Monday, June 26, 2023


Is it the beginning of the end for Mr. Putin's hold on power?

 If his past behaviour is any indication, I surmise that Mr. Putin will respond to Mr. Prigojin's revolt by quietly sending KGB assassins to Belarus, where they will locate and murder the Wagner leader. 

 Unlike his past non-violent victims, however, Prigojin is not an easy target. He may find Putin first!                   

While waiting for Putin to make his move, it would be wise for Mr. Prigojin to remain deep under cover and even wiser if he located as many large business companies in Russia, as possible!  Prigojin could then politely ask the large company C.E.O's to switch loyalties. He could also do it directly by telephone or by computer messaging service but that might be dangerous!

  I am certain Putin's assassins will be monitoring the communications system. If Mr. Prigojin could quickly leave a few well armed Wagner Mercenaries temporarily in charge of a dozen or more large Russian business companies, that would in my humble opinion help to finance his presently underpaid private army. 

Author Unknown.






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