Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Trump motivates world Greenpeace activistism.

Joanna Kerr, Greenpeace Canada Unsubscribe

Jun 6 (1 day ago)
to me
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Last week was not a good one for our planet.
In a move that's been called "one of the most reckless and reprehensible decisions ever made by a US president" [1], Donald Trump announced he is abandoning the Paris climate agreement.
I want to let you, one of our loyal Greenpeace supporters, know that our resolve and commitment to protecting our planet has only be strengthened. If Trump thinks we're going to stand by while he puts our planet on course to catastrophe, now is the moment we'll prove him wrong.
As you read this, Greenpeace's teams - from Asia to Europe - are already mobilizing. Our office in the US has launched a huge response, urgently calling for members of Congress to oppose the president. And here in Canada, we'll be ramping up pressure on Prime Minister Trudeau and other leaders to condemn Trump's move in the strongest possible terms and, most importantly, to back those words with action by adopting even stronger measures here, like substituting renewable energy investments for proposed pipeline and tar sands expansion.
Though the Paris agreement is by no means perfect, it's still a monumental achievement: a deal that hundreds of thousands of us across the globe tirelessly campaigned for. When it was agreed in 2015, it was the first time in history the world's governments came together to set out comprehensive plans to tackle the climate crisis.
But Trump’s actions don't just risk undoing hard work. While climate change might seem like a distant threat, for many people around the world it is a life or death issue. In sub-Saharan Africa, climate change is triggering more extreme drought and pushing farmers into an uncertain future.[2] In Bangladesh, rising sea levels - brought on by melting ice and warming seas - are forcing people to abandon their homes.[3]
With his announcement, Trump turned his back on one of the greatest threats humanity faces, and he chose to put more lives at risk.
While all countries must play their part in slashing greenhouse gases, the US has a crucial role to play in tackling the climate crisis. Each year, the US pumps out a huge share of global emissions.[4] And as one of the world's richest and most powerful nations, other governments look to the US for leadership on solving global problems.
The good news is that Trump is already looking isolated. In the hours after the president's announcement, China vowed to push forward with the Paris agreement despite Trump's decision to withdraw.[5] France's new President Emmanuel Macron even went on TV to issue a statement condemning Trump.[6]
Without the US onboard, we must act fast to pressure other countries ramp up their plans to reduce climate-warming emissions. In the coming weeks and months, we'll need to work together to prevent Trump's actions from rippling out and causing more damage. This could be one of the biggest challenges our movement has ever faced.
Last week’s news isn't what we hoped for. And right now, many of us will be feeling uncertain about the future of our planet. But today let's remember there's reason to have hope too. While Trump is turning his back on the world, there are millions of us across the globe who are determined to work together to create a greener, more peaceful world - and leave a planet that's fit for generations to come.
Greenpeace is a huge, worldwide movement of people who care deeply about the future of the world we live in. We're a movement of people whose resolve only becomes stronger when faced with huge challenges. And most of all, we're a movement that's never giving up.
With all this in mind, I want to sincerely thank you for your continuing support and solidarity.
With hope and gratitude,
Joanna Kerr, Executive Director, Greenpeace Canada
PS. Our ability to face and ultimately overcome this challenge depends entirely on the support of individuals like you. Please consider making a gift to help us in this urgent fight to protect the future of our planet.
  1. Trump vows to withdraw from Paris agreement, other nations press ahead without US
  2. In Somaliland, climate change is now a life-or-death challenge
  3. Bangladesh struggles to turn the tide on climate change as sea levels rise
  4. Analysis: What global emissions in 2016 mean for climate change goals
  5. EU, China unite behind Paris climate deal despite Trump withdrawal
  6. A few silver linings to President Trump's climate change u-turn
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a donation. Thank you!
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Greenpeace Canada, 33 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
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