Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Poetry Contests.

 They feed on your ego and your deep need for recognition and sometimes they publish a poem or two.
Just in case they don't publish my poetry here are some of my creative efforts just for you this Holiday Season.

An old White guy currently living in Laval West, Quebec, Canada, with Two Black Cats, Terribly sad story. Needs help! Send money or publish his poem.


Under the economic Radar.
Under the economic radar of imperial greed,
Between Left and Right and those who need,
Are lovers of life and freedom who quietly breed
Humanitarian Democracy...Natural Democracy..
Environmental Democracy...Friendly Democracy...
Freedom loving Democracy...
The social hierarchy a natural foe,
Lovers of freedom attempt to know
Whom to trust and where to go
To keep on breathing while they sow

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

They want me to commit to change.

You want commitment...how is this for commitment?

 I am committed to living long enough to buy a faster and better computer which I will use to spread facts across the world wide web. If those facts contradict the lies of dangerous polluting companies they will spark a slow but steady social change. I hope to live long enough to once again smell clean air and drink pure water. Today's television advertising is a sick joke on society as car companies continue to sell gas burning vehicles to the poor working class while totally ignoring the causes of global warming.
 The future will contain Hydroponic gardens in every school and classroom and in every: home, apartement and skyscraper office building. Learning to create hydroponic gardens filled with flowers and vegetables will force social change as every child in North America will learn to grow enough food to sustain him or herself.
 Technology will help and not hinder the spreading of hydroponic gardens. Working class people will have enough space to grow vegetables within small apartements. The poor will also have enough to eat. I am  committed to advertising hydroponic gardens and non polluting electric vehicles and alternative energy sources across the world wide web as television advertising often limits or ignores these wonderful new concepts.
 Any government that specifically attempts to grow a middle class economy today, insults the millions of poor working people who are the back bone of society and who struggle simply to survive. Well fed people are contented people and it will be the working poor who will finally create the stress free changes we so desperately need.
 This is not a call to arms but a call for non violent social change based on growing flowers and vegetables and it is a commitment I am making that will help save the future for the children.. Have a happy life!.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


 IF SOME LINKS DON'T WORK,  COPY AND PASTe them directly into google.

check out number 5 for great fun old movies




5.=  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5fU8wjdYhc  Great comedy movies.
24.=  https://plus.google.com/u/0/                           
25.=   https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/coronal-hole-front-and-center                        
30.=  http://www.iTooch.com </> 31. = http://www.Netmaths.com </> 32. = http://www.Evernote.com</>
33. = http://www.abmaths.com</> 34. = http://www.Sciences.com</> 35. =
36. = https://www.freecodecamp.org/challenges/headline-with-the-h2-element                                    37. = https://plus.google.com/u/0/ </>
38.=  http://www.jaccorde.com</>
39.=  http://www.Atlasdumonde.com </> 40.= http://www.Echecs.com </>
46.=  http://www http://www.overviewinstitute.org/                                  
49.=  http://eol.org/ </>
55.=  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_lighthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_light
62.= http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html      (For the super intelligent.)
64.= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0   (The secret of money.)
65 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMANwvYtx8sh  (Subtle influences on the human brain.)
66.= https://singularityhub.com
Dear Muslim ladies:

 If you decide to live in Canada, please remove your burqa or your niqab. They are making a great many Canadian citizens nervous and for good reason. Your burqas or niqabs or tchadors are not Muslim religious acroutements and in fact are not and never were religious obligatons mentioned in the Coran. More than likely they were first created to keep sand out of faces when crossing a dessert.

 Why are you wearing your political and cultural acoutrements here in Canada? You are free to dress comfortably in Canada almost any way you like and free to follow the customs of Canadians, even Muslim customs are permitted. However, if you are attempting to impose Islamic indoctrination on Canadians, it won't work? Years ago in the province of Quebec, we removed the Catholic Church from power after they imposed a century of  religious beliefs and ceremonies on Quebec citizens. When pedophile priests created acts of indecency on innocent native children, they were nailed to the cross of justice and many of the Catholic churches in Quebec were shut down. The Catholic religion, one of the most powerful on Earth, lost ground in Canada. Quebec citizens finally set themselves free from imposed indoctrination and today most people in Canada have switched from religious indoctrination to fact based science education. Of course you are free to wear a tent in August if you so desire but dont blame Canadians for staring and or laughing. If you want to bring any one of us to court on a charge of religious persecution because of your clothing, I humbly suggest you forget it! Our Canadian judges now understand there is nothing religious about burqas and nicabes and tchadors and they will throw the charges out of court.

  If you feel you have to wear face and body coverings to please your husbands or fathers or brothers, understand that Canada has laws protecting women from family violence and you can find that protection simply by asking. 


