Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A look into the future.

From time to time, the Singularity Hub editorial team unearths a gem from the archives and wants to share it all over again. It’s usually a piece that was popular back then and we think is still relevant now. This is one of those articles. It was originally published October 19, 2016. We hope you enjoy it!
How will AI shape the average North American city by 2030? A panel of experts assembled as part of a century-long study into the impact of AI thinks its effects will be profound.
The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence is the brainchild of Eric Horvitz, technical fellow and a managing director at Microsoft Research.
Every five years a panel of experts will assess the current state of AI and its future directions. The first panel, comprised of experts in AI, law, political science, policy, and economics, was launched last fall and decided to frame their report around the impact AI will have on the average American city. Here’s how they think it will affect eight key domains of city life in the next fifteen years.

1. Transportation

The speed of the transition to AI-guided transport may catch the public by surprise. Self-driving vehicles will be widely adopted by 2020, and it won’t just be cars — driverless delivery trucks, autonomous delivery drones, and personal robots will also be commonplace.
Uber-style “cars as a service” are likely to replace car ownership, which may displace public transport or see it transition towards similar on-demand approaches. Commutes will become a time to relax or work productively, encouraging people to live further from home, which could combine with reduced need for parking to drastically change the face of modern cities.
Mountains of data from increasing numbers of sensors will allow administrators to model individuals’ movements, preferences, and goals, which could have major impact on the design city infrastructure.
Humans won’t be out of the loop, though. Algorithms that allow machines to learn from human input and coordinate with them will be crucial to ensuring autonomous transport operates smoothly. Getting this right will be key as this will be the public’s first experience with physically embodied AI systems and will strongly influence public perception.

2. Home and Service Robots

Robots that do things like deliver packages and clean offices will become much more common in the next 15 years. Mobile chipmakers are already squeezing the power of last century’s supercomputers into systems-on-a-chip, drastically boosting robots’ on-board computing capacity.
Cloud-connected robots will be able to share data to accelerate learning. Low-cost 3D sensors like Microsoft’s Kinect will speed the development of perceptual technology, while advances in speech comprehension will enhance robots’ interactions with humans. Robot arms in research labs today are likely to evolve into consumer devices around 2025.
But the cost and complexity of reliable hardware and the difficulty of implementing perceptual algorithms in the real world mean general-purpose robots are still some way off. Robots are likely to remain constrained to narrow commercial applications for the foreseeable future.

3. Healthcare

AI’s impact on healthcare in the next 15 years will depend more on regulation than technology. The most transformative possibilities of AI in healthcare require access to data, but the FDA has failed to find solutions to the difficult problem of balancing privacy and access to data. Implementation of electronic health records has also been poor.
If these hurdles can be cleared, AI could automate the legwork of diagnostics by mining patient records and the scientific literature. This kind of digital assistant could allow doctors to focus on the human dimensions of care while using their intuition and experience to guide the process.
At the population level, data from patient records, wearables, mobile apps, and personal genome sequencing will make personalized medicine a reality. While fully automated radiology is unlikely, access to huge datasets of medical imaging will enable training of machine learning algorithms that can “triage” or check scans, reducing the workload of doctors.
Intelligent walkers, wheelchairs, and exoskeletons will help keep the elderly active while smart home technology will be able to support and monitor them to keep them independent. Robots may begin to enter hospitals carrying out simple tasks like delivering goods to the right room or doing sutures once the needle is correctly placed, but these tasks will only be semi-automated and will require collaboration between humans and robots.

4. Education

The line between the classroom and individual learning will be blurred by 2030. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) will interact with intelligent tutors and other AI technologies to allow personalized education at scale. Computer-based learning won’t replace the classroom, but online tools will help students learn at their own pace using techniques that work for them.
AI-enabled education systems will learn individuals’ preferences, but by aggregating this data they’ll also accelerate education research and the development of new tools. Online teaching will increasingly widen educational access, making learning lifelong, enabling people to retrain, and increasing access to top-quality education in developing countries.
Sophisticated virtual reality will allow students to immerse themselves in historical and fictional worlds or explore environments and scientific objects difficult to engage with in the real world. Digital reading devices will become much smarter too, linking to supplementary information and translating between languages.

