Tuesday, February 7, 2023

How about we talk about Pump and Dump? The system by which very rich companies who are listed on the Stock Market, use bank consultants to sucker in small time investors.
Tesla is a good example! Tesla is absolutely the best company on Earth at this moment and they are listed on the Stock Exchange. During the last few years, as the company grew, so did it's potential value. It went soaring up on the exchange as investment managers kept pumping up the stock price until the balloon burst...but not before they and surprise, Tesla's big boss himself, Elon Musk, sold out or "dumped" the stock. He claimed he needed the cash for paying taxes but what about the thousands of "Pumpers" working as investment brokers and councillors? They have "sucker" lists of small time and naive investors (I am on one of those lists) who are simply trying to save for old age and basic survival? 
I invested in Tesla stock hoping to win enough money to buy a Tesla vehicle because like thousands of other idealists, I wanted to help clean up the planet. I did not know about Pump and Dump! I lost 40.000 Dollars and will not be able to pay for a Tesla vehicle. Apparently the Big Boss did not realize that by dumping his stock, he was shooting himself in the foot. How many others like me will not be able to buy a Tesla in the near future? I am on the list for buying a Cyber-truck but a large junk of my savings has disappeared!
Any comments? 
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione.

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Meu querido amigo: Valdemar Oliveira. É com grande alegria que leio as tuas cartas! Elas provam que estás vivo neste mundo em rápida mudança...