Hello Gentle People around the world!
Here is what I have learned so far from the BBC and other sources:
1. Hundreds of Ukrainian citizens have been killed by Russian shelling. Large apartment blocks have been destroyed. Government buildings are now filled with holes.
2. To justify his ordering this attack Vladimir Putin claims the Ukrainian government is filled with Nazis. Putin is providing fake news to his own citizens utilizing his government controlled media channels.
3. Thousands of Russian tanks have entered the Ukrain and they continue to face stiff resistance from Ukrainian fighters. It is a bitter struggle and from watching these kind of wars from the past, I believe the Russian tanks will dominate temporarily, only to face years of street fighting and resistance. Eventually, after much death and destruction and poverty in both the Ukraine and in the Russian homeland, the force will be pulled out of the Ukrain and the Russian people will finally realize it was Putin who acted like Adolph Hitler.
4. Countries from around the World are imposing sanctions on Russia. Even if Russia destroys and dominates the Ukrain, Russian citizens will suffer extreme poverty for years into the future and it will be the fault of Vladimir Putin. Nobody is blaming Russian citizens.
Kherson mayor appears to suggest city has fallen.
The mayor of Kherson has appeared to suggest that the southern Ukrainian city has fallen to Russian forces.
In a message posted to Facebook on Wednesday, Igor Kolykhaev wrote that "there were armed visitors in the city council today" and that he had told the troops "we don't have Ukrainian Armed Forces in the city, only civilians and people who want to LIVE here!".
Kolykhaev wrote that Moscow's forces have imposed a curfew from 20:00 to 06:00 local time (22:00 - 08:00 GMT), and said cars with food, medicines and some other supplies will be allowed to enter the city.
He added that cars within the city must drive at "minimum" speed and pedestrians are banned from moving in groups of more than two people.
"So far this is how it is. Ukrainian flag above us. And to keep it the same, these requirements must be met. I have nothing else to offer yet", Kolykhaev said.
The BBC cannot independently verify this statement and earlier today US defence officials said that Kherson "remains very much a contested city".

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