5. Low-Resource Communities

In contrast to the dystopian visions of sci-fi, by 2030 AI will help improve life for the poorest members of society. Predictive analytics will let government agencies better allocate limited resources by helping them forecast environmental hazards or building code violations. AI planning could help distribute excess food from restaurants to food banks and shelters before it spoils.
Investment in these areas is under-funded though, so how quickly these capabilities will appear is uncertain. There are fears valueless machine learning could inadvertently discriminate by correlating things with race or gender, or surrogate factors like zip codes. But AI programs are easier to hold accountable than humans, so they’re more likely to help weed out discrimination.

6. Public Safety and Security

By 2030 cities are likely to rely heavily on AI technologies to detect and predict crime. Automatic processing of CCTV and drone footage will make it possible to rapidly spot anomalous behavior. This will not only allow law enforcement to react quickly but also forecast when and where crimes will be committed. Fears that bias and error could lead to people being unduly targeted are justified, but well-thought-out systems could actually counteract human bias and highlight police malpractice.
Techniques like speech and gait analysis could help interrogators and security guards detect suspicious behavior. Contrary to concerns about overly pervasive law enforcement, AI is likely to make policing more targeted and therefore less overbearing.

7. Employment and Workplace

The effects of AI will be felt most profoundly in the workplace. By 2030 AI will be encroaching on skilled professionals like lawyers, financial advisers, and radiologists. As it becomes capable of taking on more roles, organizations will be able to scale rapidly with relatively small workforces.
AI is more likely to replace tasks rather than jobs in the near term, and it will also create new jobs and markets, even if it’s hard to imagine what those will be right now. While it may reduce incomes and job prospects, increasing automation will also lower the cost of goods and services, effectively making everyone richer.
These structural shifts in the economy will require political rather than purely economic responses to ensure these riches are shared. In the short run, this may include resources being pumped into education and re-training, but longer term may require a far more comprehensive social safety net or radical approaches like a guaranteed basic income.

8. Entertainment

Entertainment in 2030 will be interactive, personalized, and immeasurably more engaging than today. Breakthroughs in sensors and hardware will see virtual reality, haptics and companion robots increasingly enter the home. Users will be able to interact with entertainment systems conversationally, and they will show emotion, empathy, and the ability to adapt to environmental cues like the time of day.
Social networks already allow personalized entertainment channels, but the reams of data being collected on usage patterns and preferences will allow media providers to personalize entertainment to unprecedented levels. There are concerns this could endow media conglomerates with unprecedented control over people’s online experiences and the ideas to which they are exposed.
But advances in AI will also make creating your own entertainment far easier and more engaging, whether by helping to compose music or choreograph dances using an avatar. Democratizing the production of high-quality entertainment makes it nearly impossible to predict how highly fluid human tastes for entertainment will develop.
Image Credit: Asgord /
I am a freelance science and technology writer based in Bangalore, India. My main areas of interest are engineering, computing and biology, with a particular focus on the intersections between the three.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A  message from the heart...                       Pg 1                                 28/11/2017

I want to proudly inform you gentle readers, that the vast majority of Canadians are not fools or liars, cheats or thieves or hypocrites competing at all cost for the almighty dollar! The first to believe in our integrity as Canadians was the late Tommy Douglas, the father of our Medicare system and leader of the C.C.F. party, now called the N.D.P.
Mr. Douglas was named our greatest Canadian citizen for his wonderful gift to the Canadian people. He dedicated his life to helping Canadians. His legacy is our Medicare and social programs and I salute his memory.

  The second magnificent human being to stand up for and protect the social programs created by Tommy Douglas,
 was a wonderful politician by the name of Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada.
I want to explain to you as Jack Layton once did that I have been across this great country of ours and I know for a fact that most Canadians are hard working and honest people who go out of their way to help each other survive in our difficult Canadian climate. We Canadians understand each other from Province to Province and from coast to coast and we are proud to be known around the world as hard working and self-reliant people with a good reputation as international peace keepers for the United Nations. We are not known as war mongers or exploiting profit makers! We Canadians are peace keepers for the sake of all life on this our planet earth!

  I want to be one of many voices to again explain that Canadians have courage and pride and compassion as well as tolerance for each other and for other nationalities and religions around this very culturally oriented nation. We strongly believe in the kind of social justice which allows the implementation of a federal government protected universal Medicare system, a social pension plan, a welfare system and our unemployment insurance plan which helps millions of Canadians each and every year survive economic hardships.                                        
  I  deeply value our Canadian human rights and freedoms and I want to share with you the personal feeling of freedom I felt when I crossed this beautiful country to see for the first time the mighty Rocky Mountains. Oh what a truly magnificent country we have! I want every person in Canada to have the freedom to travel at minimum expense across this country and to visit our cities without the fear (as most of today’s city people have) of being killed by a fast moving automobile.

