Tuesday, February 7, 2023


    What if Russian soldiers presently risking their lives for the benefit of the rich Oligarchy in Russia, are offered amnesty and Ukrainian citizenship with a chance to live within a free Democracy? Would they accept the offer? Apparently yes! The Wagner group are not fighting for Putin's government, they are fighting for basic freedom from Russian prisons.

    What if every Russian soldier who puts down his weapon and changes sides, is provided with a new apartment and Ten Thousand Euros along with a Ukrainian citizenship passport? He or she would obtain these benefits by dropping their weapons and accepting Ukraine as an independent country. They could also find work rebuilding the country. 

   What would be Putin's reaction? What would be the consequence to his war effort? 

   Being forced to go into the Ukraine to kill or be killed for the benefit of One Man and his rich friends, is not something any thinking person would do! Young Russian people are given a horrible choice!! Join the Russian army or end up in a Russian prison.

   They could die in a Siberian Gulag or face almost certain death on the Ukraine battle field! They need a third option.

  Russian soldiers will not get rich by invading Ukraine and looting bombed out houses of innocent people! However, as new Ukrainian citizens they could have a chance at a better life!

  In this foolish war thousands of young people on both sides will die for nothing! Absolutely nothing! If however, Russian soldiers are given the chance to change sides for major benefits and a new life, it would benefit everybody and it would hasten an end to this horrifying war!! I suggest the Ukraine government use drones to drop information leaflets asking Russian soldiers if they would like to change sides without risk to their lives. All a Russian soldier would need for a safe transfer is to drop his weapon and wave the leaflet in the air. I believe, and I may be wrong: the first soldiers to change sides would be from the Wagner group. ////

Apparently I was correct. 

N. J. R.

How about we talk about Pump and Dump? The system by which very rich companies who are listed on the Stock Market, use bank consultants to sucker in small time investors.
Tesla is a good example! Tesla is absolutely the best company on Earth at this moment and they are listed on the Stock Exchange. During the last few years, as the company grew, so did it's potential value. It went soaring up on the exchange as investment managers kept pumping up the stock price until the balloon burst...but not before they and surprise, Tesla's big boss himself, Elon Musk, sold out or "dumped" the stock. He claimed he needed the cash for paying taxes but what about the thousands of "Pumpers" working as investment brokers and councillors? They have "sucker" lists of small time and naive investors (I am on one of those lists) who are simply trying to save for old age and basic survival? 
I invested in Tesla stock hoping to win enough money to buy a Tesla vehicle because like thousands of other idealists, I wanted to help clean up the planet. I did not know about Pump and Dump! I lost 40.000 Dollars and will not be able to pay for a Tesla vehicle. Apparently the Big Boss did not realize that by dumping his stock, he was shooting himself in the foot. How many others like me will not be able to buy a Tesla in the near future? I am on the list for buying a Cyber-truck but a large junk of my savings has disappeared!
Any comments? 
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione.

Saturday, January 28, 2023



 Without plants such as Ocean Plankton and leafy Trees to create Oxygen, all Oxygen breathing creatures will suffocate. You included. The reason is simple. Many plants absorb Carbon Dioxide from the air and then they release Oxygen as a bye product. Oxygen breathing life on Earth need plants to survive and the question is are humans returning the favour? Are we doing enough to protect nature? That is a good question?

 To perpetuate themselves, not all but many land and water based plants create flowers to attract insects for pollination. Once pollinated, a flowering plant creates seeds which drop off and down close to the parent. When the Earth warms in Spring, a seed will grow roots to create another plant and the process of life on land begins again. It will unless the ground needed for new plant life is saturated with Asphalt and Cement. North American cities have become polluted garbage dumps and nothing grows in Asphalt jungles!  Asphalt, Glass, Steel and Cement dominate our cities and the race for money neglects what is most important...Oxygen producing plants.

 Life on this small Blue planet is dependant on plants and Millions of people today enjoy flowering plants because flowers create peace of mind and are linked to both life and love. Flowers are distributed around the world and flowers in full bloom have more power than Atomic Bombs. Flowers represent love and life and are metaphorically opposed to guns and bombs. Everybody uses flowers and only a small minority of maniacs create and threaten to use Atomic Bombs. 

Are Atomic Bombs the worst threat to life on Earth? No! The worst threat to life on Earth is out-of-control industrialism. In North America and Europe millions of cars producing the deadly gas Carbon Monoxide continue to roll on Asphalt and/or Cement roads. The conversion to Electric non-polluting vehicles is dangerously slow!

