Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Success is not the ability to exploit the poor.

Gentle People:
The claim we are attempting to destroy the economy by redirecting money towards creating sustainable products and projects, is bogus! Totally false! The idea is to protect our air and water and food production and hey! Who's money is it anyway? Money is a power coupon created by our elected governments for the purpose of maintaining an economy based on the distribution of goods and services. It was never meant to be hoarded by a few corporate moguls in order for them to dictate how we so called 'consumers' survive. In fact company executives created the concept of consumerism in the first place for the purpose of helping themselves get very rich very fast!
The title of 'successful person' today is claimed by millionaires and multi-millionaires and some politicians who have by various means, managed to accumulate more money than they need for basic survival. More than one millionaire has become rich by converting natural resources into cheap destructible consumer products without understanding or caring how the destructive nature of his or her industry creates dangerous repercussions within and to our Biosphere!
We are not trying to take away personal success! We are simply trying to survive as best we can and all we ask today is that our industrial companies around the world take responsibility for their actions!
Would it not be nicer if you became a millionaire by growing and selling millions of fruit bearing trees and vegetable plants? How about building a recycling plant that converts millions of discarded rubber car tires into powder and that powder applied to maintaining existing roads and highways? Don't forget to remove the wire from the powdered tire. Metal has value and is worth recycling!
How about building water filtration plants here and around the world to help provide clean water for the desperate poor who are running out of drinking water? You can recycle tons of plastic by making thick water distribution pipes for countries without such pipes.
One good idea now in the works is to create plastic molecules that can be easily recycled back into usable plastic so that all plastic can be recycled and reused by the company who makes a product.
Creating stronger and better containers made from glass and metal and stronger plastic and then reclaiming the containers after a “consumer” has 'consumed' the contents” is an idea I can live with and so can you! The idea is now in progress and has been adopted by many large companies and it is called “Looping.” why not get into the loop?
How to Loop.
Remember the old milk bottle concept? Full glass milk bottles were left on door steps and empty bottles were collected for cleaning and reuse. One company was responsible for recycling and reusing the bottles. The same can be done by hundreds of companies for thousands of products around the world whether they be plastic or not.
The economy will not miss a beat and in fact will be more enjoyable for everybody. People will feel less cheated and exploited by greedy companies and that will be a good thing for everybody? The idea is to protect our air and our water and our food production. Mother Nature is delicate and is presently being beaten to death by uncaring industries around the world and all in the name of profit and success!
We can do better if we stop buying inexpensive products created to self destruct in order to keep selling more products. We can do better if we do not have a “throw away” society because products today are packaged from cheap but indestructible plastic presently found floating within our Oceans. What is less well known is that we are also breathing and eating tiny molecules of plastic carried by wind currents around the world.
Sometimes something may look like a quality product but also self destructs and rather than bothering to fight with the sales people to refund our money, we find it expedient to simply dump the broken product in a recycle bin and then go buy another cheap product. The sad fact is that the broken product does not get recycled by our local communities.
Our local municipal recycling plants and garbage dumps are full! There is no more room for our discarded products whether we try to recycle them or not using the current system. We need the companies who make the products to take full responsibility and take back the packaging after the product they contained has been used.
If a product is made from: glass, metal, plastic or even rubber, the company who created the product, small or large, must take it back when the consumer who bought the product signals its end of use.
It is difficult not to sound sarcastic but our so called brilliant and educated politicians and company CEO's are now sending our garbage to other countries who, by the way, will be delivering our garbage back to us.
Here is a thought! Forget planning the quick demise of cheap products in order to maintain large profit margins. You honestly do not need millions of dollars. All that creates is jealousy! What you need is a good circle of friends and some honest love.
Thanks for reading!
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The world friendly peace and ecology movement.

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