Monday, April 21, 2014

 I'm not a young man any more and for me life contains only a few chances left to be happy! Watching our Montreal Canadians Hockey team win a semi-final Stanley cup game was one monumental moment of happiness multiplied by extreme emotion which made me feel good but it also made me think...what about the future where I will be (if I make it) a very old man? Will I continue being happy watching Hockey?
What if unfettered Capitalism pollutes and destroys both the natural environment and our Canadian social structures and nobody gives a damn! Will I and millions of aged and poor pensioners live with dignity or die in degradation? A few days ago a solitary Eighty year old gentleman approached me with that kind of a serious problem.
  He was bleeding profusely from an accidental cut on his arm and he needed help. I rushed him to the hospital in St. Eustache, Quebec, where a nurse quickly bandaged his arm and then left us in the waiting room to wait for a Doctor. We waited patiently for hours before the elderly gentleman finally gave up and said " I want to go home."  I tried to convince him to remain but he was adamant.

"I want to leave." He said preferring the risk of bleeding to death than waiting more hours in the St. Eustach waiting room! If this was only one solitary example I would not be writing this article but last year it became personal when I was forced to wait seven hours in the same St. Eustache hospital waiting room, with a serious ear infection. My head felt like it was going to explode and after repeated quick checks by emergency room staff to see if I was not dying or contageous, I finally was sent to meet a young Doctor who told me there was no medicinal ear drops anywhere in the hospital and there was only two Doctors in the building. They sent me home late that night with cotton in my ear and a prescription for ear drops.  After suffering all night I finally rushed to the corner pharmacy the next morning and bought the much needed drops. The pharmacist explained to me what I had to do to relieve my own pain. It only took fifteen minutes.
What if I had contracted something more serious or even deadly?  

  My questions today for our so-called Canadian federal and provincial leaders are where are all the Doctors who are supposed to be in our Hospitals and what is happening to our Medicare system? Has Canada's Medicare system been quietly usurped by private clinics and American style insurance companies? Are most of Canada's Doctors today sitting in small private clinics waiting for people who have expensive private health insurance plans or enough private funds to pay for their own health care? How about all the poor people Medicare was set up to protect here in this country? What is happening to the Tax money we continue to pay for our Canadian Medicare system?

   The United States is finally creeping towards a decent Medicare social program but why is Canada going in the opposite direction? Why are we heading back towards privately funded medicine? Will only those who can afford to pay receive the best care?  If that is true than France and England and even Communist Cuba  are beginning to look more attractive to me than Canada. Each of those countries have socialized medicine and they care for their elders.

  Canada has been slowly changing towards extreme Capitalism. We continue to be an Oil producing and polluting haven for large companies bent on profit. An environment destroying philosophy which is destroying both our natural habitats and our social programs and our federal and provincial governments are encouraging the process!

  Am I the only person who thinks like this? No...remember the movie Patch Adams created in 1998 with the actor Robin Williams? The real Dr. Hunter Adams wanted to build a community hospital in Virginia based on compassion and free for his patients. Today he continues to struggle to build his hospital because the movie producers, even though they grossed millions of Dollars, did not care enough to help him build his hospital. They placed profit before compassion. Dr. Adams questions the ideals of many of today's doctors and medical establishments because they continue to place money and profit before compassion. I and millions like me must now face a very uncertain old age with young money-starved people waiting around every corner. We will be facing the horrific problem of hospital waiting rooms filled to capacity where our elderly and poor and desperate will be waiting for help that never arrives!


Monday, April 14, 2014

Gentle People:
 Remember when Barack Obama was an idealist? Back in 2008 he made a great speech that inspired millions of people within the U.S.., and around the world. At the time I desperately hoped protecting the environment would be a priority for the Senator and his Democrats. When Obama finally won the White House his new government did make some moves to slow global warming. He changed the CEO of General Motors and that move reduced the gas consumption of G. M. cars...however, that was off-set when...with a minority government bullied by a Republican minority...the Democrats approved deep water off-shore drilling. That move led to a horrific disaster! The 'Deep Water Horizon' oil platform exploded and polluted the Gulf of Mexico.

