Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Stiv Wilson, Story of Stuff

9:37 PM (53 minutes ago)
to Joseph
Story of Stuff Project
We just helped pass a groundbreaking ballot initiative in Oregon to protect public water against Nestlé's grab. Help us achieve more victories elsewhere.
Dear Joseph,
The people of Hood River County, Oregon where Nestlé was trying to open a new water bottling plant have stood up and spoken out.In a landslide victory, voters passed a countywide ordinance that shuts down any hope of Nestlé or any other large commercial bottling company setting up shop in Hood River County. Citizens in Hood River County launched this ballot initiative to protect their water resources after local officials had been egregiously influenced by Nestlé’s false promises of economic growth.
With our film, Our Water, Our Future, The Story of Stuff Community shed a big spotlight on this small town battle, elevating it to the international stage. The film serves as a great reminder that no matter how small we might feel, if we take a stand together, we can win.
Personally, I am deeply moved by the passion and dedication of the folks on the ground in Cascade Locks who shared their story about standing up and speaking truth to power. Together, we ensured that Nestlé will not be allowed to operate in the shadows exploiting our people and our public resources. Those of us on The Story of Stuff team will continue to tell powerful stories about communities coming together for change and to work alongside them to support their efforts.
What’s Next?
The big question is: will Nestlé sue? Nestlé has invested over seven years of its time and hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions) in attempting to influence local politics in Hood River County. A Nestlé official made a press statement saying, ‘we respect the democratic process,’ but it remains to be seen if Nestlé will attempt to undermine the will of the voters of Hood River County with a lawsuit. We stand united to ensure that they won’t be successful.
This victory sets a huge precedent for building solidarity among an ever-growing movement of concerned citizens fighting water privatization and exploitation of public resources around the world. Additionally, this win also prevents roughly 750 million plastic bottles from being wasted annually. That’s an elimination of 6% of the total bottled water consumption in the United States!
We Fight On!
In June, we’ll have our first hearing on Nestlé’s occupation of federal public lands in the San Bernardino National Forest where the corporation continues to draw water using a permit that expired 27 years ago. There we'll be working to strike the second of a one-two punch aimed at Nestlé’s Arrowhead brand. We are also convening a group of like-minded organizations to further develop strategy and tools that will enable even more citizens all over the world to stand up against Big Water.
Today we hope you’ll join us in celebrating this powerful accomplishment in the long fight to unbottle water.
Thank you for being a part of this historic victory.
Stiv Wilson
Campaigns Director
The Story of Stuff Project
P.S. Your donation can help us achieve more victories like this. Visit our campaign contribution page to learn more!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Of Life, Energy, Science and God!

Hello gentle people:

 When I was a student in school, I was taught that energy cannot be created or destroyed and like most sleepy students bored by school and school teachers, I thought nothing of the concept. Today, I am thinking of the concept. What is eternal energy?! Holy smoke, Batman, WHAT IS ETERNAL ENERGY?!

 Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it certainly can be measured and manipulated and changed and converted into different forms and we humans are doing exactly that. We are working and playing with energy and making different forms of energy. Steel and Glass and Plastics and chemicals are different forms of energy. If my teacher was correct, energy cannot be created or destroyed therefore there is no beginning or end to energy and we are simply manipulating energy forms! From solids to liquids to gas and back again!
 No beginning to Energy!! HOLY ETERNAL ENERGY BATMAN! Are we playing with God?!

 When we measure the speed of changing energy, we call the measure, Time. We use Time to see how slowly or how quickly Energy changes around us and we also use Time to measure the Energy changes within our own Human forms. Time is Energy and Energy is Time and except as a human measure, Time does not exist. We can safely say that all the energy that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe.

  The concept of eternal energy terrifies many human minds and social cultural groups have created Gods in order to sooth and allay the fear of changing energy.  Life changes from the conscious sentient state to the unconscious state of energy. A state we know as death is completely devoid of thought but not of energy. Remember, there is no beginning or end and therefore our energy, dead or alive, will always continue. What will not continue is this essay, which ends now! Bye!
 Your friend: Joseph Raglione.

How to organize for positive social changes.

Attention Nestle!

 Don't fight honest people who are trying to save the environment! Use your money and power for creating positive changes for everybody. For example, you can find a manufacturing company that makes water purification systems and you can distil and clean dirty and polluted river water. You will have to market the concept but then you are excellent marketers!