 The abundance of highways and roads on the Western continent often lead to suburban industrial developments. Except for cleaning staff at night, no human beings are allowed on the premises of these super large industrial buildings. The same goes for shopping centres where in daylight business hours, thousands of cars are parked outside the buildings as consumers rush in to buy almost anything, however, at night...nothing! Empty spaces both inside and out! In Winter, unlucky Itinerants can freeze to death if they are unlucky enough to be stationed outside of these massive empty warm buildings where the doors are heartlessly locked tight. This can and must be modified for the better.

 For lower middle class people there may continue to exist a few rental apartments. For middle and upper middle class people there does exist: single house units, town houses, duplex buildings, quadruplex buildings and Condominiums. When space is limited the all pervasive and tall Condominiums pop up to dominate the landscape. Condos are created and sold by corporations who don't rent but sell the apartments and as a consequence the land to build more Condos becomes scarce! Arable land becomes a precious commodity. Natural forests always cease to exist near these buildings. Unless protected by government, precious arable land and Green spaces are often sold to corporate land speculators. Elderly farmers who want or need to retire often sell out. When poverty stricken home owners no longer have the physical strength or the economic means to maintain their homes, they also sell out!  When apartment block owners are faced with the daunting task of renovating old fixed rate apartments, they often sell out to make room for Condos.  Land owners who can't pay taxes often have no choice but to sell out to exploitive companies who chase profit.

 There are millions of Oxygen producing Trees in North America being destroyed to make way for profit making Condos. At least in Europe Trees are treated with respect and in Africa, in central Congo, millions of Trees continue to exist but they also need to be protected. Why is the Congo different from North America? Because through the central Congo Jungle there is only one swampy and extremely dangerous dirt road. The poor people of central Congo are desperate for one decent road. They can  survive by living with and by the Jungle as opposed to destroying the Jungle but they need at minimum one good road which will lead to a hospital. They could use a good cement road or better yet, a train line through the jungle from village to village leading to a hospital. Conclusion! North America has too many roads while Central Congo in Africa has almost zero roads! The Congo has millions of Oxygen producing Trees while North America is not doing enough to protect their forested lands! 

 World Industrialism is creating global warming and slowly destroying flower producing life on this Earth. For centuries mankind protected himself from the cold in Winter and the heat in Summer by destroying forests and using the Trees for building houses and villages and cities and today that mind-set has to stop! We need to think upwards or downwards as opposed to outwards. For example, we can easily build sky scraping Condos with a Hydroponic garden on every fourth floor. Garden floors will provide much needed vegetables and Greenery for apartment dwellers and with today's new technology, these buildings cold be self sustaining with Solar Panels covering the outside of the buildings and Wind Turbines providing Electric energy from the roof. They could also provide limited employment for those in need of work.

   After upwards, downwards becomes feasible. Our municipal governments can and should plan downwards with underground sleeping rooms for thousands of people, including itinerants. Living and sleeping areas can be filled with natural light using fiberoptic cables. Today, industrial parks and city sky scrapers are used solely for business and industry and they remain warm and well lit but also inhumanely empty at night! For the average person, expensive and crowded Condominium buildings have replaced apartment buildings and are now almost everywhere without a thought for Trees and Green spaces and for people who cannot afford to buy a Condo apartment!

  Profit is the driving motivation! These buildings are destroying Nature and leaving lower class people on the streets without shelter. They are literally creating itinerants!!


The need for arable farm land creates cruel and devastating territorial wars and it is far passed the time we humans created life enhancing social and political solutions. Thanks for reading!

 Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione

human4usbillions@gmail.com                  human4us2.blogspot.com


Friday, January 13, 2023



 The murder in the Ukraine of men and women, Russian and Ukrainians, breaks my heart!

There is only one way to stop the slaughter and that is to capture the individual most responsible for the massacre...Vladimir Putin.

 Capturing Putin is a problem but if we understand how power needs money, there is a solution. We have to create a 100 Million Euro reward fund for the capture, dead or alive, of Vladimir Putin.

 I've dedicated my life to world peace and so I am hoping somebody else will create the fund and manage the reward. Maybe somebody working for the United Nations.

Thanks for reading!

Nelson Joseph Raglione.  


Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Beautifully hand made and decorated Concrete Candle Holders.
They will last a life time and more.
Direct from Amanda the artist.




Saturday, December 3, 2022

Wednesday, December 3, 2022  A working Index of great sites.

Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only
 constant is constant change.
Welcome to my index of fun and high education web sites! Return as often as you like.  
 Nelson Joseph Raglione/

26.  http://www.iTooch.com  How to greatly improve our school systems.

        Here are direct links to non profit foundations helping war ravaged Ukraine.

Friday, December 2, 2022



KID'S VOICE:  Is the brain really squishy? And why is it all wrinkly?