 Following the U.S. lead, Car makers around the world quickly improved the efficiency of their cars which unfortunately created another problem. The new technology today is so popular that twice as many people are buying Hybrid cars. Unfortunately, the Hybrids continue to burn gas. With twice as many machines, the gas continues to pollute the planet and this consequently is creating global warming!
 On any given Sunday, giant Box Stores on this planet are surrounded by thousands upon thousands of  little cars jammed sardine style together in parking lots. In Bejing China, the pollution is so bad people are wearing hospital masks to protect themselves from tiny particulates. I remember when those humongous parking lots were farmer's fields producing vegetables. In North America you can't see the pollution but Cancer rates are going through the roof!

Here is Barack Obama's great speech.
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Article Details for President Barack Obama's Promises. Lets help him keep every one of them and more!
Date 11/05/2008 12:36 AM 12:41 AM

Title President Barack Obama's Promises. Lets help him keep every one of them and more!

President Barack Obama,
Twenty-one months later, my faith in the American people has been vindicated.

Remarks of Senator Barack Obama (Jacksonville, FL)
Jacksonville, FL | November 03, 2008

It's great to be back on the First Coast. I have just one word for you, Florida: tomorrow.

After decades of broken politics in Washington, eight years of failed policies from George Bush, and twenty-one months of a campaign that has taken us
from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are one day away from change in America.

Tomorrow, you can turn the page on policies that have put the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main

Tomorrow, you can choose policies that invest in our middle-class, create new jobs, and grow this economy so that everyone has a chance to succeed;
from the CEO to the secretary and the janitor; from the factory owner to the men and women who work on its floor.

Tomorrow, you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election; that tries to pit region against region, city against town,
Republican against Democrat; that asks us to fear at a time when we need hope.

Tomorrow, at this defining moment in history, you can give this country the change we need.

We began this journey in the depths of winter nearly two years ago, on the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Back then, we didn't have
much money or many endorsements. We weren't given much of a chance by the polls or the pundits. We knew how steep our climb would be.

But I also knew this. I knew that the size of our challenges had outgrown the smallness of our politics. I believed that Democrats and Republicans and
Americans of every political stripe were hungry for new ideas, new leadership, and a new kind of politics -one that favors common sense over ideology;
one that focuses on those values and ideals we hold in common as Americans.

Most of all, I knew the American people were a decent, generous people willing to work hard and sacrifice for future generations. I was convinced that
when we come together, our voices are more powerful than the most entrenched lobbyists, or the most vicious political attacks, or the full force of a
status quo in Washington that wants to keep things just the way they are.

Twenty-one months later, my faith in the American people has been vindicated. That's how we've come so far and so close -because of you. That's how
we'll change this country -with your help. And that's why we can't afford to slow down, sit back, or let up, one minute, or one second in the next twenty-
four hours. Not now. Not when so much is at stake.

We are in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. 760,000 workers have lost their jobs this year. Businesses and families
can't get credit. Home values are falling. Pensions are disappearing. It's gotten harder and harder to make the mortgage, or fill up your gas tank, or even
keep the electricity on at the end of the month.

At a moment like this, the last thing we can afford is four more years of the tired, old theory that says we should give more to billionaires and big
corporations and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else. The last thing we can afford is four more years where no one in Washington is
watching anyone on Wall Street because politicians and lobbyists killed common-sense regulations. Those are the theories that got us into this mess.
They haven't worked, and it's time for change. That's why I'm running for President of the United States.

Now, Senator McCain has served this country honorably. And he can point to a few moments over the past eight years where he has broken from
George Bush. But when it comes to the economy -when it comes to the central issue of this election -the plain truth is that John McCain has stood with
this President every step of the way. Voting for the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy that he once opposed. Voting for the Bush budgets that spent us into
debt. Calling for less regulation twenty-one times just this year. Those are the facts.