 Global warming dictates that we put an end to pollution and to traffic gridlock. Within city limits we can create  mini- rail systems and bicycle paths to compliment our current trains and subway systems. We can plant millions of trees and flowers and we can keep the expensive and polluting automobiles parked outside city limits or better yet...replace gas burning cars with non-polluting Electric Cars and Bicycles.

  I want to be the first to tell you that Canadians have a great amount of courage. We have the courage to face change and even to help it happen and we can do it sooner than most people think!

  I understand how many Canadians rely on automobiles for transportation and how important the car is to our economy. I do not want to remove automobiles from our lives but we have little time left to begin some important changes if we are to slow the absolute fact of global warming! To finally start those changes we need to halt global industrial and mechanical pollution.  How many Canadians believed Dr. David Suzuki and his expert science friends when he warned us about global warming? I certainly did because the facts sent to me over the years from NASA SATELITES proved his words to be honest and true!

  Alternatives do exist to help us change from a nation of polluters who depend on oil and gas and internal combustion engines for transportation, to a nation of proud and clean and free people who plant trees and flowers and vegetable gardens by the millions across Canada while traveling faster and better than we have ever done in the past using clean non-polluting alternative transportation systems.

The majority of Canadians are not millionaires and most Canadians do not want to be millionaires if it means getting rich on the backs of the poor and the hard working people of this country and other countries least able to defend themselves from economic exploiters!

 For every millionaire who exists today thousands of hard working people struggle for basic survival in polluted and stress filled work environments here and around the world! It is my belief that we can shorten the work day while creating better work environments based on social justice and a Green based world economy.  There still is a place for oil in this world but not by burning it into the air we all need to breath! Toxic pollution creates Cancer and many other problems and our hospitals have become filled to over-flow! It is possible to create plexiglass and glass green houses almost everywhere. Imagine a city side street converted to a plexiglass covered passage for pedestrians and filled with trees and flowers and community vegetable gardens. This is possible and should  be happening in cities around the world. We need a flower and vegetable Hydroponic revolution against pollution. 
  Imagine streets filled with trees and grass and flowers while our children and our elderly relax in safety and comfort on any given day. The reason I say imagine is because, unfortunately, the opposite is happening! Canada is a wonderful country for the most part but we do have a dark side. Today children are being hit by cars and our elderly don’t dare attempt to cross the boulevards! Immitating our American neighbors, we drive millions of gas burning cars in order to visit humongous box stores which are filled to over-flow with cheap and almost useless consumer merchandise from countries like China! We do not have garbage dumps large enough to bury these products once they have completed their short life cycles!

 Our dark side is based on making money. U.S. television programming has created Canadian imitations of American consumers and we are often treated like consumer items. Old age is one terrible example! As we near our expiry dates we are discarded as opposed to being recycled. To get rid of our surplus elderly we sadly trap them in old people homes and the following is a true story which happened to me...

      “ I am so lonely” she screamed as I walked away feeling that my visit was completed. She was one hundred years old and they had placed her near a window strapped to a wheel chair. When I complained bitterly the nurse removed the restraint.
“But she gets up and falls and hurts herself” the nurse informed me...while removing the straps.

   A few days later I discovered that my long time friend: Miss Muir, died shortly after I had left her in the nursing home.
  Her scream: “I am so lonely” was the last bit of news from a lady who had an active mind to the bitter end.
  In her youth she had posed as the Camay Soap girl. Her proud lady-like image was on soap bars around the world. In her older years she worked as a local commentator and journalist for the St. Eustache and Laval West Quebec, weekly Newspapers...

   On her last day she died desperately lonely and without family or friends to comfort her. I hope the people of Canada get this message and help to change things for our elderly before they find themselves strapped to a wheel chair facing a lonely death.

