Monday, November 21, 2016

Delicious food for the 'Holly' days from Green Monster!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Save a Little Elephant!

As cases of abuse, illegal capture, and fraudulent permits have come to light in the battle against wildlife crime in Sri Lanka, dozens of elephants have been moved into Protective Custody.  Even as the future for these recovered elephants remains in jeopardy, they are, at the very least, currently living amongst other elephants, a critical need for these deeply social and familial animals.

Ganga’s Case

GangaReachingforTrashGanga when she was being held at Gangaramaya Temple

But not Ganga. Stolen from the wild as a baby, confined alone and tightly chained for much of her young life, she remains a pawn in a cruel game that sees her not as an illegally captured wild elephant, but as money-making Permit #198.
In February 2016, a Court Order directing Ganga to be taken into immediate Protective Custody was set forth in Colombo. In the months that followed, however, the order was repeatedly ignored and international outcry for the decree to be upheld went unheeded.  Legal Counsel from Sri Lanka’s Centre for EcoCultural Studies (CES) continued to intervene in court on Ganga’s behalf as the depth of governmental corruption continued to be revealed.
Ganga 2013Ganga when she was being held at Gangaramaya Temple

In a case filled with more ups, downs, and turnarounds than anyone could have imagined, the unthinkable happened on November 1st when Hulftsdorp
Magistrate Court No.1 reversed the Court Order set into place nine months earlier. Adding fuel to the fire, this shocking action occurred with consent from the Attorney General’s Department, essentially abandoning Ganga into the hands of her illegal captors.
In response, CES Legal Counsel immediately began preparing the case for the Supreme Court, and Ganga’s story, once again, spread across social media,uniting people around the world in hopes that an innocent juvenile elephant could one day have a better life.
The politically complex fight for Ganga will most likely not be quickly won in the Supreme Court, as the demand for elephants in cultural and religious events remains high.
And although Ganga is but one of many temple elephants around the world, her story is their story too, and a successful outcome for such a high-profile case multiplies the chances of success for the many others yet to come.
ParadeAtKandy,SL-NOTGanga2016Temple elephant in Kandy, Sri Lanka

What You Can Do

Not one advocate could have imagined the longterm commitment, the numbing heartache, and the ongoing expense that would come with caring  about a little elephant so fiercely that turning away wasn’t an option.
Yet it is that sort of steadfast action, to Let What Moves You Move the World, that will sustain the fight for Ganga, until she is no longer seen as “Fraudulent Permit #198”, but rather a sentient being who deserves far more than she has even been given.
If you can help Legal Counsel with the ongoing court fees for Ganga’s case, please donate through The Centre for EcoCultural Studies. 
All images courtesy of Heart of Ganesh

In Memory of the poet: Leonard Cohen.

In Memory of Leonard Cohen:

Goodbye Goodbye fellow poet,


Your words of love were never lies...

Goodbye Goodbye fellow poet,

Your words of love are now tears in
 our eyes.

                                 Joseph Raglione

Monday, November 14, 2016

I agree with Todd William!

A Brief Thought Experiment - The Future of Humanity

trans·hu·man·ism (tranzˈhyo͞omÉ™nizm) noun: the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.

It sounds like science fiction, but many believe there is a real chance we will evolve with technology - giving ourselves cybernetic implants and supersonic body parts allowing us to become bionic versions of ourselves. With the help of technology, we'd overcome many of our physical limitations.

Some people love this idea, but many find it horrifying and unnatural. Putting aside what may be possible, is the idea of improving ourselves significantly with technology really so bad?

Consider how common glasses, contacts, or even hearing aids are at present. No one would genuinely argue that these aids are unnatural. Yet even in this simple form, they are technological improvements to our physical abilities.

What about other advancements. Is a person with an artificial limb less human? Would it make any difference if these limbs were regrown from cells or built to offer more range and strength than our natural limbs? 

What about knee and hip replacements. These clearly represent the blending of technology and humanity, and they are perfectly acceptable. 

