Friday, August 29, 2014

I believe in Ethics and Principles and in Truth and in Justice. I believe in both our human laws and in nature's laws.
I believe that all that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe.
I believe man has labeled the eternal energy of the universe with his own cultural interpretations understood around the world as: God, or Mohammed, or Buddha, or Vishnu and many other wonderfully descriptive names.
I believe, therefore, that the concepts describing supreme all powerful beings are attempts to define the Eternal Energy of the Universe and so far not a priest or a scientist has explained eternal energy.
"All is relative" said Einstein. And surprise! Einstein believed in God!
I believe that all successful religions are based on: Peace, Love, Compassion and Ethics.
I believe that not all peaceful and loving and compassionate ethical human beings are religious or need to be religious to do good work.
I believe that all rules based on love and compassion will promote good will and peace to the degree in which they are obeyed.
I believe what good a person creates on this Earth returns to that person. It is commonly known as Karma but it can also be called free love and it spreads around quickly from person to person.
I believe that free and honest and fair trade between people and countries creates good will and the opposite creates ill will.
I believe that territory and food and shelter must be shared in a crowded world and that borders and fences create fear and fear creates enemies!
I believe that sharing honest and true facts as well as goods and services leads to peace.
I believe that hoarding money and food and goods and services leads to violence.
I believe that allowing poor human beings to go hungry in order to maintain an imperial economy is cruel and foolish and dangerous and the same goes for  imperial communism.
I believe that voluntary soldiers working as trained Peace Keepers for the United Nations are better at keeping World Peace than their military counterparts who are trained and paid to kill.
I believe that Doctors without borders are heroes and visionaries and necessary!
I believe that farmers and ecologists and teachers doing their best to feed and save the planet using natural non polluting systems are necessary heroes and visionaries.
I believe that every person: young, old, weak or invalid, must be given the opportunity and the training to work for themselves in order to gain merit and self worth, as long as the work is non-polluting.
I believe that all those who need help must be given a helping hand and all those willing and capable of working must be paid honest and fair wages.
I believe all governments must support in dignity and comfort all citizens who are medically proven to be unable to support themselves. Privatizing any medical system unnecessarily burdens the poor and the helpless as they simply cannot pay for the medical help they need.
I believe that dollars must be used to focus on life sustaining systems and not on polluting non-life sustaining systems. All powerful multi-national companies should invest in life sustaining business.
I believe our Medicare and Social Welfare systems must be improved and maintained.
I believe that prisoners must be given work and credited for their work with their money re-directed towards the victims of crime and to non-profit charities.
I believe that Human Beings live a more fulfilling life when they live by the sweat of their brow...but not so much they break their backs simply to survive!
I believe that if we work to enhance and replenish Nature, she in return will replenish and enhance our lives!
I believe that today there are still a few large corporations left who are working against Nature and they continue to create severe harm to many species existing on this Earth, including our own.
I believe that Life is Good and Love is wonderful and birth control an absolute necessity.
I believe that men who live and abide by moral and by ethical as well as by natural principles, live more abundantly than those who believe that there are no such principles.
I believe that understanding Nature's Laws is the best way to be useful to one's self and to our fellow Human Beings. 
If you also believe the way I do, then please join the world humanitarian peace and ecology movement or the Green Party or the Sierra Club or Green-Peace or the World Wildlife Fund or any other of the wonderful and honest non-profit organizations working to save and enhance Life on this our small Blue Planet Earth.
You can also start your own group and do something wonderful for yourself and for your family and friends and all life on this our little Blue planet.

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

  • Gentle People:

  •  Here is a message from my friends at Greenpeace. Please pass it on...Thanks!

  • Let's stop feeling so guilty about global warming

    Blogpost by Emma Thompson - August 7, 2014 at 16:071 comment
    Emma Thompson and her daughter in the Arctic with Greenpeace. 08/05/2014 © Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
    Emma Thompson is currently in the Arctic aboard the Greenpeace ship Esperanza. She wrote these words after walking out onto the fragile sea ice for the first time alongside her 14 year old daughter Gaia.
    We're told that it is all our fault, global warming — we want the fuel, we want our cars, and that the oil industry is merely responding to the needs of a greedy public. But that's simply not fair. Most of us want to live cleaner lives, but our governments don't make these things easily available.
    The changes we need, that the Arctic needs, must come from the top as well as the bottom. We need electric cars to be cheaper and more accessible. We want safer bike lanes in every big city. We want plastic bags to be banned for good. We need governments to stand up to the dirty industries that have for so long funded and controlled them, and to give us all an affordable chance to live our lives in a more sustainable way.
    Yes, keep recycling; keep using your own shopping bags, taking transit and using your bike. But also use your voice. Know that you have power and you can make your government listen. Above all, I hope that people stop feeling so guilty and powerless about climate change. That's the lie that keeps us paralysed when really together, we are so much more powerful.
    But bear in mind that politicians often lose sight of issues that aren't in front of them all the time. They can end up ignoring even something like climate change, which is possibly the most pressing challenge of our time. So we all need to be bold. Attend a rally, write to your local leaders. If tens of millions of us just wrote to our leaders demanding action on the Arctic and climate change, well – that could change everything.
    Please join me, and five million others so far. Visit

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement presents: Our INTERNATIONAL WEB SITE INDEX .

