Friday, August 19, 2022

How do you get a politician to listen?

  HAPPENING NOW: Greenpeace demands stronger nature protections in Montreal.

Salomé Sané, Greenpeace Canada Unsubscribe

3:40 PM (4 hours ago)
to me


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How do you get a politician to listen to your demand for system change? You paint a giant mural right next to where they work. That’s what Greenpeace activists, volunteers and allies are doing right now at Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault’s office in Montreal. We’re taking to the streets to demand a strong Nature & Biodiversity Act in advance of the biggest nature protection event of the decade—the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 

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The best way you can support our activists on the ground is by sharing this Instagram post to your IG story and tagging @stevenguilbeault. We have proof that Steven Guilbeault checks his Instagram story mentions, so this is the very best way to draw his attention to our action. 

Nelson, the decisions global leaders make at the CBD are existentially significant. We have just eight years to reduce emissions by 50% to prevent total climate chaos and the potential collapse of human civilization. [1, 2] Protecting vast swaths of ocean and natural ecosystems (which absorb carbon and stabilize the climate) will be absolutely critical to this effort. So why—when we have less than a decade to stabilize emissions—is Canada approving new oil projects in ecologically significant areas [3] and shoving pipelines through rivers during salmon runs? [4]

Enough is enough. We need major system change that deeply respects the inherent value and limits of nature. A strong Nature & Biodiversity Act that shifts power from corporations to communities, creates permanent funding for Indigenous stewardship, and establishes an action plan to achieve nature protection targets is an important first step to creating this change. That’s why we’re taking to the streets of Montreal today. 

You’ve already signed our petition advocating for a strong Nature & Biodiversity Act. Now, will you support our activists on the ground by sharing our Instagram post to your story and tagging @stevenguilbeault to ensure that our message is heard loud and clear? (Not on Instagram? You can also leave Steven Guilbeault a message at his House of Commons office: 613-992-6779)

Thank you for reading and thank you for caring. 





Food & nature campaigner, Greenpeace Canada


Greenpeace doesn't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a regular donation or start a fundraiser. Thank you!


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Time is not on the side of humanity. 

         We need government action. today!!

          Greenpeace demands stronger nature protections in both Montreal and Laval where condo development is running out of control. By cramming thousands of people on a few acres of city land, Condo developers are asking for trouble! There will be traffic problems and sewage problems and without sufficient Green spaces for children, greedy developers are creating slums! Slums are breeding grounds for drug gangs and violence!  N.J.R.

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