We may scoff at the idea of a future where we improve ourselves with computers, but who among us would refuse a pacemaker to extend our lives? We can argue that tweaking our bodies to live longer is unnatural, but would we turn down an artificial heart or lung if it would save our lives?

To someone 100 years ago, many of the technological improvements we have available today would seem like science fiction - as much as implanting chips in our heads feels that way to us now. If the process happens slowly, who knows what will be commonplace and acceptable in the future.

Most people don't consider the extent that technology already is a large part of our lives and bodies. Is improving upon this really so bad?

Is this something to fear or embrace?


Read many more thought experiments at:

(Artwork by: Razvan Ciocanel)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Gentle People:

 Donald Trump now represents a majority of White low income voters within the United States. Unfortunately for Trump most of his majority survive below the poverty line and are desperately hoping he will share his wealth! To keep his promise to these people he has to create wealth and the question is exactly how will he achieve this wonderful idea? Building a wall between the U.S.and Mexico will cost money and not create jobs for the majority of poor American citizens waiting to improve their lives.

 Rounding up illegal immigrants and shipping them back to Mexico and South America or even Canada and the rest of the world will also cost money and not create wealth for the majority of unemployed lower middle class White citizens! Where is Trump going to find the money to do this nasty bit of deportation business?

 The next thing he promised was to make America great again. That is a fuzzy promise if I ever heard one! If making America great again means giving free reign to the Oil and Coal companies, it won't work because that boat has sailed! Billions of American dollars are now invested in alternative energy solutions around the world and investors are presently achieving more than reasonable profits from these clean investments.The last thing they want or need is to rock the boat with a return to fossil fuels and a dependence on Oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia and OPEC!

 Tearing up the free trade agreement with the rest of the world will also not benefit the U.S., simply because the rest of the world will happily trade without the United States...

 As for Trump destroying the Paris agreement on climate change..that would only apply to the U.S...until Donald faces the science based evidence and understands how climate change is creating havoc within the U.S. and around the world! U.S. insurance companies obviously do not want to pay for disasters created by climate change and neither do they want to maintain a government sponsored Medicare system which cuts into their profits. Donald Trump is their hope of returning back to the good old days where thousands of poor White American citizens are left without insurance help of any kind!  Unless Donald Trump reverses course, the only people receiving medical help will be middle and upper class people able to afford the high cost of private insurance. Those who cannot afford to pay the high cost of private insurance will again be left to fend for themselves as they had to do before Barack Obama was elected. The same people who voted for Trump will now feel the worst effects of old Republican policies re-invigorated!

The Republicans have always been associated with large Banks and with the Oil and Coal and Insurance multi national companies. These companies have hidden their profits in tax havens off-shore but if Donald Trump can bring back those Billions of Dollars to America for equitable distribution, he may very well make America great again. However, he may have a serious problem convincing these secretive companies to distribute their wealth! They may absolutely refuse to share the wealth and unfortunately for Donald Trump, these companies control the U.S. Republican government. Without these rich companies "making America great again" will not include poverty level U.S. citizens who through their desperate need and sheer uneducated ignorance have placed Republicans back in power.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

An intelligent kid finds compassionate intelligent help!

Meet the President’s newest (kid) advisors:


