Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What I predicted in 2004 is now a reality.


Hello Chanchal Bhattacharya

      If you mean to create value for a government dollar, then I am all for
it. Meanwhile, the Americans and Japanese continue to dump price inflated
cars into our inflated market and continue to advertise new cars every five
minutes on Canadian television stations. Canadians have water and
electricity and lumber and a few high tech toys to exchange for the cars,
but the Americans have gained almost free access to all of our natural
resources and they also control and produce the television brainwashing
needed to sell their Detroit and Windsor built cars, not to mention the
Japanese, German, and Korean imports continuously entering our ports.
  Mulroney's NAFTA opened the economic doors and his generosity has almost
politically destroyed Canada as an independent entity. To regain our
independence, we need new non-polluting toys the world will buy, and we have
to sell them at twice the price it takes to make them. Where is Armand
Bombardier when we need him?
  I suggest we create water purification systems and windmill electricity
generators as well as Water-mill electricity generators. Insulation products for old
houses. Canadian electric vehicles. Fast Hydrogen-powered Mini busses as
opposed to the forty-foot General Motors slow-moving monsters now crunching
the streets. Artistic tourist traps everywhere. Shade and Fruit tree and
flower garden production within city limits. Co-Operative vegetable gardens
and farm subsidies. Cultural events sponsorship for
comedy. Infrastructure payments for highway reduction and not expansion. We
need to slow and stop cars and then take the time to smell the newly planted
roses while eating carrots and green peppers planted on the spaces we took
back from the newly reduced highways. Our teachers can teach Botany,
Biology, Science, Music, Art, and Sports.
Our farmers need not worry as we will sell their products overseas.
   We will also need the labor to create the high tech toys and economic
programs. Because I have a very bad back and I've reduced my workload 90%,
if the dollar is pegged to my labor and the labor of working people like
myself, then I apologize in advance for the economic shrinkage. Cold does
that you know!
  You can laugh but if you consider the fact that I represent a member of the hard-working
and skilled Boomer generation and that my generation is about
to achieve old age en masse, we as a country are in trouble. We can import
labor but they will still need housing. I suggest we convert office towers
into small apartments. The same can be done with old warehouses. Do we ask
immigrants to build their own housing? Who will train and teach them the
skills they will need to survive in Canada? I and thousands like myself are
available for teaching our skills, but the current snob and corporate-controlled Imperial Hierarchy won't allow us up the ladder. Most of us don't
have BA's, Ph.D.'s, MA's and FU's.
  Other than English, my language ability is not great! I suggest we create
small computer language translators for immigrants to use upon arriving in
   The more housing we create, the more trees are destroyed. Without trees
we will have disastrous weather conditions here and around the world and
then the fun will start for real.  The more people we have in Canada, the
more pollution is created and the more vital it becomes to create water
filtration systems, as mentioned at the beginning of this tirade.

Joseph Raglione

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chanchal Bhattacharya" <>
To: "Elizabeth Woods" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [NDP/NPD] Debt Tricks

> Elizabeth Woods wrote:
> > Every time the Liberals or the Conservatives yell "Tax and spend at us,"
> > should yell right back "YES-we will tax fairly, and spend and invest
> > wisely", and give a concrete illustration of how.  We will never build
> > credibility on money issues as long as we keep shying away from them. To
> > neutralize opponents, embrace them, and turn them in a different
> Clinton in the US, Blair/Brown in Britain, and the NDP in Saskatchewan
> and Manitoba have proven that this approach can work.  The problem is
> that such an approach also requires a willingness to pursue levels of
> fiscal discipline and restraint that New Democrats have traditionally
> found highly restrictive.
> It is not for nothing that significant elements of the American left
> denounced Clinton and the Democrats as indistinguishable from the
> Republicans (at least until they actually encountered real Republicans).
>   The British left is so busy condemning Blair and Brown that they've
> largely forgotten the brutality of life under Thatcher.  One doesn't
> need much of a memory to recall the heated denunciations directed toward
> Roy Romanow, even though the policies in shepherded laid the foundations
> for four consecutive NDP victories.
> The central question the NDP has to address is whether it is willing to
> pay the price, in terms of fiscal discipline, that is necessary for a party of the left
> to gain and sustain credibility on economic issues.
> Chanchal Bhattacharya

1 comment:

  1. Today, our climate has changed drastically and will continue to change as long as we ignore the very loud danger warning signals. Twelve years from this date: November 24, 2019, will signal good or bad for our planet's environment and consequently for life on Earth. We have to stop fighting and killing each other and work together to stop pollution and to Green this planet. We need solutions and projects that will keep us all busy for that one extremely important purpose.


Meu querido amigo: Valdemar Oliveira. É com grande alegria que leio as tuas cartas! Elas provam que estás vivo neste mundo em rápida mudança...