Tuesday, October 6, 2020



  In Quebec, the death of an English speaking Native American lady exposed systemic racism in our medical care system. She was dying and cried for help but the French speaking nurse chastised and ignored her. The nurse made an irresponsible value judgement and it cost the life of a patient. Sadly, it is well understood that racism and nationalism have destroyed millions of lives over centuries.

 The question is how do we stop the hate? In Canada the solution is not easy and it will take time but it will work with the economic help of the Provincial and Federal governments. 

1. With full permission and help from native leaders, build science based schools on every Native reserve in Canada and teach: Botany, Biology and Physics. Place native leaders in charge of their own schools. 

2. Build small hospitals and clinics on every Native reserve in Canada and fill them with students from the native schools. Create temporary contracts with doctors and nurses from inside and outside Canada willing to work under Native administration and who are willing to teach what they know to Native students.

3. Change Canadian history books so that one culture or group is not vilified by other cultures or groups. Always keep school text books fact based and direct as well as honest and unemotional. Objective fairness is a universal value we can all strive to apply to our subjective lives in order to create peace and harmony in Canada and around the world. Education is the key for everybody! Thanks for reading!


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