Monday, November 11, 2019



 If it is not a fact, do not read it or if you do read it, do not believe it! Advertorials are scripted stories created specifically to pique your curiosity. They usually begin with an interesting question or unusual statement leading you into buying a product not tested by experts. They waste valuable space on the internet which can be better served by honest journalists or even better product advertising. Quality products are difficult to find these days but in the past, a good product had a money-back quality guarantee. As more products enter the market today, without quality guarantees, the more garbage accumulates in land-fills. The other species on this planet do not want to be smothered under our waste products! 


1. Grow a small victory garden within a strong plexiglass Green-house. Attention companies!      Making inexpensive Green-houses is a great way to recycle plastic. Large plastic and insulated Lego-style blocks can be easily put together to create a Green-House or a fun-house for kids...and your local farmer could use another Green House or Two! 
2.  Drive an Electric car or ride a bicycle or walk. Eat less meat and more vegetables.
3.  Work for the farming community. Farmers are desperate for help. They are underpaid and over-worked and often ignored by many soft-hands pudgy politicians. If you do not believe me, ask a farmer near you how he or she loves politicians. One more thing...the more Green-Houses a farmer has the less he needs fungicides and pesticides to save his crops and the healthier becomes his produce when it reaches your dinner table. 
4.   Change every school itinerary to a hands-on approach to Botany and Biology. Make science simple and fun and rewarding with step-by-step learning examples for children. Let them grow their own vegetables in a hydroponic Green-House and they could either eat or take home their produce. Use music to help grow vegetables. Drop the winner takes all approach in school and that means dropping homework and exams and tests and every stress-inducing concept created by past authorities to glean the best from the rest. In fact, farmers should be teaching children and business suit authorities should have been gleaned out of our schools years ago. Use Finland as a model for better schools and great teachers. They also have happy and smart students! Make learning fun and schools a refuge from boredom. You will be surprised at how many children climb the ladder of success when the rungs are easy and fun to climb and watch as these future kids finally slow down climate change. Have a great day!
N.J. Raglione

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Meu querido amigo: Valdemar Oliveira. É com grande alegria que leio as tuas cartas! Elas provam que estás vivo neste mundo em rápida mudança...