 Selling clean bottled water is not difficult. Ask the French Perrier company. They have been doing it for years! You do not need to take water from water starved areas. Ask the Coca Cola company. They clean their own water and they help to clean water for people in water starved areas of the world.

You can do the same thing and you will change from villain to hero. We will even give you the free publicity!

Nestlé is scared


Michael O'Heaney, Story of Stuff Project

4:01 AM (6 hours ago)
to Joseph

Story of Stuff Project
Dear Joseph,
With our climate changing, how we manage our water has never been more important. And today, May 17th, citizen changemakers in Hood River County, Oregon are showing us what’s possible.
For nearly a decade, Nestlé Waters has been attempting to gain access to water from the publicly-owned Oxbow Springs, which it would then bottle in nearby Cascade Locks, a small town in the scenic Columbia River Gorge. But residents of Cascade Locks, and of Hood River County, have stood strong to defend their water, most recently qualifying a county ballot initiative that would place significant restrictions on industrial-scale water bottling, effectively ending Nestlé’s attempted water grab.
The ballot initiative, which voters are considering today could set an important precedent for water protection across the western U.S. Not only would it limit the amount of water that could be bottled in the county, it would also force companies that bottle water to sell it locally, keeping that resource in the watershed.
While the ballot initiative would be a big win for the environment, Nestlé hasn’t taken this citizen powered campaign lying down. Nestlé has contributed $105,000 to fight the ballot measure, which will be voted on by Hood River County’s 22,000 residents. Even more outrageously, Nestlé tried to illegally hide its contributions to the so-called “Strong Gorge Economy” political action committee (PAC) opposing the measure, which is 90% funded by Nestlé. "[Nestlé has] been running the most expensive campaign in the history of our county while not reporting a dime of expenditures until days before the election," said Aurora del Val, campaign director for the Local Water Alliance, the citizens group backing the initiative to protect Hood River County’s water from bottlers like Nestlé.
Nestlé has deep pockets and a track record of subverting government for corporate aims, but the people of Hood River County have stood up in an incredible way—bringing together a coalition of small businesses, farmers and orchardists, native people and others to stop the company in its tracks. The Story of Stuff Community helped counterbalance Nestlé’s influence by supporting the creation of an online campaign video to tell their important story. And today, voters in Hood River County will have their say.
We’re also keeping up the pressure on Nestlé in southern California, where a hearing on our case against the Forest Service over Nestlé’s extraction of water from the San Bernardino National Forest on an expired permit is quickly approaching. That case also represents an important landmark in our efforts to protect public water.
In just a couple of weeks, our lawyers will be in U.S. federal court challenging Nestlé’s removal of millions of gallons of water for its Arrowhead brand of bottled water. Along with our co-plaintiffs Courage Campaign and Center for Biological Diversity, we’ll ask a federal judge to force the U.S. Forest Service to turn off the spigot.
We have high hopes: although the hearing was originally scheduled for last month, the judge issued a delay so that he could consider further information submitted by both us and the Forest Service, an indication he is taking our complaint seriously and is looking for a remedy.
And in a sign we have Nestlé on the run, last week the company challenged the government’s very authority to regulate its operations on public lands. In a last minute ‘friend of the court’ brief Nestlé attempted to submit in our lawsuit against the Forest Service, the corporation claimed that even minimal restrictions on its water removal would “create a problematic precedent nationwide.” Namely, of course, the public’s power to regulate use of our water!
These two community fights, in California and Oregon, are significant because they point to the global high stakes surrounding water today worldwide. It’s up to citizens like us to insist on sustainable protection and management of our increasingly scarce public water resources—and to defend them from private companies primarily driven by their profit margin.
For the past year, Story of Stuff Community members like you have provided an incredible level of visible solidarity to the people of San Bernardino, CA and Cascade Locks, OR:
You raised the money for short films about each fight, reaching millions of viewers worldwide with their heroic stories; you’ve written to decision makers and showed up at public meetings; you’ve helped us place ads, make campaign contributions and organize expert testimony.
In short, you forced a company that prefers to operate under the cover of darkness to face the light of public scrutiny. And now, thanks to recent statements by Nestlé Waters—a multi-billion dollar corporation and the world’s largest water bottler—we know you’re having an impact.
Much of this story remains to be told. But with the support of Community members like you, we think progress is on the horizon.
I’m proud that our Community has stood with the people of Hood River County, OR and San Bernardino, CA over the past nine months. I hope you’ll keep your eyes and ears open for updates over the coming week and will continue to support this work.

