Monday, October 24, 2016


Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Welcome back to my list of excellent web sites! This list contains highly intelligent and useful information which can be described as a powerful university education in a box. It is useful for individuals and companies and governments alike. Remember that all that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and if some links don't work try copying and pasting directly into Google.  
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Hi friends!

 I have just been at war with the Google passwords program for a day and a half!
It absolutely wanted me to use a secondary email address for signing in which according to it could not be changed. I confused my primary email address with the secondary email address and with three or four passwords. Confusion mixed with frustration and anger and I once again thought of becoming a Monk in India.

However, all is well that ends well!

I deleted the problem and signed in again with my old email address as the primary address. A simple solution I should have thought of yesterday. Now if I can only get my cell phone to co-operate!

Friday, October 21, 2016

They want to bring back Fox hunting!

     Aristocrats want to bring back Fox hunting!

In today’s society, animal abuse and cruelty is sadly the norm. The desensitization to animal pain and exploitation starts at a young age for many people. Some children are brought to circuses, others have visited a petting zoo, and most children attend a field trip to the zoo at some point during their school career. The idea that is solidified through these experiences is that animals basically exist to somehow benefit our existence. They are jesters, props, food, living exhibits – not sentient beings that deserve respect.
Sadly, unless challenged, people maintain this way of thinking through adolescence and eventually into adulthood. Some will keep the desensitization trend alive and bring their own children to zoos and circuses, others will simply eat meat and dairy without a second thought, and a select few will go on to become deeply involved in an activity that directly harms animals. Sport hunting, for example, is a multi-billion dollar industry across the U.S., UK, and Africa. And people who participate in this activity tend to be very vocal about their support of the industry, a task that is somewhat easy when you’re on the other side of the gun. But what happens when a pro-hunting advocate sees an animal die a slow and agonizing death right before their eyes? What happens when they realize that hunting may actually be as cruel as those trying to ban it claim it is? In today’s society, animal abuse and cruelty is sadly the norm. The desensitization to animal pain and exploitation starts at a young age for many people. Some children are brought to circuses, others have visited a petting zoo, and most children attend a field trip to the zoo at some point during their school career. The idea that is solidified through these experiences is that animals basically exist to somehow benefit our existence. They are jesters, props, food, living exhibits – not sentient beings that deserve respect.
Well, for Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a former pro-hunting polar explorer, it was enough to completely change his mind about the industry. Despite the fact that Fiennes previously spoke at pro-hunting events and even accused politicians of using the hunting ban for political gain, he retracted his support in its entirety after witnessing firsthand the death of a fox who was being hunted down by a pack of dogs. Fiennes and his wife recognized the fox as a frequent visitor to their farm who had actually raised some of her cubs nearby. They called a vet and tried to get the fox to eat medicine, but sadly a few days later they found her curled up, dead in a field shelter next to the house. The disheartening scene upset Fiennes so greatly that he decided to completely reverse his previous plan to support the government in their desire to repeal the ban on fox hunting.
“Hunts talk about wildlife management, but the only ‘wildlife management’ hunts do is the raising of fox cubs to be hunted or baited,” said Fiennes at the Conservative Party conference organized by League Against Cruel Sports. “They talk about tradition. But the so-called tradition of terrifying wild animals for pure enjoyment is now, as it always has been, a brutal and insupportable self-indulgence.”
We couldn’t agree more with Fiennes. No animal deserves to die simply for the entertainment of others or purely for tradition. Despite the fact that hunters like to claim that foxes die a “quick and painless death,” the scene that Fiennes bore witness to reveals that this is hardly the case every time. Sometimes it takes seeing the abuse and cruelty firsthand and putting yourself in the place of the animal, for people to truly realize how unjust an industry we blindly support is. While we find it very unlikely that every single pro-hunting advocate will be put in a similar position as Fiennes, or would even feel similarly if presented with the same situation, we hope that this explorer’s words and thoughts will get more people thinking about the types of industries they support.

Patient owned small flash drives can speed up hospital waiting rooms..

Modernizing the Health Information System



11:12 AM (12 hours ago)
to me
Dear Mr. Raglione:

Thank you for your e-mail of July 21, 2016, addressed to Minister Philpott, in which you shared your suggestions for modernizing the health information system.