Laval, West,
Quebec, Canada.
Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.

"All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only constant is constant change. Author: Joseph Raglione."

Gentle People:
Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like. Joseph Raglione/
18. =
30.=  How to greatly improve our school systems.
31. =
32. =
33. =
34. =
35. =
36. =
37. =  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Song of the Universe.

In space
All the energy that ever was still is
In a different place and at
A different speed...
We measure light from the
Stars in the Sky
With the question why?
And as we measure
Life on Earth
With the same question?
The energy that now is
You and I, my love,
Will change speed and place
Within eternal space
In order to find the answer.

copyright: Joseph Raglione.

The Setting of the Hydrogen Sun.

 I see the setting of the Hydrogen Sun
As a child does when having fun,
Transfixed and filled with wonder...

And high above my head the Red
And Orange and Dark Blue colours,
Are painted by our fiery Sun
On clouds across the sky...

And time slides like a Seagull flying...

And soon it is over as the Sun goes hiding
And the dark sets a stage for the bright Moon
Above my head...

And rising I think of bed...
But suddenly I see the planet Mars arriving...
And beyond that a heaven of eternal galaxies
Hiding from my logic!
And so, like a child, I stay a while longer.

copyright: Joseph Raglione.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gentle People:

 Apparently I am at war with the advertising companies! They flooded my computer with pop-up ads and with PC improvement ads which informed me how my old XP computer was slow and was no longer supported by Microsoft and therefore I needed to upgrade. According to these insulting commercial cyber terrorists I had to immediately buy a new computer! To prove it, they even stuck pop-up advertising in my Netflix movies and made it virtually impossible for me to watch movies. That was when I got angry!
 Does this blog give you the impression I capitulated to their demands?
 I like my old computer and I'm keeping it. When the fight is over I will give you the secrets for blocking the advertising pop-ups from infiltrating into your brand new computers. It may take a while to win the war because advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry and they do not appreciate human-rights activists cutting into their profits. Apparently they were not around when we created the ground rules for computer users. Spamming is forbidden on all computers around the world. Do not spam and shove unwanted advertising in our email boxes and on our computers. If you want to sell something, create your own web site and wait for people to find you. You are allowed to place advertising on your own web sites but if nobody wants your product, too bad! There are still enough "GEEKS" in this world who hate advertising and will help to protect the World Wide Web from commercial infiltration and domination. We may even flag a few nasty and ignorant companies in the process. Have a great day!
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Hey kids! Water does not derive from 

plastic bottles!

The fight Nestlé never expected.‏
To: JOSEPH Raglione

Dear JOSEPH Raglione,
When Nestlé subsidiary Poland Spring came
 to the tiny town of Fryeburg, Maine, USA nearly
 a decade ago, residents noticed that their 
water was vanishing. Lake levels were lowering.
Streams were getting smaller. Nestlé was pumping
the aquifer under their town for all it could get.
When the citizens of Fryeburg spoke up, 
Nestlé unleashed an aggressive, divide-and-conquer
strategy. It sued the town, nearly bankrupting
 several local activists. It worked to ensure that
 local regulatory boards were friendly to its position
 and it took its case all the way to the state
 Supreme Court. But Nestlé also set up a
Poland Spring shop for local outreach, and
established the Fryeburg Business Association
 -- staffed by a Nestlé employee --
to lead a charm offensive. Local schools
 even have a bottled water vending machine
 and Nestlé hands out bottles of water to
people in the town. 
That’s right – a town sitting atop one of America’s
 most famous aquifers is being sold its own water...
in plastic bottles. Nestlé is boldly planting a story -- 
telling the residents, even the children, 
of Fryeburg to get used to drinking their 
own spring water through Nestlé’s plastic bottles.  
But we have a different story to tell and we
 need your help. We’ve been speaking with
local activists -- the Friends of the Fryeburg
Water District -- and they say that 
it’s vital we restore local residents’ 
sense of pride and ownership of their 
water resources. 
That’s why we’re raising money to buy 
public drinking fountains for the town 
specifically designed to fill up reusable 
water bottles. We’ll also supply local residents
with their own Fryeburg-branded water bottles,
to take pride in the fight they’ve waged and
send a clear message to Nestlé:
We don’t want your bottled water.
Chip in today to buy water bottles 
and public drinking fountains for the 
 Fryeburg school and town!

Nestlé has planted its presence in Fryeburg and 
its schools because it wants the local children to 
grow up assuming their local water should come 
in plastic bottles. To teach them that it comes from 
Nestlé, not from the tap.  
But imagine if the residents of Fryeburg
 had their customized water bottles, 
which they filled up directly from their 
local springs.  Above each of the
 “hydration stations”
 will be a plaque with information and 
an inspirational quote about their 
natural spring water.
Each day, the kids tote their water bottles to school,
and every time they fill them up it gives them a
sense of pride in their natural spring water,
reinforcing that they don’t have to depend on
Nestlé for their water.
After a long battle with Nestlé, 
the townsfolk are exhausted.
Many people took out first or second mortgages
 on their home during the long legal battle.
Their muscles tense up every time they see a
tanker truck rumble down their quiet roads,
but they have always been playing defense.

