Monday, June 1, 2020


Please correct me if I am wrong!
Here is what I understand so far about Covid-19.

1. The SARS-CoV-2 enters the body by the nose, mouth and eyes.
2. It travels down the esophagus and into the lungs.
3. It quietly enters into the lung cells without alarming the immune system.
4. The job of lung cells is to transfer oxygen from the air we breath into the blood stream.
5. Infected lung cells are not aware they are infected because the virus blocks the lung cells from using an immune system alarm called interferon. Interferon triggers B and T proteins. T proteins rush to arrive to destroy the infection.
6. B and T cells are part of the immune system and they attack germ and virus infections when they are warned early enough.
7. Without an immune response, the virus enters the blood stream and then slowly stops the process of breathing. It quietly spreads itself via the blood stream everywhere in the body and it creates blood clots. 
8. As a last resort for a sick patient, doctors intubate by pushing an oxygen tube into the lungs. Unfortunately, however, this protocol is proving wrong because by the late stage of the SARS-C0V-2 infection, the lungs are incapable of processing oxygen and intubating hinders rather than helps. The protocol is questioned?
9.  Doctors are wondering how and why dangerous blood clots are created in Covid patients. One theory needing verification is that the virus in the blood stream connects with other virus to create blood clots.
10.  Laboratories around the world are creating vaccines to help the body recognize the SARS-CoV-2. Some large pharmaceutical companies are balking at spending millions to create a non-profit vaccine thus slowing the process of discovery.
11. The Houston medical hospital is reporting good results with a plasma injection that uses the blood plasma of recovered patients to alleviate the symptoms of sick patients. 
12. "Most convalescent plasma obtained from individuals who recover from COVID-19 do not contain high levels of neutralizing activity. Nevertheless, rare but recurring RBD-specific antibodies with potent antiviral activity were found in all individuals tested, suggesting that a vaccine designed to elicit such antibodies could be broadly effective.

12. The virus is air born and for self protection and the protection of others, wear a mask and remain more than three meters from other people unless you are a professional care giver.
13 Wash your hands constantly. 
14,  Remain isolated as long as possible and have yourself tested for the virus because you may not have early warning signs. 

Keep safe and good luck!
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Dir: The World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement.

P.S. For science based information visit human4us2.blogspot 

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