Tuesday, May 17, 2022

From Tree Hugger.

We Should Be Reforesting, Not Deforesting


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Global Anti-Deforestation Efforts Arent Enough to Tackle Forest Loss
Global Anti-Deforestation Efforts Aren't Enough to Tackle Forest Loss
Just yesterday we were here talking about being climate optimists at Treehugger, and here we are today talking about deforestation when planting trees is perhaps the single best way we have of sucking carbon dioxide out of the air. Perhaps I have to stop looking at my screen through rose-colored glasses.  
Quick stat: Tropical areas lost 9.3 million acres of primary old-growth forest in 2021 resulting in 2.5 billion metric tons of emissions of carbon dioxide. That's roughly 2.5 times the emissions from passenger cars and light trucks in the U.S. annually.
Massive Reforestation Might Be the Moonshot We Need to Slow Down Climate Change
Massive Reforestation Might Be the Moonshot We Need to Slow Down Climate Change
From Russell in the archives, a reminder that we are going in the wrong direction.
Bikes Are Evolving. When Will Bike Storage Catch Up?
Bikes Are Evolving. When Will Bike Storage Catch Up?
Architects put up 5-year-old drawings of bike storage and learn how times have changed. 
This Nifty Natural Bug Repellent Comes in a Metal Tin
This Nifty Natural Bug Repellent Comes in a Metal Tin
They say it works for my nemesis—the black flies we get in May and June. 
These Bats Buzz Like Hornets To Scare off Predators
These Bats Buzz Like Hornets to Scare Off Predators
Mary Jo writes, "When you’re not dangerous, it can be lifesaving to pretend you’re something that is. There’s a behavior called Batesian mimicry, where a harmless species mimics a more dangerous one in order to try to ward off predators." Evidently bats do this, mimicking hornets, to scare off barn owls. “Imagine a predator seizing the bat,” Danilo Russo of the gloriously-named Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Portici, Italy, says. “It will get scared by the buzz for the fraction of a second the bat needs to fly away and save its life.”
This newsletter has been curated and edited by Lloyd Alter. We’d love to hear from you at lalter@dotdash.com. Thanks for reading. 
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