After twenty-one months and three debates, Senator McCain still has not been able to tell the American people a single major thing he'd do differently
from George Bush when it comes to the economy.

John McCain just doesn't get it. Remember what he said when he was here on September 15th?

That day, more than 5,000 jobs were lost and more than 7,000 homes were foreclosed on. The day before, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said
we were in a "once in a century" crisis.

And yet, despite our economic crisis, John McCain actually came here, to Veterans' Memorial Arena, and repeated something he's said at least sixteen
times on this campaign. He said -and I quote -"the fundamentals of our economy are strong."

Well, Florida, you and I know that's not only fundamentally wrong, it also sums up his out-of-touch, on-your-own economic philosophy. It's a philosophy
that says we should give a $700,000 tax cut to the average Fortune 500 CEO and $300 billion to the same Wall Street banks that got us into this mess.
It's a philosophy that says we shouldn't give a penny of relief to more than 100 million middle-class Americans. And it's a philosophy that will end when I
am President of the United States of America.

Look, we've tried it John McCain's way. We've tried it George Bush's way. Deep down, Senator McCain knows that, which is why his campaign said that
"if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." That's why I'm talking about the economy. That's why he's spent these last weeks calling me
every name in the book. Because that's how you play the game in Washington. When you can't win on the strength of your ideas, you make a big
election about small things.

So I expect we're going to see more of that in the next twenty-four hours. More of the slash and burn, say-anything, do-anything politics that's calculated
to divide and distract; to tear us apart instead of bringing us together. Well, that's not the kind of politics the American people need right now.

Florida, at this moment, in this election, we have the chance to do more than just beat back this kind of politics in the short-term. We can end it once and
for all. We can prove that the one thing more powerful than the politics of anything goes is the will and determination of the American people. We can
change this country. Yes we can.

We can prove that we are more than a collection of Red States and Blue States -we are the United States of America. That's who we are, and that's the
country we need to be right now.

Florida, I know these are difficult times. But I also know that we have faced difficult times before. The American story has never been about things coming
easy -it's been about rising to the moment when the moment was hard. It's about rejecting fear and division for unity of purpose. That's how we've
overcome war and depression. That's how we've won great struggles for civil rights and women's rights and workers' rights. And that's how we'll write the
next great chapter in the American story.

Understand, if we want to meet the challenges of this moment, we need to get beyond the old ideological debates and divides between left and right. We
don't need bigger government or smaller government. We need a better government -a more competent government -a government that upholds the
values we hold in common as Americans.

The choice in this election isn't between tax cuts and no tax cuts. It's about whether you believe we should only reward wealth, or whether we should also
reward the work and workers who create it. I will give a tax break to 95% of Americans who work every day and get taxes taken out of their paychecks
every week. And I'll help pay for this by asking the folks who are making more than $250,000 a year to go back to the tax rate they were paying in the1990s. No matter what Senator McCain may claim, here are the facts -if you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime
-not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes. Nothing. Because the last thing we should do in this economy is raise taxes
on the middle-class.

When it comes to jobs, the choice in this election is not between putting up a wall around America or standing by and doing nothing. The truth is, we
won't be able to bring back every job that we've lost, but that doesn't mean we should follow John McCain's plan to keep promoting unfair trade
agreements and keep giving tax breaks to corporations that send American jobs overseas. I will end those breaks as President, and give them to
companies that create jobs here in the United States of America. We'll create two million new jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, and bridges, and
schools. I will invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy -in wind and solar power and the next generation of biofuels. We'll invest in clean
coal technology and find ways to safely harness nuclear power. And we'll create five million new energy jobs over the next decade -jobs that pay well
and can't be outsourced.

