Sunday, October 31, 2021

Why we can never go back to the past.     

  The past is dissipated energy. Moments in the past were captured by: photographs, film and
video recordings and human memory, which today help us remember the past.

 The past can be simulated and copied in the present but never regained. The present, for better or
for worse, has new moments of changing energy which can be shaped and defined to create future energy patterns depending on how you feel and act and what choices you make. With present moments, you can prepare for the future and even though the present is continually changing, we as human beings can alter our present energy patterns to affect the future. In other words, we do not have to accept a future filled with pollution and devastating global warming.  We can alter the present to create a nurturing and sustaining future for all life on Earth but remember, we are late, very late!
N. J.R.

 Here is an interesting thought! Why not reverse the economic mind set of governments and companies by tearing down old buildings and replacing them with Trees and Flower gardens and with a vegetable garden or Two for effect? That is a hundred times better than what is happening now! Today we have Scrooge controlled money hungry companies destroying forests and woodlots in order to plant Condos and Office towers and industrial parks everywhere? We have old growth forests being massacred by quick profit timber companies and these companies need to be stopped and bloody fast!

1 comment:

  1. P.P.S. Why not use old buildings as vertical gardens filled with protected plants or, as shelters renovated for homeless people?


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