Sunday, October 18, 2020


Gentle Readers:

 The following list is slightly unfair to Donald Trump. What it represents are his attempts to solve U.S. social problems from the perspective of a conservative unsuccessful business man. A difficult task if you live so far above the poverty line it becomes invisible!  Before his election, Donald Trump was an international hotel magnate who borrowed far above his ability to repay his debts. He borrowed millions and failed to pay back his debts to the largest German Bank in the world, and so he conveniently went bankrupt. The Deauchbank in Germany is the same bank president PUTIN OF RUSSIA keeps his money and I wonder how Putin felt when Trump went bankrupt. Trump once declared openly that " Putin is my friend."

 With a little help from his friends, Donald Trump became president of the United States and after being sworn in he absolutely refused to disclose his earnings to the U.S. TAX DEPARTMENT.  

And now here is the Simpson's list of fifty ethical and social mistakes the new president made during his first term in office. To be fair, D. Trump tried to correct some of those mistakes.

Here is that list:

Made it okay to shoot hibernating bears...
Put children in cages...
Called Mexicans rapists...
Imitated disabled reporter...
Looks lousy in a tennis outfit...
Can’t get wife to hold hand...
Called third world countries ****holes...
Called Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple’...
Said Jewish people who vote Democrat are disloyal...
Showed top secret documents at Mar-A-Lago restaurant...
Called white supremacists ‘fine people’...
Leaked classified information to Russian ambassador...
Asked the president of Ukraine to investigate the Bidens...
Called for China to investigate the Bidens...
Walked into the dressing room at Miss Teen USA pageant...
Pressed the Australian prime minister to help Barr investigate Mueller...
Talked about grabbing *****
Lied about the size of his inauguration...
Refused to release tax returns...
Gutted the E.P.A....
Confiscated and destroyed interpreter’s notes after meeting with Putin...
Tweeted classified photo of Iran missile site...
Called Baltimore a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess’...
Described Meryl Streep as ‘over-rated’...
Leaked information to the press about the 2017 Manchester arena bombing...
Did not attend any White House correspondents’ dinner...
Said Megyn Kelly had ‘blood coming out of her whatever’...
Called Carly Fiorina ‘horseface’...
Ruined impeachment...
Brought Ivanka to the G7 summit...
Corrupted Congress...
Appointed and didn’t fire Betsy DeVos...
Put Jared in charge of Mideast...
Served McDonald’s to Clemson football team...
Destroyed democracy...
Lost Hong Kong...
Threatened Marie Yovanovitch...
Pulled the U.S. out of climate agreement...
Allowed bounties on soldiers...
Invaded Portland...
Withdrew from W.H.O.   ...
Bragged about knowing the date...
Commuted sentences...
Said to swallow bleach...
Person, woman, man, camera, TV...
Destroyed post office...
Paid $750 in taxes...
Wants third term...
Wanted to be on Mount Rushmore...
And we haven’t even said the worst one...


 Gentle People:

 If this November Joe Biden is elected President of the United States, he promises to cancel the Tar Sands deal with Canada and that is a wonderful promise! It will be a great day for everybody fighting to clean and Green this planet. Putting money to work for the environment, as opposed to destroying the environment, is our priority and removing a polluting economy is absolutely necessary for our basic survival! If Covid-19 teaches us anything it is that we are late...very late beginning this work and Donald Trump and his Republican Party have absolutely zero interest to change the status quo.

 In Canada, I suggest Alberta go back to Cattle ranching as opposed to depending on the oil and gas industry. Why? Because Canada is paying Brazil millions of Dollars for Cattle meat when we in Canada have the best Ranch lands on Earth? And Brazil farmers are destroying the Amazon rain forest to clear the land for Cattle ranching. The Amazon forest is called the lungs of the Earth and absolutely must be protected. The world should pay Brazilian farmers to plant and care for hard-wood trees as opposed to clear cutting the Amazon forest.

Thanks for reading.  J.N.R.

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 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...