Thursday, May 16, 2019

Get tested for fun and healthy sex!

Action Canada <>Wed, May 15, 2019 at 1:16 PM

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What's New ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿ“ฃ

"What are the different types of STIs? Why should I get tested? When should I get tested?" 

These are the types of questions we are hoping to answer in our national campaign on STI testing! "Get Tested at Least Once a Year" is a digital campaign  that aims to increase STI testing among young people between the age of 15 and 24 and reduce stigma associated with getting tested.

"Get Tested at Least Once a Year" is a general rule to help encourage people to make STI testing a routine part of their health care. Often, we only think about testing when specific things happen – we hook up with someone new, we have a new lump, bump or rash, or the condom breaks – but we want to change that perception so that testing is something everyone thinks about at least once a year! 

When bae’s got jokes ๐Ÿ™„… but they’re also getting tested at least once a year. ๐Ÿ˜

Click here to learn more about getting tested at least once a year!
Click here to visit the newly revamped Action Canada website!

News from the UN: Sports and Human Rights

Did you know that Action Canada takes part in every UN's Human Rights Council (HRC) session? As a partner of the Sexual Rights Initiative, we advocate for the inclusion of sexual rights in resolutions on human rights.

You've probably heard or read about Caster Semenya recently in the news. She's the South African runner who lost her battle against the global athletics governing body, the IAAF, which insists reduce her testosterone levels if she wants to continue to compete.
All women athletes who do not fit the IAAF’s new rules around what makes someone a woman, will also be forced to change their bodies in order to compete.

What's the link between our work at the UN and Caster Semenya? During the last HRC session, a resolution on discrimination against women and girls in sportsthat addresses racism and harmful gender norms was adopted. It highlights how black women and girl athletes are being subjected to unnecessary and harmful procedures in order to compete, and forced to “choose” between submitting to these procedures and losing their ability to earn a living. This is not a choice, it is a human rights violation. With this resolution, we hope that sports associations and governments will see these arbitrary rules for what they are and stop them in their tracks. 

Successful Launch of 2019's State of World Population Report ๐ŸŽˆ

April 10th marked the global launch of UNFPA’s 2019 State of World Population Report Unfinished Business: the pursuit of rights for all. Action Canada was proud to host a reception to mark the launch of the report and to celebrate Canada’s commitment to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights globally.

This is the fourth year that Action Canada has launched the UNFPA State of World Population report in formal partnership with the Government of Canada and the third year we have had the pleasure of hearing a keynote address from the Minister of International Development.
Click here to find out more!

Ultrasounds No Longer Required to Access Medical Abortion ๐ŸŽ‰

Health Canada has removed the ultrasound restriction for prescribing the abortion pill!

This is one step in the right direction to continue to address barriers that make access to medical abortion challenging in regions where services are few and far between or plagued with long wait lists.

Forced Sterilization: Not a thing of the past

Everyday we are learning about more and more people who have been subjected to forced and coerced sterilization in Canada. The truth is undeniable: forced sterilization is not a thing of the past.

Action Canada has been intervening at all levels of government, on the ground, and at the UN to support survivors and to ensure these gross violations of reproductive rights don’t happen again.
Click here learn more about forced sterilization in Canada
Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights is a progressive, pro-choice charitable organization committed to advancing and upholding sexual and reproductive health and rights in Canada and globally.

Quoi de neuf ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿ“ฃ

« Quels sont les diffรฉrents types d’ITS? Pourquoi devrais-je me faire tester? Quand devrais-je me faire tester? » 

Voilร  le genre de questions auxquelles nous espรฉrons rรฉpondre par le biais de notre campagne nationale sur le dรฉpistage des ITS! « Fais-toi tester au moins une fois par annรฉe » est une campagne numรฉrique de mรฉdias sociaux qui vise ร  accroรฎtre le dรฉpistage des ITS chez les jeunes de 15 ร  24 ans et ร  rรฉduire la stigmatisation associรฉe au fait de se faire tester.

« Fais-toi tester au moins une fois par annรฉe » est une incitation gรฉnรฉrale pour encourager les gens ร  intรฉgrer le dรฉpistage des ITS dans leurs soins de santรฉ de routine. Souvent, on pense au dรฉpistage uniquement dans des circonstances particuliรจres – une nouvelle flamme; une bosse, une รฉruption cutanรฉe ou un bouton inhabituel; ou un condom qui se dรฉchire – et nous voulons modifier cette perception pour que tout le monde pense au dรฉpistage au moins une fois par annรฉe! 
Quand ta nouvelle flamme fais des jokes plates...mais se fait aussi tester. 
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur comment se faire tester au moins une fois par annรฉe!
Cliquez ici pour visiter notre nouveau site web!