If you’re able, please make a contribution today to help us keep fighting this fight.

For public water,
Michael O’Heaney
Executive Director

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Is it possible to change cruel company plans? Yes!

5 things to brighten up your day


Taren S-K,

May 14 (1 day ago)
to Joseph

These five stories from the SumOfUs community made me proud, happy, and brought tears to my eyes.
Ever feel like you could use some good news? Here are 5 things to brighten up your day. These five stories from the SumOfUs community made me proud, happy, and brought tears to my eyes. Most of all, they reminded me of the one simple reason I started this organisation: when we work together we are powerful.
When a fresh corporate scandal hits the headlines, it’s easy to forget the difference we make every day. This email is designed to remind you, and to say THANK YOU for standing with us as we take on some of the biggest corporations in the world.

1. Máxima
Peruvian farmer Maxima Acuna made a brave decision five years ago that Newmont mining would not take her land to build a giant copper mine.
The SumOfUs community knew we had to stand with her.160,000 of us joined the campaign to protect her land, and we donated tens of thousands of dollars protect her from lawsuits from Newmont, and threats by the company's security forces.
The good news: Newmont has backed down -- for now. It has dropped its plans to put a gold and copper mine on Maxima’s land. But unfortunately, Maxima’s safety is still under threat. We’re going to keep fighting until Newmont cancels its plans for the mine and ends its harassment -- for good.
Stand with Máxima
2. Seaworld
Forcing large, intelligent animals to live in small underwater cages for profit is unethical. But that’s exactly what Seaworld has done for years, keeping Orcas and marine mammals in captivity for entertainment.
Stop SeaWorld's orca cruelty
Millions of SumOfUs members sent a clear message to SeaWorld that they won't pay to watch animal cruelty in action.And last month they listened: SeaWorld announced it will stop breeding orcas last month.
3. Palm oil
Indonesia is burning. Its beautiful rainforests are being ravaged by forest fires, deliberately set to clear the way for palm oil plantations.
SumOfUs members have sent a clear message to food giants that we won’t let them profit from deforestation.
Stop conflict palm oil
And we are having a real impact. Starbucks announced a new policy on palm oil only hours after SumOfUs members held a protest outside the first ever Starbucks in Seattle. And SumOfUs members are keeping up the pressure on Unilever and PepsiCo.
We’re having success with our palm oil campaigns, but this industry is huge and we’ll be keeping up the pressure to make sure that all palm oil is responsibly sourced.
We won't rest until all big food companies source conflict-free palm oil. 
4. WestJet
SumOfUs campaigners were alerted to a flight attendant who was fired by WestJet Airlines for speaking out about a pilot who sexually assaulted her. When Mandalena “Mandy” Lewis launched a lawsuit against WestJet, we launched a campaign calling for the company to change its ways and for CEO Greg Saretsky to resign.
Westjet protest
Together we made a lot of national headlines. After 30,000 of us signed petitions and SumOfUs members held a protest at Vancouver International airport, eight more women who were sexually harassed at WestJet were brave enough to come forward. The company has taken notice: it just hired independent auditors to review their sexual assault policies.
But there’s more work to do to ensure that all staff at Westjet can work free of sexual harassment.
5. Airbnb
When SumOfUs members learned that Airbnb was listing holiday homes to rent in the occupied West Bank, 140,000 spoke up to get the company to stop breaking the law.
Help keep Airbnb accountable!
When I saw photos of SumOfUs members from all around the world at Airbnb offices, I realised our community is now so big and powerful it can match the reach of the world’s most powerful corporations.
Airbnb haven’t budged yet, so we’re going to keep the pressure building on them. Watch this space.
And you can help make sure it happens.

I hope this email has brightened your day like it did mine when I sat down to write it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do, it gives me hope and energy every day.

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in CA$3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation.
Have a great idea for a SumOfUs campaign? Start your own petition and the best ones could be emailed to the whole SumOfUs community.
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"McDonalds is using public schools to market to children."



Emma Cape, Story of Stuff

May 14 (1 day ago)
to Joseph
Story of Stuff Project

McDonalds is using public schools to market to children, in a cynical ploy they call “McTeacher's Night.” 