On screen text: Hannah P., Age 7, New Jersey

Scene change to ROB DESALLE  wearing a jean jacket, sitting in a lab.

ROB DESALLE: Yes, the brain is quite squishy. Your brain is made mostly of water. So, if you took it out of your head and tried to hold it in your hands, it would feel a lot like Jell-O. The wrinkles on your brain are because you have to cram about two and a half square feet of tissue into your skull. If you took a towel that was about two and a half feet square and tried to squish it into the size of your head, it would have lots of wrinkles on it.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – How Big Is a Brain?

KID'S VOICE: On average, how big is an 11-year-old kid's brain?

On-screen text: Olivia L., Age 11, California

ROB DESALLE: It's about the same size as an adult's brain. There about 100 billion cells in both brains. And the brain of a kid weighs about three pounds, as does the brain of an adult. It's about this size.

DeSalle holds his hands to about the size of a cantaloupe melon.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – Why Can Humans Only Use 10% of Their Brain?

KID'S VOICE: Why can humans only use 10% of their brains?

On screen text: Michael D., Age 10, New York

ROB DESALLE: The idea that they would use 10% of their brain is actually a myth. We don't know when the myth was started, but we do know that people do use 100% of their brain. Every part of their brain is important. No part of their brain is left unused during any period of their day.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – What’s the Most Important Part of the Brain?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: What is the most important part of the brain?

On screen text: Kylar G., Age 9, Texas

ROB DESALLE: Every part of your brain is important. Every part of your brain has a function. And every part of your brain is connected to other parts of your brain. Those connections are very important for the proper functioning of your brain and for your survival.

However, if you want to ask what part of your brain is the most important for being human, then that might be your prefrontal cortex, that area of your brain that's just behind your forehead. If you wanted to ask what part of the brain is important for me when I get afraid and want to run away, then that part of your brain is your limbic system, which is much deeper into your brain. So, the answer of the question depends on what you mean by important.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – Can a Person Live Without a Brain?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: Can a person live without a brain?

On screen text: Carson L., Age 7, Toronto 

ROB DESALLE: A person cannot live without a brain. The brain actually has many functions that keep the heart beating and your lungs expanding and contracting. So, there are various parts of your brain that are really important for your bodily functions. But mostly your brain is absolutely necessary for thinking and for being conscious and for being human. So, you can't live without a brain.

You can live with parts of your brain removed, and there are some operations that are being done nowadays on people with epilepsy where parts of their brains are removed to stop the epilepsy. And these people survive very nicely and lead very, very normal lives.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – How Come I Can’t Remember All 50 States Unless I Sing the Song That Has Them All In It?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: How come I can't remember all 50 states unless I sing the song that has them all in it?

On screen text: Christina S., Age 14, New York

ROB DESALLE: Our memories are actually really bad. Most of us can only remember about seven numbers at a time. So, what we do to remember long strings of things, is we do a thing called chunking. And the song helps you chunk information together into different parts, that you can remember individually. And so that's what the song does--it helps you place these states into other groups of things--that allow you to remember things better.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – What About My Brain Makes Me a Good Speller Or a Good Goalie?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: What about my brain makes me a good speller or a good goalie?

On screen text: Ashton A., Age 8, Washington D.C. 

ROB DESALLE: And so, your brain has a lot of functions, like singing, learning languages, playing sports, things like that. And the way that you get better at these things is by forging connections between neurons. And these connections are forged by practice really. Every time you do something, your brain changes. And it changes because of the connections that are being made. 

The connections get stronger and stronger the more and more you do something. So, the answer to the question is really practice. Practice makes you a better speller, a better person at language, and a better hockey player.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – What Causes Dementia? 

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: What causes dementia?

On screen text: Catherine S., Age 10, New York

ROB DESALLE: Dementia is the state where someone is losing their memory really and losing their touch with reality. And dementia is caused by the death of brain cells usually in older people. One of the most severe forms of dementia that we know about is a disease called Alzheimer's syndrome. In this syndrome, part of the brain starts to die, parts of the brain start to die, and this is what causes the loss of memory and the loss of bodily function in people who have Alzheimer's disease.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – Can We Connect Computers To Our Brains?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: Can we connect computers to our brains?

On screen text: Jason C., Age 9, Minnesota

ROB DESALLE: Interaction of your brain with computers is an interesting subject. Some studies are being done right now where computers have been hooked up to the brains of people. These are usually people who have severe epilepsy, and the hookups are there to help them with epilepsy. But the signals from their brains can actually be collected and analyzed in a computer.

