Wednesday, May 25, 2022

There is too much hate!!

 Gentle People:

  There is too much hate in the world today! Remaining positive or 'even keeled' as old mariners used to say, is difficult. The boat is being swamped by waves of hate and anger and greed and the race for money and power and territory continues to dominate human thinking.

 The Ukraine today is a sad example of a greed motivated terrifying fight for territory. It could escalate into a Third World War if something is not done quickly to stop the carnage. A solution is needed and one old but tried and true idea is to send in United Nations soldiers. A United Nations Peace Force.

 Two or three battalions of soldiers from every country with every soldier wearing the United Nations Blue Helmet. On each helmet will be the brightly coloured U.N. symbol and it will be unmistakable! If you fight the U.N. you fight the whole world and any opposing army soldier will quickly understand who he is fighting against. Hopefully, Putin will get the message.

 It is time to stamp out the fires of greed and hopefully bring back peace to this Earth.

Thanks for reading. 

Nelson Joseph Raglione


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