Tell the McDonalds CEO to stop exploiting public schools for profit.
Dear Joseph,
Mark Noltner is a fourth-grade teacher and father in the Midwestern United States. About a year ago, his daughter came home from school and told him that teachers at her school were wearing McDonald’s shirts to promote an upcoming event called a “McTeacher’s Night.” Curious -- and more than a little disturbed -- he looked into it.
What Mark learned is that McDonald's is using public schools across the United States to turn young students into lifelong customers of its junk food brand.At “McTeacher’s Night” events, McDonald’s has teachers “work” behind the counter of a local restaurant to sell burgers, fries, and shakes to their own students. In return, the teachers’ schools get a small portion of the proceeds from the event. But make no mistake, McTeacher's Night is nothing more than a marketing ploy disguised as a school fundraiser.
It’s shameful that McDonald’s is using the tragic underfunding of our public schools as an opportunity to market to children. Teachers should never have to sacrifice their students’ health in order to earn a few extra dollars for their classrooms.

Enough is enough. Tell McDonald's CEO to end the abusive practice of using teachers and educational institutions to promote McDonald’s to schoolchildren!

Not only are McTeacher’s Nights harmful for children’s health, they return little money to the schools that participate. Schools typically receive just 15 to 20 percent of the event’s proceeds, often amounting to only one to two dollars per student.McDonald's is exploiting school systems -- and the relationship between teachers and their students -- for free labor and the kind of marketing money can’t buy.
But we’re at a turning point. Around the world McDonald’s is facing growing pressure to stop abusive practices like poverty wages and predatory marketing tactics. That’s why The Story of Stuff Project is joining teachers unions, the National Education Association and our partners at Corporate Accountability International and the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood in demanding that McDonalds stop McTeacher’s Nights -- and we need your support.
It’s time parents, teachers, and others tell McDonald’s that enough is enough. Add your name now and we'll deliver it in time for McDonald's annual shareholder meeting on May 26th.

Tell McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook to stop using our public schools to increase profits for his junk food brand!

Thank you for standing up for our children’s health, and their right to a public education free from corporate advertising.

Emma Cape
Campaigns Manager
The Story of Stuff Project

Thursday, May 12, 2016


If the world is to avoid climate calamity, it needs to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by the middle of this century.”        2050 -2016 = 34 YEARS!
A FEW SolutionS ARE simple.
1.  Plant a Billion trees this year. yes, it is possible! there are several billion people on this planet and all it takes is one tree or more for every person. 
2.  cREATE a POWERFUL international communication system          so every person gets the message to plant trees.
3.  BIRTH CONTROL LEGISLATION and implementation. do it now        or climate change will do it for you!
4.  STOP THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS or F.U.'s will stop us!
6.  PROTECT AGRICULTURAL LANDS. stop the use of dangerous   pesticides. Companies like Bayer and monsanto create dangerous pesticides.


Almost Everything You Know About Climate Change Solutions Is Outdated, Part 1

 MAY 10, 2016 3:54 PM


Almost everything you know about climate change solutions is outdated, for several reasons.
First, climate science and climate politics have been moving unexpectedly quickly toward a broad consensus that we need to keep total human-caused global warming as far as possible below 2°C (3.6°F) — and ideally to no more than 1.5°C. This has truly revolutionary implications for climate solutions policy.
Second, key climate solutions — renewables, efficiency, electric cars, and storage — have been advancing considerably faster than anyone expected, much faster than the academic literature anticipated. The synergistic effect of all these light-speed changes is only now beginning to become clear (see, for instance, my recent post, “Why The Renewables Revolution Is Now Unstoppable”.
Third, the media and commentariat have simply not kept up with all these changes and their utterly game-changing implications. As a result we end up with recent articles in such prestige publications as Foreign Affairs and the New York Times that are literally out-of-date the instant they are published, as I’ll discuss below.
That’s why ClimateProgress is committed to staying ahead of this rapidly-moving subject and a key reason why I have begun writing more about climate solutions, the area in which I have the most personal experience and expertise. Indeed, now that there is basically a high-level political consensus around the globe about what the science says should be our temperature target, the need to move quickly on solutions has never been clearer.

