Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A  message from the heart...                       Pg 1                                 28/11/2017

I want to proudly inform you gentle readers, that the vast majority of Canadians are not fools or liars, cheats or thieves or hypocrites competing at all cost for the almighty dollar! The first to believe in our integrity as Canadians was the late Tommy Douglas, the father of our Medicare system and leader of the C.C.F. party, now called the N.D.P.
Mr. Douglas was named our greatest Canadian citizen for his wonderful gift to the Canadian people. He dedicated his life to helping Canadians. His legacy is our Medicare and social programs and I salute his memory.

  The second magnificent human being to stand up for and protect the social programs created by Tommy Douglas,
 was a wonderful politician by the name of Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada.
I want to explain to you as Jack Layton once did that I have been across this great country of ours and I know for a fact that most Canadians are hard working and honest people who go out of their way to help each other survive in our difficult Canadian climate. We Canadians understand each other from Province to Province and from coast to coast and we are proud to be known around the world as hard working and self-reliant people with a good reputation as international peace keepers for the United Nations. We are not known as war mongers or exploiting profit makers! We Canadians are peace keepers for the sake of all life on this our planet earth!

  I want to be one of many voices to again explain that Canadians have courage and pride and compassion as well as tolerance for each other and for other nationalities and religions around this very culturally oriented nation. We strongly believe in the kind of social justice which allows the implementation of a federal government protected universal Medicare system, a social pension plan, a welfare system and our unemployment insurance plan which helps millions of Canadians each and every year survive economic hardships.                                        
  I  deeply value our Canadian human rights and freedoms and I want to share with you the personal feeling of freedom I felt when I crossed this beautiful country to see for the first time the mighty Rocky Mountains. Oh what a truly magnificent country we have! I want every person in Canada to have the freedom to travel at minimum expense across this country and to visit our cities without the fear (as most of today’s city people have) of being killed by a fast moving automobile.

 Global warming dictates that we put an end to pollution and to traffic gridlock. Within city limits we can create  mini- rail systems and bicycle paths to compliment our current trains and subway systems. We can plant millions of trees and flowers and we can keep the expensive and polluting automobiles parked outside city limits or better yet...replace gas burning cars with non-polluting Electric Cars and Bicycles.

  I want to be the first to tell you that Canadians have a great amount of courage. We have the courage to face change and even to help it happen and we can do it sooner than most people think!

  I understand how many Canadians rely on automobiles for transportation and how important the car is to our economy. I do not want to remove automobiles from our lives but we have little time left to begin some important changes if we are to slow the absolute fact of global warming! To finally start those changes we need to halt global industrial and mechanical pollution.  How many Canadians believed Dr. David Suzuki and his expert science friends when he warned us about global warming? I certainly did because the facts sent to me over the years from NASA SATELITES proved his words to be honest and true!

  Alternatives do exist to help us change from a nation of polluters who depend on oil and gas and internal combustion engines for transportation, to a nation of proud and clean and free people who plant trees and flowers and vegetable gardens by the millions across Canada while traveling faster and better than we have ever done in the past using clean non-polluting alternative transportation systems.

The majority of Canadians are not millionaires and most Canadians do not want to be millionaires if it means getting rich on the backs of the poor and the hard working people of this country and other countries least able to defend themselves from economic exploiters!

 For every millionaire who exists today thousands of hard working people struggle for basic survival in polluted and stress filled work environments here and around the world! It is my belief that we can shorten the work day while creating better work environments based on social justice and a Green based world economy.  There still is a place for oil in this world but not by burning it into the air we all need to breath! Toxic pollution creates Cancer and many other problems and our hospitals have become filled to over-flow! It is possible to create plexiglass and glass green houses almost everywhere. Imagine a city side street converted to a plexiglass covered passage for pedestrians and filled with trees and flowers and community vegetable gardens. This is possible and should  be happening in cities around the world. We need a flower and vegetable Hydroponic revolution against pollution. 
  Imagine streets filled with trees and grass and flowers while our children and our elderly relax in safety and comfort on any given day. The reason I say imagine is because, unfortunately, the opposite is happening! Canada is a wonderful country for the most part but we do have a dark side. Today children are being hit by cars and our elderly don’t dare attempt to cross the boulevards! Immitating our American neighbors, we drive millions of gas burning cars in order to visit humongous box stores which are filled to over-flow with cheap and almost useless consumer merchandise from countries like China! We do not have garbage dumps large enough to bury these products once they have completed their short life cycles!

 Our dark side is based on making money. U.S. television programming has created Canadian imitations of American consumers and we are often treated like consumer items. Old age is one terrible example! As we near our expiry dates we are discarded as opposed to being recycled. To get rid of our surplus elderly we sadly trap them in old people homes and the following is a true story which happened to me...

      “ I am so lonely” she screamed as I walked away feeling that my visit was completed. She was one hundred years old and they had placed her near a window strapped to a wheel chair. When I complained bitterly the nurse removed the restraint.
“But she gets up and falls and hurts herself” the nurse informed me...while removing the straps.

   A few days later I discovered that my long time friend: Miss Muir, died shortly after I had left her in the nursing home.
  Her scream: “I am so lonely” was the last bit of news from a lady who had an active mind to the bitter end.
  In her youth she had posed as the Camay Soap girl. Her proud lady-like image was on soap bars around the world. In her older years she worked as a local commentator and journalist for the St. Eustache and Laval West Quebec, weekly Newspapers...

   On her last day she died desperately lonely and without family or friends to comfort her. I hope the people of Canada get this message and help to change things for our elderly before they find themselves strapped to a wheel chair facing a lonely death.

  I want to proclaim loud and clear that nobody on earth deserves to be left alone and in misery during their final years on Earth. We can and will create thousands of new home nursing jobs based on the old (Victorian-Order-of-Nurses) system. The new democratic party of Canada will create a less impersonal and dangerous environment for the millions of often poor elderly who live in our cities. We can do this simply by taking back our streets and creating millions of non-profit co-operative vegetable and flower gardens as well as street parks and Greenhouses and as a bonus, creating millions of jobs for our labor class.

  I do not hope to win the affection and attention of the people of Canada by attacking our government leaders.
I have a unique agenda for social justice and personal freedom that will help to protect the future of Canadian citizens. An agenda first created by Tommy Douglas and his social credit party and presently not so well protected by our federal and provincial governments. An agenda that includes social welfare and social Medicare and a more humanitarian and environmentally friendly approach to living in Canada. An agenda that the current federal government leaders do not have and will not even consider for years into the future unless we quietly implement the changes while they are not paying attention!

 I have been the first to inform you...my dear fellow Canadians, about the hopes and dreams of millions of world friendly humanitarian peace and ecology members around the world.                           

 Thank you for reading and most of all thank you, my gentle friends, for participating in what is proving to be a magnificent social and economic movement towards a better future!
Signed: Joseph Raglione

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