Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Destroying the natural world for Gold!


Gold Mining Has Devastated The Peruvian Amazon

 MAY 31, 2016 8:00 AM
Aerial view taken from a police helicopter shows a jungle devastated by gold mining in an area known as La Pampa in Peru's Madre de Dios region. Illegal wildcat mining has been ravaging pristine jungle and contaminating it with tons of mercury.
When Meraldo Umiña moved to the Madre De Dios region of Peru in 1983, the toxic gold rush that’s destroyed swaths of Amazon rainforest there was in its infancy. There were no laws regulating informal or illegal mining, and artisanal miners like him were few.
“Gold was cheap,” Umiña, 59, told ThinkProgress in Spanish — “a gram was about $12.” Using simple but still harmful chemical methods, miners worked just by the rivers then, and the gold was easy to get, he said. There was no need to encroach on the jungle, and no financial incentive to use machine-intensive techniques of extraction.
But as the 1980s waned and the 1990s rolled in, the Peruvian economy that had been in shambles improved as insurgency groups were defeated, and corrective macroeconomics took hold. Foreign markets turned their eyes on Peru. The price of gold gradually increased, Umiña said, and people from other areas of the country soon saw the same opportunity he had discovered years before and migrated to Madre de Dios. “People started to invade the lands of established residents,” he said, and “it was hard to control the labor.”
Yet land disputes were just the first bump that mining brought to the least populous department of Peru. Alluvial mining, in which small gold flecks are sifted out of sandy sediments deposited by runoff from the Andes over centuries, has now also caused a wide range of environmental harms that have reached catastrophic levels in one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Most miners in Madre de Dios use liquid mercury to extract gold from soils they explore with suction hoses, and during the purifying process, the mercury is burned off and at best recovered in water if miners have the equipment available. Mercury pollution contaminates soil, water, and air — and when it enters the human body, it can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system.
Now some four decades after mining moved into Madre de Dios, rivers are polluted, fish are toxic, people have elevated levels of mercury running through their blood, and deforestation is rampant, according to authorities and studies. Between 1999 to 2012, illegal mining in Madre de Dios went from less than 25,000 acres to more than 123,000. For perspective, one acre is roughly the size of a football field, which means large forests that served as biodiverse carbon sinks are instead greenhouse gas emitters thanks to mining machinery, all while soaking up toxic waste.
All reached for this story agree that a state of emergency issued last week for Madre de Dios is unlikely to alleviate a problem that’s been years in the making. The country is also poised for presidential elections in less than a week, and experts said any emergency plan will suffer from the uncertain policies of a new administration. Experts also agree that balancing the livelihood of informal miners versus the pressing need to end illegal mining will be a lengthy, cumbersome process as regional and national agendas often conflict with each other.
“The outlook is quite grim, and this probably won’t change in many years,” Gisselle Vila, social scientist and professor at the Catholic University of Peru, told ThinkProgress.
This aerial photo shows a deforested area known as La Pampa, in Peru's Madre de Dios region.
This aerial photo shows a deforested area known as La Pampa, in Peru’s Madre de Dios region.
Environmental degradation has been a problem in the Amazon for decades. But whereas before deforestation stemmed from poor subsistence farmers, now industrial activities like oil extraction and mining are playing a larger role in the world’s biggest rainforest. Attention on the topic has intensified in recent times in every Amazonian country facing the long-lasting effects of chemical pollution, particularly after the collapse of two dams in Brazil tainted the ecology of two states and caused the largest environmental disaster in Brazilian history.
For its part, Peru has been dealing with series of oil spills — most recently in the north of the Amazon — while in the south it’s tried to stifle illegal mining to no avail. In fact, mining pollution has become so severe that last week Peru declared a 60-day emergency to curtail mercury poisoning from illegal gold mining. “Forty-one percent of the population of Madre de Dios is exposed to mercury pollution,” Environment Minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal said when announcing the move, Reuters reported. The government said it will give uncontaminated fish to residents, set up mobile health clinics and monitoring centers, and implement educational campaigns. There are also talks to start a massive reforestation plan, though all reached for this story doubt the emergency plan because of the presidential elections. President Ollanta Humala will leave office on July 28.
Like many administrations before, the incoming president will inherit thousands of informal miners like Umiña who may have lawfully leased lands but nonetheless live in a legal limbo since laws were introduced in 2002. Moreover, thousands of uncounted illegal miners live off protected wildlife areas, or pay natives to exploit ancestral lands like those that exist in Madre de Dios. Thus far, efforts to formalize procedures have failed and policing hasn’t fared much better. In February, more than 1,000 police and soldiers raided camps and dynamited and dismantled mining machinery valued at $3 million, the Associated Press reported. That raid came on the heels of many others, but Umiña, vice president of the Peruvian National Society Of Small Scale Mining (SONAMIPE), said illegal miners often know of the raids ahead of time and simply return to the camps once officials leave.
