Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 Gentle People:

 If in November Joe Biden is elected President of the United States, he promises to cancel the Tar Sands deal with Canada and that is a wonderful promise! It will be a great day for everybody fighting to clean and Green this planet. We can finally put money to work protecting the environment as opposed to helplessly watching as our polluting industrial economy destroys the environment. It will become our priority to change the world economy and make it work for the protection of Nature, and that is absolutely necessary for our basic survival! If Covid-19 teaches us anything it is that we are late...very late beginning this work and Donald Trump, his Republican Party and his personal friends around the world have absolutely zero interest to change the status quo.
 In Canada, I suggest Alberta go back to Cattle ranching as opposed to depending on the oil and gas industry. Why? Because Canada is paying Brazil millions of Dollars for Cattle meat when we in Canada have the best Ranch lands on Earth? And Brazil farmers are destroying the Amazon rain forest to clear the land for Cattle ranching. Brazil's President, Jair Bolsonaro, has permitted Brazilian loggers and farmers to clear the Amazon forest for hard-wood lumber and for Cattle ranching. 
 The Amazon Rain Forests are the lungs of the Earth and all must absolutely be protected and enhanced. The fact that U.S. president Donald Trump has lifted the ban on Brazil's Beef imports opens the door for exploitation of the  Rain Forest. Canada does not need Brazilian meat and the world should pay Brazilian farmers to plant and care for hard-wood trees as opposed to clear cutting and burning the Amazon. 
Thanks for reading.  J.N.R.

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