Thursday, August 1, 2024


57 Companies Are Responsible for 80% of polluting Carbon Emissions That Cause Both Climate Change and Cancer!



A new study just revealed that 80% of climate change-causing emissions come from just 57 companies around the world. Chevron, ExxonMobile, BP, Aramco, Gazprom, and the National Iranian Oil Company are several of the largest contributors to continually skyrocketing greenhouse gasses. 

 Consumers around the world are made to feel guilty and responsible for climate change, when in reality, a few powerful companies are primarily to blame. In fact, not only have these corporations been poisoning our world with their horrid carbon footprints, but they've also been doing so at a faster and faster rate.

 In 2016, world leaders came together to craft the Paris Accord. Signatories were supposed to promise to reduce their countries' carbon emissions. But since that time, countries have let these corporations increase their carbon footprints. Most of these 57 companies surged their production and output of emissions, primarily related to fossil fuels, after the Paris Accord.

That's why it's important for us to put public pressure on these corporations and on world governments to shift away from fossil fuels. Public pressure is an astoundingly powerful tool, and often very effective. We need to tell these corporations that we are watching, and that we won't let the status quo continue!

Sign the petition to demand that Chevron, ExxonMobile, BP, Aramco, Gazprom, and the National Iranian Oil Company take responsibility for their carbon emissions. Their will not be a profit for any of them in the near future if they do not change now!  They can invest their money and power to plant trees and gardens: to create new Green Cities and alternative energy sources that do not pollute, to create water filtration plants that remove salt from the Ocean and pumps the water to arid regions of the planet, creating Green Oasis. They can join the Green Revolution instead of fighting it!  We must speak out today while we still have a planet to save!


Photo of white woman with short dark hair.

Thank you,


Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. These same 57 companies can help us fight climate change — and fast. Sign the petition.

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