Sunday, November 13, 2016

Gentle People:

 Donald Trump now represents a majority of White low income voters within the United States. Unfortunately for Trump most of his majority survive below the poverty line and are desperately hoping he will share his wealth! To keep his promise to these people he has to create wealth and the question is exactly how will he achieve this wonderful idea? Building a wall between the U.S.and Mexico will cost money and not create jobs for the majority of poor American citizens waiting to improve their lives.

 Rounding up illegal immigrants and shipping them back to Mexico and South America or even Canada and the rest of the world will also cost money and not create wealth for the majority of unemployed lower middle class White citizens! Where is Trump going to find the money to do this nasty bit of deportation business?

 The next thing he promised was to make America great again. That is a fuzzy promise if I ever heard one! If making America great again means giving free reign to the Oil and Coal companies, it won't work because that boat has sailed! Billions of American dollars are now invested in alternative energy solutions around the world and investors are presently achieving more than reasonable profits from these clean investments.The last thing they want or need is to rock the boat with a return to fossil fuels and a dependence on Oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia and OPEC!

 Tearing up the free trade agreement with the rest of the world will also not benefit the U.S., simply because the rest of the world will happily trade without the United States...

 As for Trump destroying the Paris agreement on climate change..that would only apply to the U.S...until Donald faces the science based evidence and understands how climate change is creating havoc within the U.S. and around the world! U.S. insurance companies obviously do not want to pay for disasters created by climate change and neither do they want to maintain a government sponsored Medicare system which cuts into their profits. Donald Trump is their hope of returning back to the good old days where thousands of poor White American citizens are left without insurance help of any kind!  Unless Donald Trump reverses course, the only people receiving medical help will be middle and upper class people able to afford the high cost of private insurance. Those who cannot afford to pay the high cost of private insurance will again be left to fend for themselves as they had to do before Barack Obama was elected. The same people who voted for Trump will now feel the worst effects of old Republican policies re-invigorated!

The Republicans have always been associated with large Banks and with the Oil and Coal and Insurance multi national companies. These companies have hidden their profits in tax havens off-shore but if Donald Trump can bring back those Billions of Dollars to America for equitable distribution, he may very well make America great again. However, he may have a serious problem convincing these secretive companies to distribute their wealth! They may absolutely refuse to share the wealth and unfortunately for Donald Trump, these companies control the U.S. Republican government. Without these rich companies "making America great again" will not include poverty level U.S. citizens who through their desperate need and sheer uneducated ignorance have placed Republicans back in power.

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