When it comes to health care, we don't have to choose between a government-run health care system and the unaffordable one we have now. If you
already have health insurance, the only thing that will change under my plan is that we will lower premiums. If you don't have health insurance you'll be
able to get the same kind of health insurance that Members of Congress get for themselves. And as someone who watched his own mother spend the
final months of her life arguing with insurance companies because they claimed her cancer was a pre-existing condition and didn't want to pay for
treatment, I will stop insurance companies from discriminating against those who are sick and need care most. That's the change we need. That's why
I'm running for President of the United States.

When it comes to giving every child a world-class education, the choice is not between more money and more reform -because our schools need both.
As President, I will recruit an army of new teachers, pay them more, and give them more support. But I will also demand higher standards and more
accountability from our teachers and our schools. And I will make a deal with every American who has the drive and the will but not the money to go to
college: if you commit to serving your community or your country, we will make sure you can afford your tuition.

And when it comes to keeping this country safe, we don't have to choose between retreating from the world and fighting a war without end in Iraq. It's
time to stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while the Iraqi government sits on a huge surplus. As President, I will end this war. I will ask the Iraqi
government to step up for their future, and I will finally finish the fight against bin Laden and the al Qaeda terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. I will never
hesitate to defend this nation. And I will make sure our servicemen and women have the best training and equipment when they deploy into combat, and
the care and benefits they have earned when they come home. That's what we owe our veterans. That's what I'll do as President.

I won't stand here and pretend that any of this will be easy -especially now. The cost of this economic crisis, and the cost of the war in Iraq, means that
Washington will have to tighten its belt and put off spending on things we don't need. As President, I will go through the federal budget, line-by-line,
ending programs that we don't need and making the ones we do need work better and cost less.

But as I've said from the day we began this journey, the change we need won't come from government alone. It will come from each of us doing our part
in our own lives and our own communities. It will come from each of us looking after ourselves, our families, and our fellow citizens.

Yes, government must lead the way on energy independence, but each of us must do our part to make our homes and our businesses more efficient.
Yes, we must put more money into our schools, but government can't be that parent who turns off the TV and makes a child do their homework. We need
a return to responsibility and a return to civility. Yes, we can argue and debate our positions passionately, but all of us must summon the strength and
grace to bridge our differences and unite in common effort -black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American; Democrat and Republican, young and old,
rich and poor, gay and straight, disabled or not.

In this election, we cannot afford the same political games and tactics that are being used to pit us against one another and make us afraid of one

Despite what our opponents may claim, there are no real or fake parts of this country. There is no city or town that is more pro-America than anywhere
else -we are one nation, all of us proud, all of us patriots. The men and women who serve on our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and
Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America
or a Blue America -they have served the United States of America.

It won't be easy, Florida. It won't be quick. But you and I know that it is time to come together and change this country. Some of you may be cynical and
fed up with politics. You have every right to be. But despite all of this, I ask of you what has been asked of Americans throughout our history.

I ask you to believe -not just in my ability to bring about change, but in yours.

I know this change is possible. Because I have seen it over the last twenty-one months. Because in this campaign, I have had the privilege to witness
what is best in America. I've seen it in the faces of the men and women I've met at countless rallies and town halls across the country, men and women
who speak of their struggles but also of their hopes and dreams.

I still remember the email that a woman named Robyn sent me after I met her in Ft. Lauderdale. Sometime after our event, her son nearly went into
cardiac arrest, and was diagnosed with a heart condition that could only be treated with a procedure that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Her insurance
company refused to pay, and their family just didn't have that kind of money.

In her email, Robyn wrote, "I ask only this of you -on the days where you feel so tired you can't think of uttering another word to the people, think of us.
When those who oppose you have you down, reach deep and fight back harder."

Florida, that's what hope is.

That's what kept some of our parents and grandparents going when times were tough. What led them to say, "Maybe I can't go to college, but if I save a
little bit each week, my child can. Maybe I can't have my own business but if I work really hard my child can open up one of her own." It's what led those
who could not vote to say "if I march and organize, maybe my child or grandchild can run for President someday."

