Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ask U.S. president Barack Obama your question.

Gentle People:
 Here is your personal chance to ask the President of the United States a question based on the issue of U.S. health care an ecologist I personally suggest you ask the President about his thoughts on global warming and the cancelling of the pollution created from Oil production and usage. That would include all U.S. Oil Rig explorations in the Arctic and the destructive Tar Sands expansion in Canada. It would also include the world famous Pipe lines that would help send Tar sands Oil to China and the U.S. while increasing global warming.

Hi everyone!

I'm the White House's Chief Digital Officer -- and my job is to rethink what it means to engage with your government on line.
So it's helpful that I've got a boss who happens to love the Internet.
Today, I'm down in Nashville with the President, who's spending the day meeting with Americans whose lives health reform has made better. (In fact, he gave one of them a ride in his motorcade this morning.)
He wants to open that conversation up to Americans around the country, too. So at 3:30 p.m. Eastern today, we're going to get him online, and he's going to take your questions and respond to your stories on Twitter.
Join the conversation here.
The President really likes these Q&As (and yes, it's really him reading and answering), so if you've got something to say, tune in and add your voice.
Thanks, and more soon --
Jason Goldman
Chief Digital Officer
The White House

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