Jacob, Kid Science Advisor Unsubscribe

Oct 24 (2 days ago)
to me
The very first time I saw a 3D printer was on a trip to the Maryland Science Centre in Baltimore when I was 8 years old. It was printing a phone case from scratch. I was so impressed that my parents enrolled me in a summer camp at a local makerspace where I could learn more about it.
I loved 3D printing and I could not wait to get a printer of my own. So I wrote to several companies that make them asking if they’d donate one for me to use at home. In return, I’d provide customer feedback. One company made my wish come true and sent me a printer.
That brought me to the annual White House Science Fair. That’s where I met President Obama. I told him he should have a kid science advisor, because we kids should have input into what we learn about in science class. And he thought that was a pretty good idea!
My wish has once again come true! The President announced he would have kid science advisors, and thousands of kids across the country -- including my little sister and me -- submitted ideas on what we think is important to explore today in science, tech, and innovation.
On Friday, I was happy to be back at the White House as one of the President’s kid science advisors, sharing my ideas with other official advisors to the President and students interested in STEM like myself -- it was so inspiring! Check out some photos of our day.
President Obama and Kid Science Advisors
Because we are the future innovators in America, we know that we can change the world for the better. It’s really incredible to know that President Obama not only took my suggestion seriously, but that he is considering all of our suggestions, even though we are kids. It shows he believes that, no matter how old we are, we can solve the tough problems we’ll face in the future.
Jacob L.
Kid Science Advisor
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Our Canadian so called authorities are sadly uneducated!

Why are North American education authorities the most stupid in the world!

 I have just opened up and watched a C.B.C. TV news program depicting a story dealing with Autism and frustration in high school. I recognized myself as an Autistic teenager in the same predicament years ago and today as I write these words, I recognize how sadly our high schools continue to fail the kids! The story "I think they know that I care" shows me how a Math examination terrifies a sensitive high school girl and an English class totally confuses an Autistic but highly intelligent boy! That makes me angry! Attempting to understand Math and written French was a hell on earth for me in my high school years. Only after I finally quit high school did I begin to learn properly. I learned and passed Algebra in night school from a good teacher allowing me to continue on to college and as for I continue to live in French Quebec while most people from my high school classes moved to English Alberta. The word 'allowing' is how our so called education system works today. Only a few children are allowed to graduate and to "learn" the secrets that help the minority socially dominate the majority. The rest are delegated as workers for the industrial system.

  Every God-Dammed test and exam should be banned from our schools and replaced with easy step-by-step fun educational methods. If anybody out there does not like the words God-Dammed it is too bad! I managed to block the enforced religious indoctrination classes from entering my head as a child in school with magnificent swear words.

 The better education methods discovered years ago were apparently not studied and never implemented by our basically ignorant government authorities in Canada! Testing and exams should have been removed and replaced with better educational tools created decades ago and implemented in Europe! I am sick of watching programs on the C.BC. depicting how Canadian children need to cope with tests and exams and the God Dammed educational system that honestly does not work to educate children! Nothing makes me angrier than watching the psychological torture with accompanying emotional and social damage imposed on many children by a cruel system based on competition for top spots in the corporate controlled economic industrial hierarchy. A competitive intellectual system created by dogmatic right wing authoritarian fools who consider themselves superior because they survived past Canadian school indoctrination and today collect inflated pay checks while continuing the centuries old "tradition" of imposing win-or-lose mental torture on today's school kids!
Our school authorities need to be better educated!

  I am horrified at how our schools continue to fail our Canadian children by not providing the small step by step rewarded education methods taken for granted in most European countries. In North America from childhood up they continue to abuse children by imposing on them terrifying tests and examinations that prove nothing! The kids feel they must pass these tests and examinations or something terrible will happen...they will (oh my God)...FAIL in front of their friends and suffer excruciating humiliation and poverty in later life! Many of our kids take drugs to calm themselves before a test or exam. Children with quick retentive memories do great on complicated tests while creative children with short term memories often panic and fail tests and exams. Many who fail in school often become magnificent artists and artisans later on in life but sadly more than a few commit suicide or grow to become wards of the government.

  If our Canadian so-called education authorities need help creating better schools I recommend they leave the North American competitive imperial hierarchy aside and go to Europe to study the methods used there to help children survive and learn. If there was justice in the world all North American school authorities would be rounded up and given tests and examinations on the eternal energy of the universe and then asked to explain eternal energy...failure to comply would be punished with mop service in our current high schools. I promise you we would have the cleanest school floors in the world!

  Our Canadian so called authorities are sadly uneducated and with their Media flunkies are so behind the times it is sickening! 

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From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...