Illegal miners “have methods of communications, they have Internet, they have cell towers. As soon as police are leaving for the camps they know and prepare,” Umiña said. “We believe there is terrible corruption when it comes to policing.”
Formalizing miners has proved a daunting task plagued with bureaucratic hurdles since the idea was introduced almost three administrations ago. Part of the problem is that the government has used a uniform policy for all artisanal mining, experts said, when in fact, mining in Peru is different depending on the region. In the highlands mining mostly happens underground whereas in the rainforest it happens outdoors. As a result, the one-size-fits-all standard creates confusion or permitting tools simply don’t exist. For instance, getting a permit for tree logging is a requirement prior to mining, but Umiña said no agency gives out that permit. “The state doesn’t have the will to say who will authorize the land,” he said.
Hundreds of police officers gather for the second day of an operation to eradicate illegal mining in the area known as La Pampa, in Peru's Madre de Dios region in Aug. 2015.
Hundreds of police officers gather for the second day of an operation to eradicate illegal mining in the area known as La Pampa, in Peru’s Madre de Dios region in Aug. 2015.
Experts and activists reached agreed with Umiña. “There was no will,” Franco Arista, gold program manager for the nonprofit Solidaridad, told ThinkProgress in Spanish. He said about 70,000 artisanal miners have tried to formalize across Peru, but only 2,000 miners from the highland have succeeded. “None of those are in Madre de Dios,” he said.
Some studies suggest that at least 90 percent of gold mining in Madre de Dios is either illegal or informal, and note that dangerous mining practices now threaten other parts of Peru as the price of gold is generally on the rise. Through May, gold was over $1,200 per ounce. On a good day, a mining team of about 10 people in Madre de Dios can get about 45 grams (just over an ounce and a half). Some 87 percent of Peruvian gold goes to Switzerland and Canada, while the rest goes to the United States and Italy.
While much-needed revenue is moving into areas that would otherwise profit from agriculture, tourism and fishing, mining is bringing an added harm that’s making conservation and even public health more complicated. That’s because sustainable mining is difficult to achieve. On top of that, mercury is intertwined with gold mining, yet often miners mishandle the substance or simply disregard proper practices. Important “soils are being washed to extract gold,” said Arista. “Mining there needs extensive technical assistance.”
In the past 20 years, more than 3,000 tons of mercury have been dumped into Amazonian rivers, according to the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law. Moreover, some 78 percent in Madre de Dios, a region of more than 100,000 people, have elevated levels of mercury. Some natives even reportedly go over the safety levels by a factor of six.
Peru, the top gold-producing country in Latin America, has been unable to placate this mounting problem for multiple reasons, including business pressure. “In Peru, people can mine almost anywhere they want,” said Lenin Valencia, researcher at the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law. In part, the corporate mining lobby has pushed against laws that could hamper them while national politics have traditionally favor business and the market as a source for solutions and growth, Valencia told ThinkProgress.
However, other forms of politics are also at play. Vila, the social scientist, said pro-mining local governments and regional candidates are many times at odds with the central government — or have a different agenda altogether — causing “a divorce in their vision of development.” As a result, strong police actions become the only alternative to the lack of coordinated political solution, said Vila, who went on to add “policy should be less oriented towards criminalization and more towards flexibility.”
The Tambopata River, which traverses the Tambopata National Reserve in Madre de Dios.
The Tambopata River, which traverses the Tambopata National Reserve in Madre de Dios.
Experts and activists reached also said the emergency declaration seemed to be coming too late and didn’t include more funding for agencies to respond accordingly. “But it was necessary. I hope this is the beginning of more serious actions,” Valencia said. Yet whether swift actions will come before the environmental wound grows deeper is unclear, and for many, unlikely in the short term.
Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of convicted President Alberto Fujimori, favors formalizing small-scale mining, but said she wants to start from scratch.
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, who in polls is trailing the former Peruvian first lady by 5 percentage points, wants to continue the formalization process while creating a financing bank for miners who want to be environmentally friendly through better technology.
Umiña, the miner, is in the meantime taking matters into his own hands. He said he’s leading a small group of miners who want to be certified as environmentally friendly in buying equipment that extracts gold without the use of mercury, or even borax, which is a substance that can remove gold from soils while polluting less. Environmental mining means investing more time to extract the gold, Umiña said, but it’s the only way forward.
“We know that mercury is a toxic liquid that evaporates and accumulates in people and the environment, so we have to figure out a way to reach economic, environmental and social sustainability,” said Umiña, adding his group is reaching that goal. “And once that happens and others see us,” he said, “everybody will want to work like this.”