This is just one form of future technology for how we will manipulate the brain in the future. There are other forms of technology that allow us to stimulate the brain with magnetism, or to stimulate the brain with electricity. And these forms of stimulation are thought to be useful in curing disorders of the brain, but can also help with things like memory, and other kinds of brain functions.

So, in the future, we're going to see more and more of this kind of work. But the question that we should be asking is, really, should we be doing this?

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – Do Plants Have Brains? Do All Animals Have Brains?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: Do plants have brains? Do all animals have brains?

On screen text: John M., Age 8, Virginia

ROB DESALLE: Lower organisms--like plants--don't have brains, but plants do have electrical current in them. And they do have genes for some of the proteins that are in our brains. The animals, that are primitive animals-- like sponges-- don't have brains either. They don't have nerve cells, but they do--like the plants--have genes for brains.

Cnidaria--things like jellyfish and hydra--are organisms that have what are called, neural nets. And these are nerve cells that form a net, but not a brain. It's only when we get to animals that have-- that are the same on the left side and on the right side--that we find brain.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – What Happens To Our Brains When We Get Scared?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: What happens to our brains when we get scared?

On screen text: Jaqueline W., Age 7, Michigan

ROB DESALLE: When we're startled or scared, the information that scares us-- or startles us-- comes into our brain. And it's first processed in what's called the limbic system-- in an organ called the amygdala. It's a tiny little peanut-size part of our brain. And what happens is that part of our brain then sends out messages to other parts of our brain-- that produce hormones-- that allow us to tense up and get sweaty palms, and get ready to run.

Now what's happened in recent research, is that the prefrontal cortex-- again, the part of the brain behind your forehead-- is now thought to be involved in what happens when we get afraid. Because sometimes when you are startled, you don't need to be startled. And your prefrontal cortex, now, is going to judge whether or not the amygdala should actually turn on the hormones or not.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – What Happens To My Brain When I’m Sleeping?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: What happens to my brain when I'm sleeping?

On screen text: Ana G., Age 9, Nebraska

ROB DESALLE: When you're sleeping, your brain goes through several phases. It goes through several phases-- like deep sleep and light sleep. But the most important-- to me at least-- phase, is that phase called rapid eye movement--or REM. This is the phase where you do some of your dreaming. Next time you see your cat asleep or your dog asleep--take a look at them, and you'll see their eyes moving underneath their eyelids. This is rapid eye movement, and it's the very interesting part of sleep.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – Can Exercise Make Me Smarter?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: Can exercise make me smarter? 

On screen text: Caden C., Age 11, Tennessee

ROB DESALLE: Scientists have shown that exercise does make your brain grow. In fact, in studies where kids have been looked at who have exercised-- relative to kids who don't exercise--a part of their brain, called the basal ganglia, gets larger. And this basal ganglia is there for processing information that comes into your brain.

Other kids in other studies have been shown to have better memories when they exercise. And a part of their brain--called the hippocampus--is actually larger when kids exercise. So, exercise does have an effect on how your brain works and the size of your brain. And if this is correlated to how smart you are--then yes, exercise does have an effect on how smart you are.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – Is It True That People Used To Drill Holes In Their Brains To Release Spirits? 

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: Is it true that people used to drill holes in their brain to release spirits?

On screen text: Calvin H., Age 10, Ohio

ROB DESALLE: A lot of cultures and a lot of people in the past--so thousands of years ago--in ancient Rome, ancient Greece, and even in the Incan civilizations--used to do that. And they did that because they were trying to cure people who had mental disorders--such as depression or schizophrenia. And they didn't know that much about the brain, and so they didn't know what the holes were actually doing. And often times it didn't work and caused the death of the people.

Today, with the new brain-imaging technology that's out there--technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging, pet scanning, and CAT scanning--we can look at the brains of people without having to open their skulls and look inside. And we're getting a very precise picture of what the brain looks like-- of the structures in the brain.

And actually, what structures are causing what disorders--what structures are causing what mental disorders. And so, we can go in--and very precisely now, surgeons can--and work on those parts of the brain with much more precision than we've ever had in the past.

ASK A SCIENTIST: Brain – What Is the Silliest Thing That Humans Used To Believe About the Brain That We Now Know Isn’t True?

Title slide: Outline of a human brain on a blue background.

KID'S VOICE: What is the silliest thing that humans used to believe about the brain that we now know isn't true?

On screen text: Matt T., Age 11, Florida

ROB DESALLE: Actually, one of the smartest people who ever lived--Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher--thought that our nervous system--our ability to think and to have emotions--resided in our heart, not our brain. He actually called our brain a pretty useless organ. That's one of the silliest things that I've ever heard of--but it comes from a very, very smart person.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...