Monday, February 5, 2024

Hooray Winabago! Thanks for creating the first ERV freedom machine.



I want to travel in North America and around the world unencumbered by travel expenses. I also do not want to spend my retirement money on Gas for a vehicle that creates Carbon Monoxide pollution everywhere I roll. I need an imaginative solution and the answer is... an ERV!

 Wouldn't it be great if I had a battery powered Electric Recreational Vehicle or ERV?!

 Would it not be fantastic if Solar Panels covered the ERV and they had the capacity to charge the ERV'S battery and to provide heating and cooling and lighting day and night! A self powered Recreation Vehicle with a bed and bathroom and small kitchenette to carry me around North America almost free of charge. I may have to stop infrequently at recharging stations but my freedom machine would provide almost limitless capacity to travel anywhere I wanted! There is that word again...FREEDOM!!        

A freedom machine!

Hey Elon Musk!

 What do you think of this idea? I'm sure you could do it but if not how about General Motors? Would they consider the concept? Ok! Hey, Volkswagen! Remember your Hippy Van with the tiny motor? We skinny and unemployed kids had to get out to push-start the motor! I made it to old age but that won't stop me from riding in a new freedom machine? HEY WINABAGO! THANKS FOR CREATING THE FIRST ERV! 

I suggest governments and large companies consider creating millions of ERV freedom machines to help the millions of homeless poor refugees now arriving from places like Ukraine. ERV'S would provide shelter and provide refugees the opportunity to spread out while locating homes and jobs.

Thanks for reading!


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