Saturday, May 28, 2016

from:Vice President Joe Biden info@mail.whitehouse.gov
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:it aImportant mainly because of the people in the conversation.


Gentle People:

I am a Canadian citizen and not an American citizen. That, however, did not stop me from using my conputer years ago to  create free publicity for a Black Senator by the name of Barack Obama who was running for president of the United States. All I needed to do at that time was write for a U.S. Western group of on-line newspapers called the American Chronicles. That group allowed me to write political commentary for free and they did not care what nationality I was. The American Chronicles had Eleven million readers and they attracted political attention. I unexpectedly made contact with presidential candidates: John Edwards and Michael Gravel and I was contacted by Senators: Al Gore and John Kerry and the most surprising of all: Senator Ted Kennedy. They all asked if I would help their friend Senator Barack Obama.

 And then arrived in my mail box the letter of a wonderful lady by the name of Michelle Obama who asked if I could back her husband who was a good man and a good father and a good University professor as well as the Senator from chicago Illinois who wanted to be president of the United States.
 For a handy-man Canadian from Laval West, Quebec, I tremendously enjoyed the power trip these powerful people gave me and I did my best to provide them, utilizing the Chronicles, with the best humanitarian social science solutions I could find. There was only one small problem. As years went buy, I began to realize that as a Canadian, I would never  receive credit for the ideas and concepts I provided the U.S. government. At the time I did not care but today, when my lady love denies me any kind of conversation about politics, especially about Barack Obama, I feel humiliated. After he leaves office and becomes part of history so will I and millions of caring Obama backers from around the world. We will all become part of history. What I am hoping for is that all our humanitarian social science ideas and hard work do not go down the history tubes with the Obama government.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

They should invest in clean energy but...

