Tuesday, February 7, 2023


    What if Russian soldiers presently risking their lives for the benefit of the rich Oligarchy in Russia, are offered amnesty and Ukrainian citizenship with a chance to live within a free Democracy? Would they accept the offer? Apparently yes! The Wagner group are not fighting for Putin's government, they are fighting for basic freedom from Russian prisons.

    What if every Russian soldier who puts down his weapon and changes sides, is provided with a new apartment and Ten Thousand Euros along with a Ukrainian citizenship passport? He or she would obtain these benefits by dropping their weapons and accepting Ukraine as an independent country. They could also find work rebuilding the country. 

   What would be Putin's reaction? What would be the consequence to his war effort? 

   Being forced to go into the Ukraine to kill or be killed for the benefit of One Man and his rich friends, is not something any thinking person would do! Young Russian people are given a horrible choice!! Join the Russian army or end up in a Russian prison.

   They could die in a Siberian Gulag or face almost certain death on the Ukraine battle field! They need a third option.

  Russian soldiers will not get rich by invading Ukraine and looting bombed out houses of innocent people! However, as new Ukrainian citizens they could have a chance at a better life!

  In this foolish war thousands of young people on both sides will die for nothing! Absolutely nothing! If however, Russian soldiers are given the chance to change sides for major benefits and a new life, it would benefit everybody and it would hasten an end to this horrifying war!! I suggest the Ukraine government use drones to drop information leaflets asking Russian soldiers if they would like to change sides without risk to their lives. All a Russian soldier would need for a safe transfer is to drop his weapon and wave the leaflet in the air. I believe, and I may be wrong: the first soldiers to change sides would be from the Wagner group. ////

Apparently I was correct. 

N. J. R.

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