Thursday, April 16, 2020

First Nations band councils bought and paid for.

The 670-kilometre, $6.2 billion pipeline is buying off the Native band councils of Vancouver, one by one, however, money for nursing homes across Canada is not available.

 In Canada, today, our Federal and Provincial governments claim they do not have enough money for the production of protective gear to help fend off the Corona-virus or to pay for extra doctors and nurses to work in nursing homes.

 Consequently, hundreds of alone and abandoned vulnerable older people across Canada are dying alone and without help.

 The truly unjust part of this story is that there is plenty of money to spend on an unwanted and dangerous gas pipeline through First Nations territory in Vancouver. For the first time in their lives, some natives are working and benefitting from the work provided by the Gas pipeline industry, but they are working by cutting down trees and preparing the way for the passage of a dangerous fossil fuel pipe-line that will continue producing CO2 and creating industrial pollution for years into the future. Natives and non- natives alike could easily be working saving forests and planting trees or working in thousands of Greenhouse gardens within reserves or on farms across the country if provided with the same amount of federal money the gas industry is receiving.
A gas industry backed by our present prime minister who is paying with our tax dollars. 

 If the Covid 19 SARS epidemic teaches us anything, it is that we do not have enough years to reverse or stop global warming. Do you remember global warming? Why do you think viruses are having such an easy time destroying our lives? A warmer climate breeds viruses.

 For imperial Dollars and the blessing of the Prime Minister of Canada, First Nations band councils are bought and paid for by the Gas industry and are going against the history and culture of their own people while helping a dangerous and cruel industry pollute the Earth!

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