But after a couple of dramatic shake-ups, 
the citizens of Fryeburg are starting to have
 hope again. In the biggest victory,
the Fryeburg Water District resigned en mass
after being hounded over conflict of interest,
opening up the election to locals who want
control of their water.
The movement is energized, and if we can 
help give it these very visible, public 
markers of success, people can take 
even greater pride in their pristine 
local resource, and second-guess
 Nestlé's attempts to colonize the town.
Fryeburg isn’t the only fight, but right now
 Fryeburg is the testing ground for
 Nestlé's goal of water rights’ contracts
 that will last for generations.
And we’re pushing back.
Around the world Nestlé is trying to buy water
out from under local people, purchasing it at
 a fraction of the price that it's worth, and
making outrageous profits. Bottled water 
companies create massive pollution and
 run campaigns to make people 
suspicious of tap water.
They also try to tell their own story --
that public resources should be privatized
and owned by multinational corporations.
Nestlé's Chairman of the Board famously
declared that the idea that human beings
have a right to water was an "extreme" solution.
Instead, Nestlé thinks that water should be
priced and sold on the open market --
in reality, it means that Nestlé should be
able to buy up a town's water rights and
make billions in profits.
Nestlé has shown that it will do whatever 
it can get away with, from causing local 
wells to run dry in Pakistan to pumping 
out millions of gallons during drought 
conditions in Canada and California.
We are all actors in this Story, and we're not
going to let corporations like Nestlé write the script.
Nestlé wants to reduce the world to things
that can be bought and sold, so that it can muscle
 in on small towns and force them into terrible
long-term contracts. But we are not just lone
We are friends, neighbors, and citizens 
united by our desire for a better world for
 ourselves and for future generations.
Acting together, we can show Nestlé that water
is a human right, not a private good,
and help support local water resources.

Chip in today to buy water bottles and
 public drinking fountains for the
 Fryeburg school and town!
Thank you,

-Claiborne, Michael, Annie, Allison and the
 rest of us at the Story of Stuff.

At the Story of Stuff, we're rewriting the
 narrative that has us overworked and
 trashing the planet. We're working to
 build a world that is healthy, sustainable, and just.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Gentle readers of this newsletter:

 Here are solutions to our social problems.
 As many as I could remember.
1. Plant Trees and Gardens everywhere, even on
 roof-tops and within tall buildings.
2. Build water desalination plants and pump the
 water to our farmers and to our cities.
3. Protect Bio-diversity everywhere on the planet.
4. Buy an all electric vehicle and use it as a Taxi.
You will become rich within ten years.
5.  Put Solar panels on your roof.
6. Double insulate your home. Never destroy a
 forest to build a house. Recycle paper.
7. Put electricity producing Wind and Water
 generators on and in the Ocean and allow the
wind and the ocean currents to produce
8. Allow Medicare to exist because sooner
 or later, rich or poor, you will need a doctor.
9. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Grow your
 own vegies as they taste better.
10. Make love, not war!
11. Give the United Nations a powerful army
 of Ethical peace keepers and send them into
conflict zones specifically to arrest the leaders
of the conflicts. Do not exclude European and
Western leaders who commit war crimes. 
12. Arrest polluters, no matter how rich and
 powerful they are and stop utilizing fossil fuels.
13. Protect the planet and have a  happy life!
You will face death with courage.

 Signed: Joseph Raglione Friday, August 1, 2014


ICYMI: They're actually suing the President!‏

Abby Witt, 


To: Joseph Raglione
Yesterday, Speaker Boehner and House leadership did something that's 
never been done in American history: They voted to sue the President. 
What's certain is that this is an utter waste
of time and millions of taxpayer dollars.

But it gets crazier -- this opens the door
 for extreme voices in Congress to call
 for impeachment.

I wish that was as unbelievable as it sounds.
 But look at John Boehner's track record:
He let an extreme minority shut down the
government, gave them more than 50
votes trying to derail Obamacare, and now
 he's letting them call the shots over a
wasteful lawsuit.

This isn't going to stop unless the American
 people demand it --
right now, add your name to tell John Boehner
 you're fed up with this nonsense.

As grassroots organizers who are working for real
 change that actually helps people, what's most
frustrating is that political stunts like this lawsuit
only make it more unlikely that they'll get
something meaningful done.

John Boehner is the Speaker of the House.
That's a job that should mean something --
 the chance to fix problems and tackle the
 issues that the American people sent you
there to do.

Instead, he's one of the biggest reasons
 this is the least productive Congress
in modern history.

That's pretty shameful, and what just
happened yesterday on Capitol Hill is
making matters worse.

Add your name to tell John Boehner to
knock off the political games and get
something done:



Abby Witt
Deputy National Director of Issue Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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