Do you consider yourself intelligent? If you answer yes, please explain the concept of eternity or, without eternity, just how did the universe begin? Was there something before the Big Bang? If eternal energy is too much to consider, how about discovering a cure for cancer?
As a perpetual student without the authority from authorities to label myself a BA or PHD or a Master of anything; I don't care if I lack authority! I never cared and was content to remain out of the way of authorities, intellectual and otherwise, as much as possible. I can remember when school authorities beat the joy-of-freedom out of naive children and replaced it with fear. In later years, that changed as monsters in human form gained political power and created wars where children died!
Over the years I discovered zero authorities who could explain the origin of universally changing energy. I also wait for the day somebody discovers a cure for cancer. As for the Big Bang theory, it remains a theory and I surmise without authority, that something had to fuel the 'Big Bang' explosion? Something existed before the Big Bang which logically negates the big bang as the beginning of the Universe! Maybe God was playing with fire crackers? Sorry! Could not resist!
And so, I don't label myself an authority of any kind. I do, however, question authorities about almost everything, especially so called leaders who create wars for profit and territory! Maybe they do not understand how energy slowly changes and they, also, will die!
How and why energy constantly changes within the universe from hot to cold and back again, remains a mystery!
In my very early years in school, one particularly intelligent science teacher proclaimed to his captive students, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but constantly changes from one form to another. His concept of eternal energy stuck in my mind. We were going to be around in one form or another, forever!
A few years later, while wasting my time in school watching the clock, it dawned on me that Time is a measure created by humans. We humans created Time to measure changing energy and absolutely everything is energy... including life! Humans discovered how energy moved and changed constantly and we created a concept called time to measure our changing energy. Time is a human construct and energy is not! So where did energy come from? Don't ask me, I'm not an authority, remember! I was forced to waste my energy listening to people who had zero understanding of the Universe.
Curious humans created science and with science discovered many different forms of energy. Fast and slow constantly changing energy. Life itself changes constantly.
Time does not exist except as a measure of changing energy, created by and for humans to measure how long they remained alive. Human political war mongers are terrified of death! They will send others to fight and die while they remain safe behind the battle lines hoping for a long life! The other species do not understand time and they basically, don't care!
In order to understand life and death, we humans discovered how to control energy and how Time Clocks were good tools for measuring and understanding and controlling energy changes. With time, we also created religions for that purpose. Today, without authority, I wish science-free religious people around the world...Happy Holy Days... but please, do not call yourselves religious and then go and fight in a religious war, or worse, create a war to win territory! Don't waste your precious energy. Life is too short!
Since my own death is close, I wonder if I should plant a garden or take dancing lessons? O.K. not funny!
Bye for now!
J.N.R. signing off!
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