Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Please correct me if I am wrong!

Gentle people:

The facts I have learned so far.

  SARS-CoV-2 which creates the Covid-19 disease, infects every organ in the body and blocks the activation of the body's immune T-cells.  (To reach every organ in the body the virus must travel via blood circulation and oxygen distribution.) 
T cell lymphocytes are necessary for cell-mediated immunity. If made aware of the virus, T cells actively destroy infected cells as well as signaling other immune cells to participate in the immune responseA full-blown cytokine immune response may prove dangerous to people who have SARS-coV-2 and Doctors may boost the initial cytokine immune response only to then dampen the protein's response to the virus in order to buy time and avoid large amounts of cell death. 

  This is my theory and correct me if I am wrong but I have learned that Thrombi, otherwise known as blood clots, are being linked to Covid-19 and can travel to the brain to create strokes and sudden death. If tested and diagnosed with Covid-19, immediately ask your doctor to check for Thrombi in your blood. If the doctor finds thrombi, ask him to be very careful because blood thinners may prove dangerous. A blood cleaning machine may be the better alternative where the machine gently extracts your blood, cleans it and sends it back into the body. It is my theory that the SARSCoV-2 enters the lungs, attaches itself inside lung cells and replaces the oxygen, then blocks the immune response and takes a ride as the still living lung cells transfer the virus into the red blood circulation system. 
  The virus may be replacing oxygen in the blood with itself and if doctors use blood thinners, they may be inadvertently releasing more virus. The SARSCoV-2 has the ability to block a cells immune response and without that response cells do not sense they are being invaded. They do not immediately commit suicide but provide a living host for the virus and that may explain why the virus multiplies and travels through the blood stream uninhibited. When the virus is finally discovered by the immune system, a full blown cytokine amplification loop response may occur as T cells kill both the virus and the cell host. 

 A Potassium treatment may be a life-saver.

Covid-19 Research: A research study by a medical University in Zhejiang province lead by Dr Don Chen revealed that almost all Covid-19 patients exhibited hypokalemia and that supplementation with potassium ions was one of the many factors that assisted in their recovery. 

 The virus also slowly and insidiously infects the lungs and a person who is infected with the SARS-C0V-2 is silently asphyxiated. “When any cell senses that there is something foreign, that there is something bad happening, the immediate response of the cell is to kill itself,”  says Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Ph.D.  “It’s a protective mechanism so it doesn’t spread to other cells.” 

         Certain kinds of cytokines trigger cell death. When you have many cells doing this at the same time, a lot of tissue can die. In COVID-19, that tissue is mostly in the lung. As the tissue breaks down, the walls of the lungs’ tiny air sacs become leaky and fill with fluid, causing pneumonia and starving the blood of oxygen.
“Basically, most of your cells will die because of the cytokine storm. It eats away at the lung. They cannot recover,” Kumar says. “It seems to play a role in death in a large number of cases.”

Some people do not realize they are being smothered until they start to experience shortness of breath and that is the final and most dangerous symptom of the disease. 

  With or without symptoms, it is recommended you have yourself tested early for the virus. Symptoms include a sore throat and repeated shaking with: chills, muscle pain, and a loss of taste and or smell. Unless you are totally asymptomatic and have completed a mile run, don't wait until you are short of breath to see your doctor because along with the other symptoms, shortness of breath means you have the last stage of the disease where your lungs are slowly filling with fluid. Many people with the virus do not feel the last stage until it is almost too late. That is the stage where doctors place a tube down your throat and into your lungs and shrug their shoulders. They have only a slight hope you will recover. Ventilators are important but one young emergency room doctor in New York is reporting that the wrong protocol is being used and that intubation may be doing more harm than good. Oxygenating is important but the manner it is being done can be the difference between life and death. 

Gentle People:

  I do not claim to be anything but a research journalist interested in presenting honest straight forward facts. What you find on my Blog is what I learn from the best scientists and research experts around the world. Information I may use to save my own life if the need should arise. Also, I do not hesitate to remove or change any research finding that does not prove relevant against the Covid-19 disease. Conflicting research is also becoming a problem! It is difficult to discern which research paper has the best information and is the most up-to-date and relevant to finding a cure for Covid-19.

1. Remember to wear a mask because the virus enters through your nose, eyes, and throat. The mask also protects others from you if you asymptomatically carry the virus.

2. Remember to wear gloves when you do your grocery shopping because you do not want to touch places where the virus may be lurking.
3. Remember to keep a six-meter distance from strangers.
4. Remember to wash your hands when entering a grocery store and when arriving home. P.S. Bananas contain Potassium and Potassium protects against Covid-19.
5. If tested positive for Covi-19, remember to ask your doctor if a blood-thinning medication is necessary to counter blood thrombi's because it may release the virus travelling in the blood. Ask your doctor if filtering your blood through a blood cleaning machine is a good alternative to blood thinning medication. 
6. Remember to keep a positive attitude and stay alive.

 More facts to come.

 There are now many vaccines in the trial stage and more than one are showing promise. Stay positive! 

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