Thursday, November 5, 2020



   An open letter to the American people:

   From my vantage point here in Canada,  I  received the impression your president Trump had trouble reading the script created for him by his lawyer and adviser, Rudolf Gulliani. The script read like it was prepared far in advance of the election and poor Trump stumbled over a few words! 

  After listening to Trump read a litany of accusations towards the Democrats, the words sore loser and sour grapes came to mind but sticking to the facts, Trump has lost this election and will now face the U.S. tax department for having never declared his income. Some of you may remember that Donald Trump was and may still be a multi-millionaire. Nobody knows for sure because he never disclosed his income before or after he became president and he continues to live so far above the average person, he might as well be an astronaut. 

 He may prove lucky to have stuffed the U.S. Supreme Court with Republican judges as they may or may not bale him out of his financial problems if he still has any remaining financial problems, but if not, he can always escape to live with his friend in Russia. 


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