Monday, June 15, 2020

Please, correct me if I am wrong!

Gentle People:

 Here is what I understand so far about the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, otherwise known as Covid-19.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong!

1.  It is still ongoing and dangerous but doctors have better information.
2.  Protective social distancing is not Two Meters but Four...I repeat...Four (4) Meters.
3.  Yes, wear a mask. I recommend a vinyl face mask covering the eyes and nose and mouth because a cloth mask does do not cover the entire face and it leaves the eyes exposed. A vinyl mask helps you see and breath better. Clean both types of mask often with a strong disinfectant.
4. Wash your hands often and wear surgical gloves when shopping for groceries.
5. Yes, authorities must test for the virus on everybody and not only on those who report into a hospital when they feel sick! Why? Because isolating the SARS-CoV-2  is important and Canada and especially the province of Quebec is late in proceeding to locate and isolate the virus.
6.  Finding early and Isolating people with Covid-19 as well as treating them with any known treatment gives them a better chance at survival.   
7. If you have contracted and recovered from Covid-19, please donate blood as your anti-bodies have the ability to control this dangerous disease.
8. Not all anti-bodies from infected people who recovered can neutralize the SARS-CoV-2.
9.  Vaccines are now being manufactured for distribution and a few are proving to be effective against SARSCoV-2.
10. A study from the University of  Montreal research Center has discovered that the ability of anti-bodies from previously infected people, to neutralize the virus, diminishes after six weeks. 
11. Not all anti-bodies that do recognize the virus have the ability to neutralize the virus. The study, published by Andres Finzi who is head of the Canadian retro-viral research center and a professor at C.R.C.H.U.M, has yet to be peer reviewed.
11. Several companies are in the lead for creating prophylactic vaccines and top of the list is a company called Moderna. (Prophylactic in this sense means temporarily effective.) At least long enough to help both healthy and sick people develop their own anti-bodies which can identify and neutralize the virus. Helping the body identify and neutralize SARS-CoV-2 Is today the top priority of laboratories around the world.
12. Remdisevir seems to be an existing antiviral drug that has some potency against Covid-19. Potassium ions have also been reported to have some good effect.
13. Here is the good news! The recovery rate is larger than the death rate in Canada and around the world but don't catch the virus in order to find out if you can survive!

N.J. Raglione

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