Saturday, February 10, 2024

Dear President Biden.



I suggest you switch jobs with your vice president. It will take the heat off you while allowing you to remain in the upper echalons of power. You step down one step and not the whole staircase.

As for the question of your age, use China as an example.  Elders in China are respected for good reason...they are dangerous!  You also have the potential to be dangerous but unlike China's Communist government, and Putin's dictatorshiip, you are not trying to run everybody else's government!

Admit your age! Yes, I am old but whom would you rather have in government, an honest old man with a good heart or a slightly younger Trump who has admitted publicly to being the friend of murderous dictator Putin. Putin has sent Fifty thousand young men to die in the Ukaraine...SO FAR! 

You can state that you do not agree with nor condone genocide anywhere on Earth and will do your best to bring peace back to the world by re-invigorating the United Nations and also by passing laws to stop dangerous polluters from warming our planet. A fact that must be acknowledged.

Thanks for reading!

If you meet them, say hello to Michelle and Barack Obama for me. I once sent them a few letters like this.

Signed:  Joseph N. Raglione

Executive director:

The World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement.

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