Since 2001, the Government of Canada has supported work to digitize the health information system. To date we have invested $2.15 billion in Canada Health Infoway, which works with the provinces and territories to implement digital health innovations such as electronic medical and health records and patient portals. 

Thanks to these investments, many physicians are now able to record patient health information electronically, refer patients to specialists, order and receive laboratory and diagnostic test results, and more. Patients are also gaining easier access to their health information through the introduction of patient web portals, which can be used to access information such as laboratory and diagnostic test results from home.

Although progress has been made on digitizing the health information system, there is still work to be done, as you have indicated. Innovation and digital health are current priorities for the Government of Canada. While the administration and delivery of health care falls under provincial and territorial jurisdiction, the federal government is committed to working with the provinces and territories. Through Budget 2016, Canada Health Infoway received $50 million to support digital health innovations. This includes funding to build an e-prescribing system which will allow physicians to send prescriptions to pharmacies electronically.

As part of our commitment, federal, provincial, and territorial discussions on a new Health Accord are ongoing. In the coming months, work will continue collaboratively with the provincial and territorial Ministers to create a more adaptable, innovative, and affordable health care system for all Canadians.

Again, thank you for writing. We encourage your continued contributions toward a health care system that is efficient, connected, and patient-centered.


Strategic Policy Branch / Direction générale de la politique stratégique
Health Canada / Santé Canada
Giving every patient a flash drive with his or her personal health information digitized upon it is not difficult or complicated and it will not cost 50 million dollars to implement the idea. Simply pass the word along to medical practitioners and ask patients to supply the small flash drives. It will save waiting time for both the patient and for medical health professionals. The same small flash drive can be used multiple times by both patient and his medical practitioner.
Your political information is noted and I will be happy to notify Canada's media of your progress forward. Thanks for replying! 


Are we having fun...yet? How gambling machines work.

Official notice!

  I Joseph Raglione am giving up my addiction to no-chance lottery gambling machine games. Doing this will save me money every month which I will use to pay important debts. Not doing this means I am indirectly giving back to the federal and provincial governments a large junk of my meagre pension and creating a large debt hole for myself!

 I am not alone with this emotionally and financially destructive gambling addiction! Millions of lonely elderly people with time on their hands can be seen in restaurants and Casinos across Canada putting Twenty Dollar bills into no-chance lottery machines. I write no-chance because the machines allow for only a small percentage of people to win small jack-pots in the full psychological understanding that these people will most probably, with a few stubborn exceptions, return the money into the machines. In fact insiders made a joke about the probability factor! Gamblers will most probably return their winnings sooner rather than later and to make sure this happens, the friendly ambiance created within gambling areas of restaurants and Casinos are created on purpose to sell alcohol beverages and to make it easy for gamblers to spend money.

 Addiction takes hold when a gambler quickly wins and then slowly and irrevocably returns his or her winnings into the machine in the hope of winning more money. Often a game will allow a player to win free spins and the game will not pay out more than the gambler paid in! Sometimes nothing at all is paid during the rare times free spins are awarded! When one finally does money is returned! The question is why bother gambling when there is almost zero chance of winning? The answer is: loneliness and need and a small hope to win.

  During my short career as a gambler I often heard people say they were only playing a short time to amuse themselves and they were only betting small amounts of money. I always smiled and thought to myself that the machines paid in proportion to the bet. A small bet meant a small win. It was enough to keep people playing but never enough to let them walk out with money left in their pockets. The large Jack Pot's are reserved only for large cash players. Small time players are rewarded with frequent free games and when money is awarded it is always less than the player puts in. Often, nothing at all is awarded and that is patently cruel and unfair! The government should at the very least provide a reasonable pay-out during the rare times any player, small bet or large bet, wins a free game!

  After beginning to lose a gambler will often attempt to recoup his or her losses by putting even more money into one or more machines. Some sad characters are driven close to insanity trying to win back their heavy losses. Every Lottery gambling machine game allows a quick win after money slides into the machine. The small win at the beginning of a game draws a new player deeper into the game. I recommend immediately pushing the cash-in exit button the second you win and then walk away as fast as possible. Smile on your way out! Don't expect more after your first small win because the odds are it won't happen! Jack-Pots are few and far between and winning a Jack-Pot means you spent hundreds of Dollars in the effort to win! Going broke is no fun for anybody!

