Thursday, May 9, 2019

Gentle People:
 If you want to know why we should preserve wild animals, it is because they create a cascade effect on their surroundings. To understand this and for the best reasons for protecting wildlife on Earth, listen to a lecture given by George Monbiot in 2013. He explained in detail how animals, ourselves included, alter our surrounding environment.
If you need precise science based information as to why we should protect wild animals, visit and listen to the lecture by George Monbiot given in 2013. His expert concepts were ignored by authorities at the time.
  We also need to change our opinions about genetically engineered plants. Not all genetic engineers work for Monsanto or it's clone, the Baire company. Monsanto genetically engineered plants resistant to their pesticide Round-Up and created terror in the hearts of people.

  One lady who devoted her life to Botany and genetic research can actually help to save the planet with her GMO modified plants. Her plants grow larger and stronger and have longer roots and have the ability to remove and store carbon dioxide for longer periods deep in the soil. The Suberin within these plants is a natural carbon storage device and food plants with more Suberin can help to stabilize CO2 within the atmosphere as well as create stronger and better crops around the world. She is well worth listening to on Her name is Joanne Chory and her super-charged plants could help slow climate change.
 The science based facts presented by these experts should be noted and presented to company CEO's and politicians around the world and Greenpeace has the capacity to do exactly that. If Greenpeace realized years ago that our artificially created world economy was the problem and not the solution, rewilding and Greening the planet would have happened a lot sooner. Mass communication is the key. Find the solutions I mentioned above and spread the ideas along with the protest against pollution.  A great source is
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Director: The world friendly peace and ecology movement. 

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