Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Solicit for love, not money!

Dear Mr. Bezos,

 Right now, 130 million girls are being denied an education. That’s 130 million girls who could be tomorrow’s: engineers, doctors, teachers or C.E.Os. And it’s not because they don’t want to go to school, it is because poverty discriminates on the basis of sex. If you add  to that discrimination even more discrimination based on nationality, color and religion, millions of  young girls will not be given the chance to attend school. 

  When you consider how to change the world and have the most impact, we ask that you do so by investing in education for girls -- not as a gesture of charity but as an act of justice and equality. It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do -- for global security, economic development, and sustainability. Intelligent women sustain peace in both home and country!
Roxane Philson 
ONE member and CMO, ONE.org
Dear Mr. Bezos, as an older White male who believes in equality of the Sexes, I suggest you read and understand Roxane Philson at ONE.org and then visit my blog (human4us2.blogspot.com) for future ideas and investments. I am happy  to share my secrets with you in order to help millions of young women receive an education and to help sustain all life on Earth. IF you decide to go in some other philanthropic direction...great! That also works and I congratulate you on being a generous human being! 

  I am not soliciting for money! I heard you wanted to be a philanthropist and so I am suggesting some good ideas. For example, distributing garden boxes to every primary and high school in North America and the World is a wonderful idea to help both girls and boys learn how to grow vegetables and flowers without pesticides. These 4' by 4' by 2' garden boxes filled with rich Black Earth will be useful teaching tools for schools and they will provide children with lunch time vegetables for the School cafeterias. These food boxes will also have strong Plastic Planks holding them together. Recycled plastic planks that replace Wood  for home building in order to save our forests from further degradation. 

 There is also social value in creating Plastic recycling companies here and around the world because there is too much free Plastic discarded each and every day! So much that Greenpeace has located millions of Tonnes of it everywhere on Earth. All you have to do is ask any local city government to deliver the Plastic to your recycling depots. Plastic Planks or Blocks can be used to create quick set-up schools for girls everywhere. All you will need is the land.

 In the near future Electric Cars made from Hard Plastics will be on the market along with newer and better Batteries. Internal combustion engines are on their way out and the metal from these pollution makers will also be recycled.. More and more cities will be Greening and buildings will need to be created stronger in order to support Hydroponic gardens and  rooftop gardens created with 4*4*2 boxes.

 You can also create metal recycling plants and recycle metal from internal combustion engine cars for creating Greener and stronger buildings. I am not soliciting for money! If the above ideas interest you THAT IS FINE AND GO AHEAD AND USE THEM but if not...I was misinformed about your desire to be a philanthropist.  

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
Tel: 514-709-6810

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