Tillerson And Exxon Versus Science

Tillerson told shareholders, “We can set the science apart from what we as a society are going to choose to pursue as a matter of policy…. There’s no space between us and IPCC. We see the science the same way.”
ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson answers questions at a 2014 shareholders meeting.
ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson answers questions at a 2014 shareholders meeting.
That is utter nonsense. In 2013, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment of the scientific literature warned that on our current emissions path we faced, “9°F Warming For U.S., Faster Sea Rise, More Extreme Weather, Permafrost Collapse.” Then in March 2014, the IPCC warned the “World Faces ‘Breakdown Of Food Systems’ And More Violent Conflict.”
Then in April 2014, the IPCC explained the science was very clear that “Avoiding Climate Catastrophe Is Super Cheap — But Only If We Act Now.” Finally, in November 2014, the world’s top scientists and governmentsissued their bluntest plea: Slash carbon pollution now (at a very low cost) or risk “severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems.” Scientists have “high confidence” these devastating impacts occur “even with adaptation” — if we keep doing little or nothing.
So Tillerson says “There’s no space between us and IPCC” — and that is clearly B.S. The IPCC pleas for aggressively replacing fossil fuels with carbon free energy starting now while Tillerson wants to do little but search for breakthrough miracles. Moreover, Exxon continues to fund groups who discredit this information about the IPCC, the science, and the solutions — years after saying they would stop.
Tillerson also said “There’s no space between” he and Gates. So, Bill, is that really true?

VISIT THIS WEB SITE AND LEARN THE FACTS! http://www.nasa.gov/feature/langley/clouds-and-sea-ice-what-satellites-show-about-arctic-climate-change

Quality versus crap.

Todd William has a good essay pointing out the importance of human creative invention throughout history. The accumulations created and left for us by past expert craftsmen and artists help to create our cultural and physical reality today, however, we also have today an over-abundance of machine made objects that serve no honest long-term purpose! Most of today's inventions serve only as products to maintain a corporate economy. The producers and marketers of this junk, profit only if the item is purchased by so called "consumers" and rendered useless within six months. This helps to keep the economic machinery functioning. So called "New" products quickly replace the older products. It also creates a danger to the planet!

 The concept of consumerism where you market and destroy has got to change! Mass marketed products created as disposable "consumer" items are filling up garbage land-fill sites faster than our human ability to recycle and re-use. The pollution is incredible! Nature cannot tolerate the sustained pressure on its Bio-system! We can create work for people without creating more junk and more environmental devastaton! Today we do need Artists and Artisans and Inventors creating long lasting products for future generations but what we do not need is more Madison Avenue planned mass marketed corporate junk creating pollution! Visit the http://www.Storyofstuff.org  for a better understanding.

Joseph Raglione.

Todd William

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 5:02 PM
The Accumulation of Humanity

Two centuries ago, Sam Smiles made the observation that we would have "remained uncivilized but for the savings and accumulations made by our forefathers - the savings of skill, or art, or invention, and of intellectual culture." This remains as true today as it did then.

Nearly every physical item you use began as a thought in other people’s minds. Look around your home. Your table, your chair, your bed, your electronics, your car, even your house, all of it was invented by someone other than you. And you have never met any of these people.

This notion isn't limited to physical items. The language you speak, the manner in which you communicate, even the way you prepare your food was mostly someone else's idea. What exactly have any of us contributed to this?

There is no harm in admitting we all benefit from society in some way. Even history's most notable minds at best added only small increments to the massive ocean of human ideas. As great a mind as Isaac Newton was, he slept on a bed he didn't invent and under a roof he didn't design just like we all do.

The point isn't to drop everything and find a way to start contributing, as worthy as that might be. What's important here is that even though we should praise self-sufficiency and individuality, none of us should ever overlook the tremendous value we all gain by merely being a part of humanity

(Image by: Jean-François Rauzier)
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Texas’ Largest Jail Accused Of Jailing Poor People Because They Don’t Have Money