  I want to proclaim loud and clear that nobody on earth deserves to be left alone and in misery during their final years on Earth. We can and will create thousands of new home nursing jobs based on the old (Victorian-Order-of-Nurses) system. The new democratic party of Canada will create a less impersonal and dangerous environment for the millions of often poor elderly who live in our cities. We can do this simply by taking back our streets and creating millions of non-profit co-operative vegetable and flower gardens as well as street parks and Greenhouses and as a bonus, creating millions of jobs for our labor class.

  I do not hope to win the affection and attention of the people of Canada by attacking our government leaders.
I have a unique agenda for social justice and personal freedom that will help to protect the future of Canadian citizens. An agenda first created by Tommy Douglas and his social credit party and presently not so well protected by our federal and provincial governments. An agenda that includes social welfare and social Medicare and a more humanitarian and environmentally friendly approach to living in Canada. An agenda that the current federal government leaders do not have and will not even consider for years into the future unless we quietly implement the changes while they are not paying attention!

 I have been the first to inform dear fellow Canadians, about the hopes and dreams of millions of world friendly humanitarian peace and ecology members around the world.                           

 Thank you for reading and most of all thank you, my gentle friends, for participating in what is proving to be a magnificent social and economic movement towards a better future!
Signed: Joseph Raglione

It is enough to drive me to religion!

Neutron Stars Rip Each Other Apart to Form Black Hole
This supercomputer simulation shows one of the most violent events in the universe: a pair of neutron stars colliding, merging and forming a black hole.

A neutron star is the compressed core left behind when a star born with between eight and 30 times the sun's mass explodes as a supernova. Neutron stars pack about 1.5 times the mass of the sun — equivalent to about half a million Earths — into a ball just 12 miles (20 km) across.

As the simulation begins, we view an unequally matched pair of neutron stars weighing 1.4 and 1.7 solar masses. They are separated by only about 11 miles, slightly less distance than their own diameters. Redder colors show regions of progressively lower density.

As the stars spiral toward each other, intense tides begin to deform them, possibly cracking their crusts. Neutron stars possess incredible density, but their surfaces are comparatively thin, with densities about a million times greater than gold. Their interiors crush matter to a much greater degree densities rise by 100 million times in their centers. To begin to imagine such mind-boggling densities, consider that a cubic centimeter of neutron star matter outweighs Mount Everest.

By 7 milliseconds, tidal forces overwhelm and shatter the lesser star. Its superdense contents erupt into the system and curl a spiral arm of incredibly hot material. At 13 milliseconds, the more massive star has accumulated too much mass to support it against gravity and collapses, and a new black hole is born. The black hole's event horizon — its point of no return — is shown by the gray sphere. While most of the matter from both neutron stars will fall into the black hole, some of the less dense, faster moving matter manages to orbit around it, quickly forming a large and rapidly rotating torus. This torus extends for about 124 miles (200 km) and contains the equivalent of 1/5th the mass of our sun. The entire simulation covers only 20 milliseconds.

Watch & learn:
Credit: NASA Goddard

#space #NASA #neutrons #blackhole #science
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Poetry Contests.

 They feed on your ego and your deep need for recognition and sometimes they publish a poem or two.
Just in case they don't publish my poetry here are some of my creative efforts just for you this Holiday Season.

An old White guy currently living in Laval West, Quebec, Canada, with Two Black Cats, Terribly sad story. Needs help! Send money or publish his poem.


Under the economic Radar.
Under the economic radar of imperial greed,
Between Left and Right and those who need,
Are lovers of life and freedom who quietly breed
Humanitarian Democracy...Natural Democracy..
Environmental Democracy...Friendly Democracy...
Freedom loving Democracy...
The social hierarchy a natural foe,
Lovers of freedom attempt to know
Whom to trust and where to go
To keep on breathing while they sow

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

They want me to commit to change.

You want is this for commitment?

 I am committed to living long enough to buy a faster and better computer which I will use to spread facts across the world wide web. If those facts contradict the lies of dangerous polluting companies they will spark a slow but steady social change. I hope to live long enough to once again smell clean air and drink pure water. Today's television advertising is a sick joke on society as car companies continue to sell gas burning vehicles to the poor working class while totally ignoring the causes of global warming.
 The future will contain Hydroponic gardens in every school and classroom and in every: home, apartement and skyscraper office building. Learning to create hydroponic gardens filled with flowers and vegetables will force social change as every child in North America will learn to grow enough food to sustain him or herself.
 Technology will help and not hinder the spreading of hydroponic gardens. Working class people will have enough space to grow vegetables within small apartements. The poor will also have enough to eat. I am  committed to advertising hydroponic gardens and non polluting electric vehicles and alternative energy sources across the world wide web as television advertising often limits or ignores these wonderful new concepts.
 Any government that specifically attempts to grow a middle class economy today, insults the millions of poor working people who are the back bone of society and who struggle simply to survive. Well fed people are contented people and it will be the working poor who will finally create the stress free changes we so desperately need.
 This is not a call to arms but a call for non violent social change based on growing flowers and vegetables and it is a commitment I am making that will help save the future for the children.. Have a happy life!.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


