Monday, December 3, 2018

Gentle People:

 Governments and companies always look for ways to make a profit. OK, if profit making ideas are what they want and need for success, the following is one magnificent profit making idea!

 Create hundreds of vertical Fifty-Story glass covered Hydroponic Green Houses and then hire students to work the Green Houses. Sell and distribute the vegetables grown in these vertical farms to restaurants throughout the city. Use the new Electricity generating Glass panels to supply energy for the Green House Towers. These special Glass panels create electricity when ordinary day-light passes through them and the energy is then focused into batteries for the building.

 With these towers of food you are creating both clean pesticide free vegetables and work for students.

 P.S. Your present city towers are filled with people attempting to generate money and no matter how much money they make, they cannot eat money. In the future average citizens may find it difficult to buy salad from other countries. They can, however, make money selling salad if they grow their own within vertical farms. You can even place these towers on farm lands and give today's farmers a fighting chance to make a profit without pesticides or working Sixteen hour days!!

 Thanks for reading.
  Pass on this idea.
  Signed: Nelson J. Raglione.   

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