World Unanimously Agrees 1.5°C Is The Preferred Global Warming Target To Avoid Catastrophe

Not very long ago, there seemed to still be a debate about whether 2°C total global warming was the appropriate goal for humanity to avoid dangerous human-caused warming (see this October 2014 post, “2°C Or Not 2°C“). Those who had been pushing for a stronger target — such as climatologist James Hansen, the small island nations, and Bill McKibben’s — appeared to be in the minority.
Yet by December 2015, some two hundred leading nations unanimously committed to an ongoing effort of ratcheting down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions limits with the goal of keeping total warming “to well below 2°C [3.6°F] above preindustrial levels.” The full text of this Paris Agreement went even further, with all of the member nations of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreeing “to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.”
What happened? In large part, the science of climate change became much more worrisome. For example, most scientists had thought as recently as a few years ago that the world would see very little contribution to sea level rise this century from the melting of the great ice sheets — particularly from the Antarctic ice sheet, which contains some 90 percent of the world’s landlocked ice. But starting around spring of 2014, studies revealed that the West Antarctic ice sheet in particular was disintegrating so fast that it was close to, or perhaps past the point at which, irreversible collapse couldn’t be stopped. And then we quickly learned the Greenland ice sheet was equally unstable.
Within a year, 70 leading climate experts issued a report that the latest science made clear our climate targets were not adequate. The member nations of the UNFCCC had set up a “structured expert dialogue” from 2013 to 2015 to review the adequacy of the 2°C target.
In May, the scientists reported their findings. They simplified their key conclusions into a handful of core messages — but still couldn’t garner much media attention. Some key findings (emphasis in original):
  • Message 4: “Significant climate impacts are already occurring at the current level of global warming” (which is about 0.85°C) and so additional “warming will only increase the risk of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts. Therefore,the ‘guardrail’ concept, which implies a warming limit that guarantees full protection from dangerous anthropogenic interference, no longer works.
  • Message 5: “The 2°C limit should be seen as a defence line … that needs to be stringently defended, while less warming would be preferable.”
  • Message 10: “While science on the 1.5 °C warming limit is less robust, efforts should be made to push the defence line as low as possible.”
The scientists suggested that the UNFCCC nations explicitly embrace “keeping warming well below 2 °C.” They explained that the benefits from 1.5°C warming instead of 2°C include: “most terrestrial and marine species would be able to follow the speed of climate change; up to half of coral reefs may remain; sea level rise may remain below 1 m [39 inches]; some Arctic sea ice may remain; ocean acidification impacts would stay at moderate levels; and more scope for adaptation would exist, especially in the agricultural sector.”
So it’s entirely understandable that the world’s top nations would unanimously adopt the “well below 2°C” language and prefer 1.5°C as a target — especially given that adaptation in the agricultural sector alone is existentially important as we add 3 billion more mouths to feed to a world with an increasingly inhospitable climate.
But, of course, we are already at roughly 1°C warming (as of 2015) and rapidly approaching 1.5°C. That’s clear from a remarkable graphic by Climatologist Ed Hawkins (via Climate Central):