 MAY 23, 2016 4:13 PM


Maranda Lynn ODonnell’s supposed crime was small. On May 18, she was arrested for allegedly driving with an invalid license. But the 22-year-old mother says she was still jailed for two days at the Harris County Jail in Texas, kept away from her four-year-old daughter and her new job at a restaurant.
If ODonnell had more money, she would have been able to go home immediately. But she doesn’t have many resources. She can’t afford her own home, so she and her daughter stay with a friend. She relies on WIC benefits to feed her child. She lives paycheck to paycheck. So when she was told she either had to pay a $2,500 bail after her arrest or be detained, she was stuck in the jailhouse.
She’s not the only one. In a lawsuit she filed with the nonprofit Equal Justice Under Law against Harris County, two others recounted similar stories. Loetha Shanta McGruder, another 22-year-old mother of a four-year-old with Down syndrome and ten-month-old infant who is also pregnant with a third child, was arrested on May 19 in Jacinto, Texas and told to pay a $5,000 bail. She can’t afford it; she has no job, no money or savings, lives on disability payments and child support, and was already planning to apply to Medicaid so she can get OB-GYN care as well as food stamps. Robert Ryan Ford, a 26-year-old with no work, no bank account, and no assets was told to pay $5,000 after he was arrested on May 18.
The three of them are lucky, though. Two days after her arrest, ODonnell was released and reunited with her daughter. While she almost lost her job — the restaurant hired a new waitress when ODonnell missed a few shifts — the new hire didn’t work out and she should be able to go back to work later this week. McGruder and Ford are both supposed to be released on Monday.
But the county’s practices haven’t changed since the lawsuit was filed, according to one of the attorneys, and hundreds of other people too poor to afford bail are still being held.
The Harris County Jail is the largest in Texas and the third largest in the country. And most of the people inside, 77 percent, are there because they can’t afford to pay bail of $5,000 or less, according to the lawsuit. In a typical month, the jail will see about 8,600 people, 6,800 of whom are detained awaiting trial. About 8 percent of those pretrial detainees are arrested on misdemeanors.
Even worse, 55 people died in the Harris County Jail between 2009 and 2015 while awaiting trail and unable to afford bail. The most recent death was Patrick Brown, according to the complaint, who died on April 5 while being held on a $3,000 bail he couldn’t afford after he was charged with misdemeanor theft.

And while the jail population fell by 2,500 between 2009 and 2014, the share of people there waiting for their trials only fell by 15, while the number of people awaiting trial on a misdemeanor actually grew by 29 percent.
The lawsuit argues that the practice of detaining people too poor to pay bail without assessing whether they can afford it is unconstitutional. It alleges that the county’s practice is to determine bail based on a generic offense-based schedule. Anyone who can’t pay is detained. Then usually within 24 hours, arrestees appear via a videolink before a hearing officer, who determines probable cause for the arrest and approves the original bail amount, sometimes adding to it, without inquiring about whether the arrestee can pay. Arrestees don’t get defense attorneys, nor are they usually allowed to speak or request to have their bail reduced. ODonnell said she was told not to speak during her hearing and it took all of 60 seconds. As one prosecutor recently put it, according to the lawsuit, if an arrestee “can’t pay, they sit in jail.”
After the hearing, anyone who still doesn’t have the money is taken to the County Court to see a judge and is assigned a court-appointed attorney. But bail is still unlikely to be reduced, given that it only happens in less than 1 percent of cases, and detainees stay locked up outside of the courtroom, often not even appearing inside. Many plead guilty — almost 80 percent, compared to 56 percent of those who aren’t locked up before trial — because they are told they can get released more quickly.
“Harris County’s wealth-based pretrial detention system violates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the United States Constitution,” the lawsuit says. “It has no place in modern American law.” It seeks an injunction to end the practice.
It’s not the only place using such practices, however. Money bonds are required in agrowing share of pretrial releases. California faces a class action lawsuit against its use of money bail, while the practice is being reformed or ended in big cities like New York as well as small ones in places like Missouri and Alabama. Officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ) have also put the practice on notice, sending chief justices and court administrators across the country a letter in March warning against money bail schemes that jail people solely because they can’t pay.
Other, similar practices have come under notice by the DOJ. The same letter highlighted modern-day debtors prisons, where courts levy fines and fees without determining whether people can pay and then jailing them if they can’t afford them. Lawsuits have been brought against the practices in a number of places across the country.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...