That's what hope is -that thing inside that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that there are better days ahead. If we're willing to work for it. If
we're willing to shed our fears. If we're willing to reach deep inside ourselves when we're tired, and come back fighting harder.

Don't believe for a second this election is over. Don't think for a minute that power concedes. We have to work like our future depends on it in the next
twenty-four hours, because it does.

But I know this, Florida, the time for change has come. We have a righteous wind at our back.

And if in these final hours, you will knock on some doors for me, and make some calls for me, and go to and find out where to vote. If
you will stand with me, and fight by my side, and cast your ballot for me, then I promise you this -we will not just win Florida, we will not just win this
election, but together, we will change this country and we will change the world. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear President Putin:

 Over the years you restored a certain amount of stability to Russia. With a small amount of love and friendship you could have created a lasting peace with all your neighbours, including the Ukraine and the West. Today that trust is shattered! Nobody likes the military actions you have taken. It is a shame that after all your hard work, you are destabilizing the East and creating another cold war with the West...and for what? Money and power and territory! I thought you were a smarter leader than that! Napoleon tried that method and so did Hitler and Stalin and every other tyrant in history. None of them succeeded!
 The struggle for money and power leads to war and to death for millions of people. Do you want history to compare you to Hitler and Stalin? Up until now the Americans were labelled war mongers but today, with your soldiers lined up at the border of Ukraine and the world watching you, it is time you reconsider the consequences of  your actions. It is not too late to undo the social damage you have created and to regain a certain amount of respect. Remove the soldiers from the border and give back to Ukraine the land you have taken by force. Pretend it never happened and pleasantly surprise the world! You distributed Russian Passports to thousands of Ukraine citizens, great! Let them keep the Russian passports. Duel citizenship is a good opportunity for most people. In fact, distribute millions more Russian Passports to anybody in the Ukraine who wants one but do not destabilize the Ukraine government or attempt a military take over of the Ukraine territory. That is an international crime which will not be forgiven by the United Nations.
The majority of people within the Ukraine do not want to join or be controlled and dominated by Russia. Nobody likes to be controlled and dominated by outside forces. Please realize that fact and do what is right.
Thank You for reading this message!
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

  • Hello gentle people:

  •  My home province of Quebec, Canada, is in a sorry state! We have allowed U.S. television marketing to dominate our lives and to replace our religious indoctrination...not that I like religious indoctrination...with hair shampoo and fast cars. We have replaced the strange ritualistic rules imposed on us by strange ritualistic human beings known as priests and ministers and guru's, with sales people. Our new temples of worship today include giant box stores surrounded by thousands of polluting gas burning little vehicles parked tightly together.  Except for fun holidays based on religion, I exchanged my religious concepts for fact based science concepts years ago. In fact I remember how it was directly after achieving puberty. NASA scientists are today my literal "high" priests.
  •  The exchange was painful. The authorities of my past were cruel bastards who disliked losing their authority. School principals swung short hard rubber straps to beat the concepts of freedom and creativity out of stubborn school children, however, the exchange was worth the effort. With that said, Happy Easter every body! If you are religious do not forget how God and Jesus Christ want you to stop polluting the Earth! If you are not religious, remember global warming and exchange your gas burning car for an all electric vehicle. After that plant a Tree and create a garden...or go visit a forest and worship nature.
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    Mar 28, 2014 - In 2013, two extremely unusual Model S collisions resulted in underbody damage that led to car fires. These incidents, unfortunately, received ...
  • Your Questions Answered | Tesla Motors
    Model S has two battery options. The largest battery supplies 300 miles of range at 55 MPH. How you drive affects how far you can go. How far will YOU go?
  • True Cost of Ownership | Tesla Motors
    We also encourage you to think about Model S ownership in terms of true out of pocket cost. When considering the savings from using electricity instead of ...
  • Sunday, March 30, 2014

    Gentle People:

     It has become a crowded world. Millions of people move and inter-mingle with each other every single day and one sad fact is that ( aside from text messaging on tiny computers) personal communication has dropped dramatically. For one example, you can stand in a crowded bus and be absolutely jammed tight against a fellow passenger and except for a few words like sorry and excuse me, zero conversation takes place. For another example you can go to a football or baseball game and shout and cheer for hours and never talk to the person in the next seat. Put simply, over-population and crowding creates less direct communication with our neighbours, especially in large cities. Add poverty to the mix and you create serious social problems affecting the most vulnerable inner-city women, children and the elderly.
    Here is a Poem you might like..I call it The Hypocrite.

