the newspaper every day they're there, so they can't escape our "Stop the TPP" message.
  • We'll launch boats with huge banners in front of the beachfront hotels where they're staying.
  • And the more we raise, the more we can do, from plastering the airport in our ads to outfitting a fleet of sailboats with custom-made sails, to make sure negotiators have a constant reminder of what is at stake from this deal.
This is the the all-out final push to stop the TPP. Will you chip in CA$1 today?
Yes, I'll chip in CA$1 to help stop the TPP trade deal.
Thanks for all you do,
Kaytee and the team at SumOfUs 
For more information:
TPP ministerial meeting set for July 28-31 in Hawaii: USTR, The Fiscal Times, July 7, 2015
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Job Loss, Lower Wages and Higher Drug Prices, Public Citizen, accessed July 15, 2015

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.
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