Monday, April 23, 2018



More than 95% of the world's population is breathing unsafe air

Smoke and fog envelops the Hong Kong skyline
Photo: Kenneth Ip/Shutterstock
Take a deep breath — but maybe not too deep.
According to the Health Effect Institute's 2018 State of Global Air Report, more than
95 percent of the world's population is breathing in air that exceed pollution levels 
deemed safe by the World Health Organization. Developing countries are bearing 
the bulk of this burden as economic development outpaces environmental safeguards.
Relying on satellite data and air monitoring systems from around the world,
the report highlights the density of outdoor polluted air, or ambient air,
with a particular focus on air particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers
 in diameter. Worldwide exposure to this particulate matter contributed
to 4.1 million deaths in 2016 — the year from which the most recent data is
available — making it the sixth leading cause of death around the world behind
high blood pressure, smoking and various diet-related causes, according to the report.
Household air pollution generated by solid burning fuel sources like coal and wood
led to another 2.6 million deaths.
China and India accounted for about 51 percent of ambient air deaths,
but both countries are making changes to their air quality.
 (The picture above shows the Chinese city of Hong Kong shrouded in smog.)
"There are reasons for optimism, though there is a long way to go,"
Bob O’Keefe, vice president of the institute, told The Guardian.
 "China seems to be now moving pretty aggressively, for instance in cutting
coal and on stronger controls. India has really begun to step up on indoor
air pollution, for instance through the provision of LPG [liquefied petroleum gas]
as a cooking fuel, and through electrification."
Unrelated to the Health Effect Institute's report, the American Lung Association
 released its own State of the Air report.
Their study found that four out of 10 people living in the United States live in
counties with unhealthy levels of ozone and air pollution.

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