    The Hypocrite.
     Every day I would say hello
    As I passed him on this street,
    And every day he would look at me and say
    "Now my life's complete!"

    Years went by and here I am
    Sitting in his place,
    And you kid now wear
    My smile on your face...

    So thank you kid
    For the smile,
    Though it's not very deep...,

    This seat I will keep warm for you...
    Now my life's complete.

    Copyright: Joseph Raglione.

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    Gentle People:
     For years non-profit organizations have been raising money for genetic Cancer research. The fact that
    less than ten percent of Cancers are genetic related has not bothered to slow fund raisers.
    Millions of Dollars continue to flow into Cancer research. Sadly, the truth is in plain sight. All anyone has to do is look in car parking lots for the main cause of Cancer. 

     Cancers created by toxic industrial pollution continue to be ignored by Oil and Gas companies. Countries like Russia and Canada continue to damage the environment by pumping and digging Oil from the ground. Internal combustion machines continue to dominate the open market supported by millions of dollars of Media marketing hype and only Japan has made a concerted effort to bring out all Electric clean machines to the open market. The following is a message from the WHO.

    Air pollution linked to seven million deaths globally

    From The World Health Organization.
     The World Health Organization estimates that Seven million people died as a result of air pollution in 2012.
    Its findings suggest a link between air pollution and heart disease, respiratory problems and cancer.
    One in eight global deaths were linked with air pollution, making it "the world's largest single environmental health risk", the WHO said.
    Nearly six million of the deaths had been in South East Asia and the WHO's Western Pacific region, it found.

    “Start Quote

    The evidence signals the need for concerted action to clean up the air we all breathe”
    Dr Maria Neira WHO
    The WHO said about 3.3 million people had died as a result of indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths were related to outdoor air pollution, mainly in low- and middle-income countries in those regions.
    'Heavy price' WHO public health, environmental and social determinants of health department director Dr Maria Neira said: "The risks from air pollution are now far greater than previously thought or understood, particularly for heart disease and strokes.
    "Few risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollution.
    "The evidence signals the need for concerted action to clean up the air we all breathe."
    Reducing air pollution could save millions of lives, said the WHO.
    WHO family, woman and children's health assistant director-general Dr Flavia Bustreo said: "Cleaning up the air we breathe prevents non-communicable diseases as well as reduces disease risks among women and vulnerable groups, including children and the elderly.
    "Poor women and children pay a heavy price from indoor air pollution since they spend more time at home breathing in smoke and soot from leaky coal and wood cook stoves."
    'Robust and accurate' The WHO assessment found the majority of air pollution deaths were linked with cardiovascular diseases.
    For deaths related to outdoor pollution, it found:
    • 40% - heart disease
    • 40% - stroke
    • 11% - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    • 6% - lung cancer
    • 3% - acute lower respiratory infections in children
    For deaths related to indoor pollution, it found:
    • 34% - stroke
    • 26% - heart disease
    • 22% - COPD
    • 12% - acute lower respiratory infections in children
    • 6% - lung cancer
    University of Birmingham professor of environmental and respiratory medicine Jon Ayres said the review needed to be taken seriously.
    "The estimates for the impact of outdoor air pollution are robust and as accurate as can be developed at the moment," he said.
    The WHO estimates were based on:
    • satellite data
    • ground-level monitoring
    • modelling how pollution drifts in the air
    • pollution-emissions data

    More on This Story

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    Thursday, March 13, 2014

    Attention industrial polluters, after reading the following (IPCC) article can you guess what will happen to your children and grand children? Do you still want to continue pumping carbon monoxide and CO2 into the atmosphere? Do you still want to sell polluting cars on Television and on the Internet?