Thursday, November 2, 2017



As long as we've been working to get the Obama Foundation up and running, I've been thinking about what I might say at the Foundation's first big gathering -- what words of wisdom I'd give to a group of people who have devoted their lives to making the world better.

In true dad fashion, I came up with a set of rules. There are just a few of them, and I think they're pretty simple. This afternoon, I encouraged our Summit attendees to follow them while they're here together -- and I think they're relevant to our everyday lives, too:

Rule 1: Listen.Rule 2: Don't be disagreeable.Rule 3: No selfies!Rule 4: Have fun.

It's taken a lot of work to get here, and I've never been more excited about the future of this Foundation. I'm so happy that you're with us.

Thank you,


P.S. You can tune in for the livestream of the second day of the Obama Foundation Summit beginning tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. ET/8:30 a.m. CT at Obama.org. If I were you, I'd definitely be watching around 12:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. CT...
Dear Barack Obama:
 I like you both but I love your wife's super intelligence! Michelle is a wonder of intellectuel prowess!!.I believe your civic center will be a great success and I have one suggestion, invite Stephen Fritz from New York to help you motivate people and especially children. Fritz is fantastic at motivating children and he can teach everybody, including me, how to garden indoors using technology.
This is for you, Michelle...
A Poem.
Few and far between are gardens full with
Peppers, Lettuce and Beans...
Art is wonderful and fine
But hunger is mine and millions more
Who they, the rich, call poor. 
This is for you Barack...
A Poem.

The little Navaho Princess
Felt a need to speak truth to power
And proudly said:

"We are the guardians, the warriors at
the front lines, the gatekeepers of the land..."

I am uniting with others around the world
To make a stand against those who would
destroy our land.

                                              donate today to support the Obama Foundation's work:


Monday, October 30, 2017

Hi Gentle People:

 It has been a while since I wrote anything on this blog. Loss of support for my XP is one of the reasons and the fact I am on a tight budget and can only window shop is another. Years ago my marvelous computer did everything but walk and dance and I used it to fight for human rights and for protecting the natural environment. Everything worked fine until it happened! A combination micro-computer and telephone arrived on the scene to steal the glory from larger machines. Today computers have become small and light-weight plastic slabs capable of live streaming around the world and with Telephones no longer needing wires and are small enough to fit in pant pockets, millions of signals are bouncing off satellites presently circling the planet. That is all fine and good but who can produce decent blogs using only Two Thumbs or a Toothpick?!

 On top of that somebody red banded me a while back and did not let up until I shut down completely. Something akin to Flies bugging a Horse! Here is what is presently on the top of this Blog page.  
 "Warning: Google prevented a suspicious attempt to sign in to your account using your password. Review activity now! The last three words are in red and are linked supposedly to Google but I doubt it because One, I changed my password and Two, Google is providing me with this international peace Blog so why would they attempt to stop me from writing? Could the Russians be hacking me Blog? If so, GREAT! It gives me a chance to push peace on Earth on PUTIN. The same goes for that other character...TRUMP! The one I cannot contact or communicate with is the most dangerous of all. The North Korean dictator.

 Pressing on the review activity now will send me around the world because to avoid the constant bombardment and harassment from both unsolicited advertising and warnings like these I decided to use the Tor Browser.
 Years ago we blocked spam from infiltrating our emails but today, the spam blockers have become the spam. There is money to be found in fear mongering warnings! I invite anybody who wants to push the Red button and "Review activity now."

Warning: GooglReview activity now

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bernie Sanders is coming to Toronto.

Rick Smith, Broadbent Institute via nationsend1.com 

11:23 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Broadbent Institute
Dear Joseph,
Last month Bernie Sanders was all over the news when he unveiled his “Medicare for All” bill. I am delighted to announce that he will be bringing his vision for healthcare to Toronto.

On Sunday, Oct. 29th, the Broadbent Institute along with our partners the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health, the North American Observatory on Health Systems & Policies, the Wellesley Institute and Women's College Hospital, is hosting Senator Bernie Sanders at a public talk on "What the U.S. Can Learn from Canadian Health Care."
Join us to hear him share his thoughts on "Medicare for All” and for a discussion with Dr. Danielle Martin (Women’s College Hospital and the University of Toronto) on what the U.S. can learn from Canada's single-payer health care system.
Tickets are free but registration is required. Registration begins, Friday, October 20th at 10am.
Click here to register for tickets.
Event details:
Sunday, October 29th, 2017,
11 a.m.
Convocation Hall,
31 King’s College Circle
University of Toronto
If you can't join us at Convocation Hall, stay tuned for details about our livestream!
Rick Smith
Executive Director
Broadbent Institute
Broadbent Institute · Canada
This email was sent to human4usbillions@gmail.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Broadbent Institute on Twitter or Facebook.
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Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...