Thursday, April 26, 2018



 When I say hi kids, I am referring to anybody who is under 65 years old. At 70, I am claiming the right to be an elder statesman...Grin!
  Today, listening to elders has become a lost art and so I am blogging all over the internet to catch the attention of young pay attention! :)
   If you want honest facts delivered by the smartest minds on Earth visit the friendly world humanitarian peace and ecology movement at
 The people I share my blog with are honest and highly intelligent and with good hearts. Slowly they are creating the changes that will help you preserve life on this our small Blue planet Earth. How fast the changes occur however, depends on  you! If the changes do not happen fast enough it will be your generation and your grand children who will bear the brunt. The facts are there for you to find and study. The evidence is honest and the truth is absolute! Ignore them at your own risk!
 Do your best to separate the hype from the facts. This Spring, I honestly and without reservation advise you to shut the television and go outside to plant both a tree and a vegetable garden. Television advertising is filled with mind bending hype created to sell cars. They are using repetitive hypnosis and cheap psychology as tools to sell you dangerous products!
  If it is not all Electric, your car is a source of pollution and combined with a billion other cars presently pumping Carbon Monoxide into the atmosphere, it is contributing to a slow death for this planet! Try riding a Bicycle or walking or taking a communal Electric bus.
 Almost like your Television, your little computerized telephone is stealing both your time and your liberty and it is also filled with commercial hype for products you do not need and are not conducive for life on Earth!
 If Steve Jobs who was the inventor of Apple computers and also of your small telephone, had finished University, he might have understood how important it was to study: Biology, Botany and Sociology as well as the Humanities. He believed communication was important and I agree but Mr. Jobs did not foresee how many advertising companies would presently usurp his invention in order to convince you to perpetuate an industrial economy creating billions of tonnes of pollution! It is a sad and dangerous fact that today's industrial advertising marketers are concentrating on profit while ignoring the fact that Carbon Dioxide is a dangerous life killing pollution which has now reached 409 parts per million within the air we are all breathing. This kind of advertising has to stop!
 Trees clean the air we breath and they also produce Oxygen. Those who destroy Trees are helping to destroy life on Earth!
Those who plant Trees are helping to create new life on Earth!
Which do you prefer?
Have a good life and get to work!
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive Director: The Friendly World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

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