 IF SOME LINKS DON'T WORK,  COPY AND PASTe them directly into google.

check out number 5 for great fun old movies




5.=  Great comedy movies.
30.= </> 31. = </> 32. =</>
33. =</> 34. =</> 35. =
36. =                                    37. = </>
39.= </> 40.= </>
46.=  http://www                                  
49.= </>
62.=      (For the super intelligent.)
64.=   (The secret of money.)
65 =  (Subtle influences on the human brain.)
Dear Muslim ladies:

 If you decide to live in Canada, please remove your burqa or your niqab. They are making a great many Canadian citizens nervous and for good reason. Your burqas or niqabs or tchadors are not Muslim religious acroutements and in fact are not and never were religious obligatons mentioned in the Coran. More than likely they were first created to keep sand out of faces when crossing a dessert.

 Why are you wearing your political and cultural acoutrements here in Canada? You are free to dress comfortably in Canada almost any way you like and free to follow the customs of Canadians, even Muslim customs are permitted. However, if you are attempting to impose Islamic indoctrination on Canadians, it won't work? Years ago in the province of Quebec, we removed the Catholic Church from power after they imposed a century of  religious beliefs and ceremonies on Quebec citizens. When pedophile priests created acts of indecency on innocent native children, they were nailed to the cross of justice and many of the Catholic churches in Quebec were shut down. The Catholic religion, one of the most powerful on Earth, lost ground in Canada. Quebec citizens finally set themselves free from imposed indoctrination and today most people in Canada have switched from religious indoctrination to fact based science education. Of course you are free to wear a tent in August if you so desire but dont blame Canadians for staring and or laughing. If you want to bring any one of us to court on a charge of religious persecution because of your clothing, I humbly suggest you forget it! Our Canadian judges now understand there is nothing religious about burqas and nicabes and tchadors and they will throw the charges out of court.

  If you feel you have to wear face and body coverings to please your husbands or fathers or brothers, understand that Canada has laws protecting women from family violence and you can find that protection simply by asking. 


Thursday, November 2, 2017


As long as we've been working to get the Obama Foundation up and running, I've been thinking about what I might say at the Foundation's first big gathering -- what words of wisdom I'd give to a group of people who have devoted their lives to making the world better.

In true dad fashion, I came up with a set of rules. There are just a few of them, and I think they're pretty simple. This afternoon, I encouraged our Summit attendees to follow them while they're here together -- and I think they're relevant to our everyday lives, too:

Rule 1: Listen.Rule 2: Don't be disagreeable.Rule 3: No selfies!Rule 4: Have fun.

It's taken a lot of work to get here, and I've never been more excited about the future of this Foundation. I'm so happy that you're with us.

Thank you,


P.S. You can tune in for the livestream of the second day of the Obama Foundation Summit beginning tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. ET/8:30 a.m. CT at If I were you, I'd definitely be watching around 12:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. CT...
Dear Barack Obama:
 I like you both but I love your wife's super intelligence! Michelle is a wonder of intellectuel prowess!!.I believe your civic center will be a great success and I have one suggestion, invite Stephen Fritz from New York to help you motivate people and especially children. Fritz is fantastic at motivating children and he can teach everybody, including me, how to garden indoors using technology.
This is for you, Michelle...
A Poem.
Few and far between are gardens full with
Peppers, Lettuce and Beans...
Art is wonderful and fine
But hunger is mine and millions more
Who they, the rich, call poor. 
This is for you Barack...
A Poem.

The little Navaho Princess
Felt a need to speak truth to power
And proudly said:

"We are the guardians, the warriors at
the front lines, the gatekeepers of the land..."

I am uniting with others around the world
To make a stand against those who would
destroy our land.

                                              donate today to support the Obama Foundation's work:


 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...