Media, Opinion-makers Slow To Grasp The Radical Implications Of The 1.5°C Target

A key reason almost everything you know about climate change solutions is outdated is that the implications for climate policy of staying “well below 2°C” — let alone aiming for 1.5°C — are simply unprecedented. They haven’t been thought through and internalized by even very well-informed people.
For instance, there has been a long-standing, though kind of pointless, “debate” about what kind of balance is needed between deployment of existing clean energy technology and development of breakthrough technologies to avoid catastrophic global warming. Deploying existing efficient, low-carbon technology cuts emissions now — investing in research on better options might be able to cut emissions later. It isn’t really much of a debate, though, because those who favor aggressive deployment (as I do) have always pushed very hard for increased levels of research and development (R&D) — while those who favor research into breakthrough energy miracles, like Bill Gates, tend to diss various deployment strategies.
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
But the “well below 2°C” target really makes that debate even more pointless than it used to be — since there is no possibility of staying well below 2°C without making a vastly bigger and more accelerated deployment effort the world’s top priority. And yet as recently as the last week, two sophisticated mainstays of the centrist political establishment — the Council on Foreign Relations and the premiere New York Times blogger on climate change Andy Revkin have jumped on the 1.5°C bandwagon while still clinging to out-of-date notions about deployment vs. R&D. In some sense, Bill Gates has done the same thing, as I explained here.
You may recall that last month the high-profile magazine/journal Foreign Affairs published a long article, “The Clean Energy Revolution: Fighting Climate Change With Innovation” by Varun Sivaram and Teryn Norris. After realizing it was one of those “out-of-date” think pieces, I wrote a lengthy debunking, “We Fact-Checked A High-Profile Article On Climate And Energy. It Wasn’t Pretty.”
Last week one of the authors, Varun Sivaram, responded with over 2,000 words on the Council on Foreign Relations’s “Energy, Security, and Climate” blog. Significantly, Andy Revkin took the fairly unprecedented step of republishing that blog post in its entirety with the headline, “Young Analysts Press the Case for Innovation, and Tolerance, in Pursuing a Post-Carbon Energy Menu.”
As an aside, when I was young analyst in my thirties, I too had a great deal of youthful exuberance about the possibility of breakthrough energy technologies to transform the world. But five years at the U.S. Department of Energy helping to oversee both the R&D and deployment programs — and the technology reality of the nearly two decades since then — opened my eyes to reality of how slow the technology transition is, how rare true breakthroughs or miracles are, and how vital a focus on deployment is. So I appreciate where the “young analysts” are coming from. I’ll discuss that side of things in Part Two.
In my original post, I pointed out a number of claims made in the Foreign Affairs piece that I did not think would pass a thorough review or fact-checking, such as “trying to create a zero-carbon power grid with only existing technologies would be expensive, complicated, and unpopular.” While one could have made a (weak) argument to that effect maybe five years ago, the key technologies and strategies to make such a grid affordable, straightforward, and wildly popular have been so successfully demonstrated in the market that even the peer-reviewed literature from places like the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration has explained we don’t need any breakthroughs to achieve such a goal.
I flagged one error in particular as so big I was surprised no one caught it in the entire editorial review process: “If the world is to avoid climate calamity, it needs to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by the middle of this century.”
Since that sentence goes to the heart of how fast the energy solutions policy arena is changing, let’s dive into it a little more. As I noted last month, that sentence is simply not accurate for the 2°C target, which is the only target mentioned in the Foreign Affairs piece. For the 2°C target, the correct number is in the range of a 50 to 60 percent cut in carbon emissions.
As I wrote, I hope readers see how absurd it is to assert that the world could plausibly expect to make substantial reductions in CO2 by mid-century — aka 2050 — using technologies that do not exist today. The reality of the climate challenge is that only technologies that can be deployed at trillion-dollar scale in the next three decades can contribute to slashing CO2 by mid-century. But the technology development and deployment cycle is simply far too long for a technology that doesn’t exist today to plausibly make a vital contribution to cutting CO2 by mid-century.
That’s why it’s no surprise the International Energy Agency concludes in its latest Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) report that “Achieving the ETP 2015 2°C Scenario (2DS) does not depend on the appearance of breakthrough technologies.”
I had asked Foreign Affairs for a reply to my assertion that the 80 percent figure was a mistake. I was expecting a simple acknowledgment of the relative obvious mistake but instead I got an email saying this:
Regarding your claim that Foreign Affairs published a factual error, the authors were referring to the 1.5-degree target, not the 2°C target. According to this Climate Analytics briefing, the 1.5 degree target requires 70%-95% reductions, which the authors simplified as 80%.
I posted that response, expressing skepticism that this was a plausible explanation. In fact, it was obvious it was not a plausible explanation, as any fact-checker who actually went to that source would quickly see, but I didn’t want to make an even bigger deal of it.
But Sivaram — and with Revkin’s help, via the New York Times website — decided to trumpet this error to a very big audience, publishing this:
We answered the factual question immediately after Dr. Romm published his post. Climate models suggest that global GHG emissions must fall by 75–90 percent by 2050, compared with 2010 levels, to provide the best chance of limiting climate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is a warming level above which scientific uncertainty about the effects of climate change increases substantially. As a result, the Paris Agreement reflects an aspiration to meet this target. Dr. Romm did not contest this fact. We do concede, however, that we could have been clearer in explaining the context behind the 80 percent GHG reduction figure.
First off, I am delighted that the Council on Foreign Relations — and Andy Revkin — have so strongly embraced a 1.5°C target as the best target “to avoid climate calamity.” For many years now I have been trying to get Revkin to publicly state what target he believes is needed to avoid catastrophe for the very reason that any defensible target entirely ends the deployment vs. R&D debate everyone has been having. The fact that he republished this whole piece without any disclaimer on this target — and in fact urges both Sivaram and Norris to “Keep it up” sends a very strong signal that he agrees with them. And that means the debate is effectively over.
Back to the error. You may have noticed the switcheroo. The Foreign Affairs article says, “If the world is to avoid climate calamity, it needs to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by the middle of this century.” But Sivaram (along with Revkin) now talks about the how some climate models show that to meet the 1.5 C “global GHGemissions must fall by 75–90 percent by 2050″ which is “the context behind the 80 percent GHG reduction figure.”