 Unfortunately, walking away is not easy! When anybody walks into a gambling area of a bar or restaurant there is always a host or hostess waiting with a friendly smile and a free cup of coffee or a soft drink. The client immediately feels like a winner and remains seated past the point of zero returns.

 Life is going to become quieter for me for a while...a very short while... and I am going to catch up on my reading...Bye for now!


P.S. Since I wrote this article I have returned to lose more money to the lottery machines. However, I have learned that with the exception of basic repairs to the machines, the government does not put money intro the machines. Gamblers put money into the machines and then they play against each other. This has led me to the conclusion that if the gambling area is empty, don't sit down! The only person putting money into the machines will be you!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dear Jeanne Lambrew:

 As a social scientist and writer living in Quebec, Canada, I feel privileged to receive your email. If you ask yourself why a Canadian is receiving emails from the U.S. government, it is because years ago I joined several thousand computer geeks to help the Obama campaign. I and millions of new computer users joined forces to remove from power a corrupt Bush family controlled U.S.government and after that we continued to send good ideas to your Democratic government.

 Sadly, even though access to your government policies and people boosted my ego, a nice donation to my non-profit foundation would have been greatly appreciated and used for the common good. Although we Canadians have a Medicare system, our last Conservative (Republican) government under prime minister Harper, was all about selling oil and reducing social policies. The horrific and polluting Athabasca Tar Sands project is today his legacy! 

  Today, I suffer from chronic back pain and old age and I am still working alone for the common good. Good ideas are wonderful and they continue to filter into the system and they allow for commerce and humanitarian socialism to co-exist. Oil is not the enemy! Burning it into the atmosphere, however, is absolutely wrong! Extracting it out of the ground at the expense of forest and nature is absolutely wrong! Drilling for oil while risking to pollute by accident and on purpose places like the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic is absolutely wrong! Global warming is absolutely wrong!

 What did Obama do right! He helped the fledgling Electric car company Tesla get started and he signed into law the affordable care act.He fought for the environment and he helped college and university students obtain affordable loans. He went after greedy banks and loan shark companies and demanded restitution.

 Not all was glory, however, as his disasters included: allowing the drilling for Oil in the Gulf of Mexico, a war in Afghanistan and a Drone program that escalated hatred! His inability to stop a genocide in Syria was obvious to the world and understandable because terminating the president of Syria meant facing off with Russian president Putin. This U.S. vs Russia stalemate allowed Syrian president Hassad to murder thousands of his own people. I hope Hillary Clinton has the capacity to continue what Obama started and can work to bring back world peace and a cleaner environment. Thanks for reading and thank you for your letter!

Signed: Joseph Raglione.
Executive Director: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.
P.S. Michelle Obama is a magnificent crusader for the rights of women and girls to receive a better education.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A possible way to create peace with al-Qaeda.

Dear Hillary Clinton:

 Four brave journalists and film makers risked their lives to infiltrate and contact the

al-Qaeda | Islamic militant organization ...

 After watching and listening carefully to a journalist question an al-Qaeda leader while a member of his crew filmed the interview,  I derived an important concept. Every past and present Drone strike created and continues to create more angry and vengeful terrorist members willing to retaliate against the U.S.and die in the name of Allah.  If the U.S. government wants to mitigate any further terrorist attacks from al-Qaeda and create peace with the Muslim world, it needs to apologize to the surviving relatives of Drone strikes in the countries affected,  

 Doing this will shift the onus away from war and towards peace. A good way to create this action is to drop on al-Qaeda occupied villages millions of leaflets and flyers apologizing and then explaining how the U.S. is willing to help al-Qaeda change from a militaristic organization into a political and peaceful organization working to help the people.  It is a powerful psychological response to present al-Qaeda leaders who hate the U.S. for past and present actions.  Apologizing and then offering to work with your enemy to improve the lives of average non-combatant civilians places full responsibility for any further terrorist acts directly on the terrorists. I believe you will win the November 2016 federal election, gentle Hillary Clinton. I suggest that directly afterwards you create a non-stop bombardment of peace mail in every Muslim country affected by war and do not let up until it works! The alternative is continual terrorism from psychopathic kids willing to die in the name of Allah.. 

  Hello my good friend Valdemar Oliveira! I am happy to hear you had a successfull heart operation.  I hope you live to be 110. I may not be...