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that sea levels will rise between 0.18 and 0.59 meters (0.59 to 1.9 feet) by 2099 as warming sea water expands, and mountain and polar glaciers melt. These sea level change predictions may be underestimates, however, because they do not account for any increases in the rate at which the world’s major ice sheets are melting. As temperatures rise, ice will melt more quickly. Satellite measurements reveal that the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets are shedding about 125 billion tons of ice per year—enough to raise sea levels by 0.35 millimeters (0.01 inches) per year. If the melting accelerates, the increase in sea level could be significantly higher impacting Ecosystems. More importantly, perhaps, global warming is already putting pressure on ecosystems, the plants and animals that co-exist in a particular climate zone, both on land and in the ocean. Warmer temperatures have already shifted the growing season in many parts of the globe. The growing season in parts of the Northern Hemisphere became two weeks longer in the second half of the 20th century. Spring is coming earlier in both hemispheres. This change in the growing season affects the broader ecosystem. Migrating animals have to start seeking food sources earlier. The shift in seasons may already be causing the lifecycles of pollinators, like bees, to be out of synch with flowering plants and trees. This mismatch can limit the ability of both pollinators and plants to survive and reproduce, which would reduce food availability throughout the food chain. See Buzzing About Climate Change to read more about how the lifecycle of bees is synched with flowering plants. Warmer temperatures also extend the growing season. This means that plants need more water to keep growing throughout the season or they will dry out, increasing the risk of failed crops and wildfires. Once the growing season ends, shorter, milder winters fail to kill dormant insects, increasing the risk of large, damaging infestations in subsequent seasons. In some ecosystems, maximum daily temperatures might climb beyond the tolerance of indigenous plant or animal. To survive the extreme temperatures, both marine and land-based plants and animals have started to migrate towards the poles. Those species, and in some cases, entire ecosystems, that cannot quickly migrate or adapt, face extinction. The IPCC estimates that 20-30 percent of plant and animal species will be at risk of extinction if temperatures climb more than 1.5° to 2.5°C. Impacting People The changes to weather and ecosystems will also affect people more directly. Hardest hit will be those living in low-lying coastal areas, and residents of poorer countries who do not have the resources to adapt to changes in temperature extremes and water resources. As tropical temperature zones expand, the reach of some infectious diseases, such as malaria, will change. More intense rains and hurricanes and rising sea levels will lead to more severe flooding and potential loss of property and life. Photograph of beach erosion in Massachusetts, 2007. One inevitable consequence of global warming is sea-level rise. In the face of higher sea levels and more intense storms, coastal communities face greater risk of rapid beach erosion from destructive storms like the intense nor’easter of April 2007 that caused this damage. (Photograph ©2007 metimbers2000.) Hotter summers and more frequent fires will lead to more cases of heat stroke and deaths, and to higher levels of near-surface ozone and smoke, which would cause more ‘code red’ air quality days. Intense droughts can lead to an increase in malnutrition. On a longer time scale, fresh water will become scarcer, especially during the summer, as mountain glaciers disappear, particularly in Asia and parts of North America. On the flip side, there could be “winners” in a few places. For example, as long as the rise in global average temperature stays below 3 degrees Celsius, some models predict that global food production could increase because of the longer growing season at mid- to high-latitudes, provided adequate water resources are available. The same small change in temperature, however, would reduce food production at lower latitudes, where many countries already face food shortages. On balance, most research suggests that the negative impacts of a changing climate far outweigh the positive impacts. Current civilization—agriculture and population distribution—has developed based on the current climate. The more the climate changes, and the more rapidly it changes, the greater the cost of adaptation. 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