Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear President Putin:

 Over the years you restored a certain amount of stability to Russia. With a small amount of love and friendship you could have created a lasting peace with all your neighbours, including the Ukraine and the West. Today that trust is shattered! Nobody likes the military actions you have taken. It is a shame that after all your hard work, you are destabilizing the East and creating another cold war with the West...and for what? Money and power and territory! I thought you were a smarter leader than that! Napoleon tried that method and so did Hitler and Stalin and every other tyrant in history. None of them succeeded!
 The struggle for money and power leads to war and to death for millions of people. Do you want history to compare you to Hitler and Stalin? Up until now the Americans were labelled war mongers but today, with your soldiers lined up at the border of Ukraine and the world watching you, it is time you reconsider the consequences of  your actions. It is not too late to undo the social damage you have created and to regain a certain amount of respect. Remove the soldiers from the border and give back to Ukraine the land you have taken by force. Pretend it never happened and pleasantly surprise the world! You distributed Russian Passports to thousands of Ukraine citizens, great! Let them keep the Russian passports. Duel citizenship is a good opportunity for most people. In fact, distribute millions more Russian Passports to anybody in the Ukraine who wants one but do not destabilize the Ukraine government or attempt a military take over of the Ukraine territory. That is an international crime which will not be forgiven by the United Nations.
The majority of people within the Ukraine do not want to join or be controlled and dominated by Russia. Nobody likes to be controlled and dominated by outside forces. Please realize that fact and do what is right.
Thank You for reading this message!
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

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