1.5°C Changes Everything

Here is how fast climate policy has changed, though. In scenarios that model the kind of deep and rapid cuts needed for hitting the 1.5°C goal, the target for the GHG cut in 2050 is often substantially different from (and weaker than) the target for carbon reductions.
The source that Sivaram and Revkin cite — “Feasibility of limiting warming to 1.5°C and 2°C” by Climate Analytics — could not be clearer on this point. On the top of page 12 is “Table 1: Key characteristics of 1.5 °C scenarios and comparison with 2 °C scenarios.” The top lines explains:
1.5°C-consistent scenarios reach global net carbon neutrality by mid century….
At the bottom of the page, right below the line that says the 1.5°C target requires global GHGs in 2050 to be 70-­95 percent below 2010 levels, the report again states clearly that in the 1.5°C scenario:
Global energy and industry CO2 emissions reach zero around 2050.
So this source doesn’t support the statement in the original piece, “If the world is to avoid climate calamity, it needs to reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by the middle of this century.”
NOTE: Foreign Affairs declined to comment when I asked them if they were aware that the citation they sent me does not actually support the sentence in their article — and instead they referred me to Sivaram’s blog post.
What’s more important for readers is that if indeed Sivaram and Revkin are joining all the nations of the world in acknowledging that 1.5°C is the preferred target for humanity, then we are in a “hair on fire” moment. Yes, R&D remains as important as it always has been in providing options for the post-2050 world (which must go carbon-negative to achieved stabilization of 1.5°C).
But as the Climate Analytics paper makes clear, in the 1.5°C case, the sine qua non of climate policy must be to divert substantial investments toward urgent, hyper-rapid deployment of carbon-free technologies — focusing first on the power sector. This underscores the central point climatologist Ken Caldeira made in 2012: “Globally, deployment costs will be in the trillions of dollars, while R&D costs might be in the tens of billions.”
EU Renewable Energy
If you truly accept the idea that “If the world is to avoid climate calamity” we must get on the 1.5°C pathway ASAP, then you would never, as the authors of the Foreign Affairs piece do, diss some of our most effective near-term deployment policies:
Indeed, government intervention can sometimes be counterproductive. Many current clean energy policies, such as state mandates for utilities to obtain a certain percentage of their power from renewable energy and federal tax credits for solar and wind power installations, implicitly support already-mature technologies.
In the 1.5C case, we really need to get power-sector emissions to zero before 2050. Fortunately, contrary to what Sivaram and Norris wrote, this is quite straightforward using technologies that are commercial today and can be scaled to the trillion dollar level over the next two decades. And that means successful deployment policies such as utility mandates for renewables are vital, not counterproductive.
It is terrific that the authors devoted a sentence in their long piece to endorsing one crucial CO2 deployment policy: “Fighting climate change successfully will certainly require sensible government policies to level the economic playing field between clean and dirty energy, such as putting a price on carbon dioxide emissions.” That’smore than Bill Gates was willing to do.
But in the 1.5C case, in fact, government policies must do much more than “level the economic playing field between clean and dirty energy.” In the 1.5C case, the playing field must be rendered free of dirty energy ASAP. So government policies must enable an orderly but rapid shutdown of coal plants (and then gas plants) while simultaneously replacing them with a combination of renewables, nuclear power, and energy efficiency. So, you can’t just have any CO2 price — you need one that starts out at a moderate to high level and rises quite rapidly.
Again, in the 1.5C case, most discussions about what must be done that you’ve read are wildly out of date. More on that in Part 2.

  Hello my good friend Valdemar Oliveira! I am happy to hear you had a successfull heart operation.  I hope you live to be 110. I may not be...