Nouvelles des Nations Unies : le sport et les droits de la personne

Saviez-vous qu’Action Canada participe ร  chacune des sessions du Conseil des droits de l’homme (CDH) de l’ONU? En tant que partenaire de la Sexual Rights Initiative, nous militons pour l’inclusion des droits sexuels dans les rรฉsolutions sur les droits de la personne.

Vous avez peut-รชtre rรฉcemment entendu parler de Caster Semenya. Cette coureuse sud-africaine vient de perdre son combat contre l’organe mondial de gouvernance de l’athlรฉtisme, l'IAAF; elle devra donc rรฉduire son taux de testostรฉrone pour continuer de participer ร  des compรฉtitions.
Toutes les femmes athlรจtes qui ne satisfont pas aux critรจres dรฉfinissant la femme selon l’IAAF devront รฉgalement modifier leurs corps afin de prendre part ร  des compรฉtitions.

Quel est le lien entre notre travail ร  l’ONU et la situation de Caster Semenya? Lors de la plus rรฉcente session du CDH, une rรฉsolution sur la discrimination contre les femmes et les filles dans les sports a รฉtรฉ adoptรฉe pour rรฉpondre au racisme et aux normes de genre nรฉfastes. On y dรฉcrit comment des femmes et des filles athlรจtes noires doivent se soumettre ร  des interventions inutiles et nรฉfastes pour avoir le droit de compรฉtitionner, ce qui les force ร  « choisir » entre ces interventions ou la perte de leur source de subsistance. Ceci n’est pas un choix; c’est une atteinte aux droits de la personne.

Lancement rรฉussi du rapport 2019 sur l'รฉtat de la population mondiale

Le rapport 2019 de l’UNFPA sur l’รฉtat de la population mondiale, Une tรขche inachevรฉe : la poursuite de l’acquisition des droits et des choix pour tous, a รฉtรฉ publiรฉ le 10 avril. Action Canada pour la santรฉ et les droits sexuels a eu l’honneur d’organiser une rรฉception pour souligner le lancement de ce rapport et pour cรฉlรฉbrer l’engagement du Canada ร  l’avancement de la santรฉ et des droits sexuels et gรฉnรฉsiques.
C’est la 4e annรฉe oรน Action Canada souligne le lancement du rapport dans le cadre d’un partenariat formel avec le Gouvernement du Canada, et la troisiรจme fois que nous avons le plaisir d’entendre ร  cette occasion une allocution de la ministre du Dรฉveloppement international.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus!

L'รฉchographie n'est plus requise pour avoir accรจs ร  la pilule abortive! ๐ŸŽ‰

Santรฉ Canada a aboli l’exigence d’une รฉchographie pour la prescription de la pilule abortive!
C’est un pas de plus dans la bonne direction afin de continuer d’abolir les obstacles qui rendent difficile l’accรจs ร  l’avortement mรฉdical dans les rรฉgions oรน la liste d’attente est longue, pour des services peu nombreux et dispersรฉs.

La stรฉrilisation forcรฉe : pas une chose du passรฉ

Jour aprรจs jour, nous entendons de plus en plus parler de personnes assujetties ร  la stรฉrilisation forcรฉe, au Canada. La vรฉritรฉ est ร  prรฉsent indรฉniable : la stรฉrilisation forcรฉe n’est pas chose du passรฉ.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur la stรฉrilisation forcรฉe
Action Canada pour la santรฉ et les droits sexuels est un organisme de bienfaisance pro-choix et progressiste vouรฉ ร  la promotion et ร  la dรฉfense de la santรฉ et des droits sexuels au Canada et ร  l’รฉtranger.
Copyright © 2019 Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, All rights reserved.
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1 comment:

  1. my name is Promise dickson Finch am from Texas USA. I want to share a testimony of how Dr. OLU herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i was also having weak erection problem. I can make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 4 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me. My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr. OLU. herbal mixture cream have been helping people regarding their sex life, so i decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise in less than two weeks of taking the herbs my penis grow to 8 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now 8 inches and i do not have weak erection again. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoy me very well in bed. You can contact him via ( You can contact him today and get your problem solved.Call +2348140654426 .." or you can also contact him through his what-app +238140654426


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